30 Replies to “Archives Of The Entitlement Pioneers”

  1. Thanks Kate and Ed S. I just love spewing my morning java through my nose. :):)
    But that chair looks like it might have a little to much use and wisdom.

  2. I love it! I haven’t laughed so hard for a while. Us conservatives definitely have more fun than the lefties.

  3. Of all the empty chair pics I have seen the one I have not seen is a chair with a sign on it that reads “Present”.
    Obamas whole political life is voting present.

  4. took me about 5 seconds. you owe me a keyboard due to coffee jetting from my nostrils. am forwarding to all my rowdy friends….

  5. So perhaps as far as the cynical elite of the global Marxist movement are concerned, I guess you could say they believe in entitlement in an indirect way – they believe the power lusting Marxist political class are entitled to the world’s wealth and dominion over its population. However, as for the petty social perks(AKA Entitlements) of decadent kleptocratic socialism, Marx never envisioned this type of bourgeois whining inherent in the bed wetting nanny state proletariat.
    BTW: Is Obama the empty chair or is he appearing as that manuscript of confused, quasi lucent, irrational socio-political gibberish on the table? Does this mean BamBam had 4 fathers including Karl?

  6. Until you posted this photo, I was convinced they were the same person.
    Posted by: Ghost of Ed at September 13, 2012 10:26 AM
    LOL +1

  7. Thanks Kate! I’ve already received accolades after circulating this to my own little e-mail list of conservative friends and relatives.

  8. Obama is known to lead from the rear. Not a pun !
    Romney Corrected Obama’s State Dept Statement & then Obama followed/agreed with Romney’s logic and complained to the MSM .Now Hillary is “AGAIN” apologizing for the Film. How long before Obama switches back & follows Hillary…The Chair has a poor (butt) memory.
    Obama stands for nothing, but the Chicago Punk leads from the rear.

  9. It took some time for your’s truly, being old and thiking in slomo.
    You hit the home run with this one, big time.
    The whole world should take a gander, as they say.
    Here thinks.

  10. Would like to send the link to Instapundit.
    There does not seem to be an email link.
    Does anybody know how?

  11. Would like to send the link to Instapundit.
    There does not seem to be an email link.
    Does anybody know how?
