89 Replies to “Return Serve”

  1. How dare he besmirch the reputation of a teacher!
    Teachers are experts, that’s why the media goes to they/them for advice.

      1. Off the books, according to rumour. If that is true, school officials should spend time in jail for covering up. Reporting teachers diddling students is not optional.

    1. PP – have a fair few teachers in our family, and they work hard and do their best for their pupils. Can’t say this about all teachers, and said family members are known to open up about colleagues who are somewhat less then even marginally good. That’s the problem with the public school system: the union protects the incompetents, which means the really good teachers get pulled down by having to cope with kids not properly prepared from the previous grades by said incompetents, as well as have to cope with said incompetents as colleagues (which, from what I have heard, are prone to complaining and otherwise being unpleasent).
      Okay, am a teacher’s kid. And, very much back in the day, had a job upcountry where a fair few from our community also worked. Do remember one fellow worker whose comment on Dad was to the effect of “he was always glad to see you, no matter what you were doing”. Heard that a few times; Dad was tough but understanding, and was doing his best to help them become responsible adults.
      That being said, did have issues with our offsprings’ teachers over the years, and that was despite my rules: “Rule 1: you will like and respect your teacher and do your best for him or her; Rule 2: if you cannot like or respect your teacher, rule 1 still applies”. I did earn my MAB (mother a bitch) with epaulettes, but only when I was convinced there was a serious problem and – more importantly – said offspring was not misrepresenting the facts. Offsprings would complain, but they’ve all become responsible adults despite some of their teachers’ efforts.

      1. Yes, there are still good teachers…. But are they in the majority? Somehow, I doubt that.

  2. Hah!!! Good one Pierre!!! Saw it early this afternoon. I’d have followed it up with “And apparently “NDA” isn’t necessarily a song by Billie Ellish”.
    Media did their best to insinuate the girl was 15 yrs of age tamping down Trudeau’s tryst as a mere indiscretion with a sexually mature student… not quite of age, but hey, close enough.
    Nah. She wasn’t 15…she was 12. That’s Roman Polanski sh**.

    1. It is the privilege of every teacher to rear the country’s children as they see fit!

      1. Just changing the word order to be Alphabet people compliant

        The rear of the country’s children is the privilege of every teacher to fit!

    2. “… not quite of age . . .”

      They are doing their best to insinuate the girl was 15, because at the time age of consent was 14.

      1. There is no age of consent for a teacher banging a student. It is sexual assault aka rape. When the Conservatives raised the age of consent from 14 to 16, the Liberals cried like they lost their favourite toy.

        1. It is the Christendom conservative age of consent. The conservative age of marriage is 12. It was the late 19th century progressive movement that began the campaign to raise it, as a method to regulate prostitution, not sex per se. Canada held to its traditional Christian values for longer than the US was comfortable with.

          Don’t shoot me, I’m just the messenger.

          1. “There is no age of consent for a teacher banging a student. It is sexual assault aka rape.”

            I further note that this is a contemporary radical feminist, cultural Marxist, Oppression Theory with no basis in traditional values or law.

            All “progressives” have to do is wait long enough for their most radical left positions to be declared conservative.

          2. All progs have to do is wait for the conservatives crying ‘pedophile!’ to out themselves as one, apparently.

            Death to traditional/Christian values.

          3. 273.1 (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), no consent is obtained if
            (c) the accused induces the complainant to engage in the activity by abusing a position of trust, power or authority;

          4. “273.1 (2) . . .”

            It is absolutely correct that much of radical, cultural Marxist theory has been implemented in law.
            Maybe I’ve just gotten too old, but I was under the impression that that is the sort of thing conservatives are agin.


  3. Oh…someone give Andy Coyne a fainting couch. It’s all so “appalling”.

    1. I can’t believe that Andrew Coyne – whom rumour has it, pees sitting down (I dated one of his exes who will neither confirm nor deny) – soiled his sanitary napkin over this. In the British parliament, this would have been considered a jolly good barb.

      And it’s a darn good question, BTW. Funny that none of our media – who are too busy congratulating themselves for their “speaking truth to power” – have bothered to investigate. It’s almost as if they were working for the Liberals or something (sarcasm)!

      1. ” In the British parliament, this would have been considered a jolly good barb”
        Jolly good barb indeed. I rank this right up with when Churchill was accused by an opposition member of being a wolf in sheep’s clothing he replied “And you sir are a sheep in sheep’s clothing”

      2. Clearly, Coyne experienced this Polievre barb differently than the rest of us.

  4. He’s probably going to replace Harper for best prime minister. Absolute mad man and I love it.

      1. I can’t unsee that. Thanks for the visual so early in the morning. Made my day /sarc.

  5. I’m sure the media etiquette police will be tut-tutting about decorum. The usual Pierre is Not Our Kind, Dear snobbery. But Trudeau willingly engaged in this battle of words.

    I watched the clip earlier today. Pierre made a joke about Trudeau’s narcissism. Trudeau took a verbal swing at Pierre that left Trudeau wide open. Pierre gave Trudeau a perfect jab to his glass jaw and ego.

    This battle of wits showed that Trudeau is poorly armed. I guess that’s why his advisers keep Trudeau on such a tight script.

    1. Quite right, LC. He’s a low grade idiot. But he’s surrounded by low grade idiots, starting with the moron Katie Telford. It should be quite clear by now that Justatwit is just there as the Sham-Wow sock-puppet to be the huckster selling Liberal shinola. It’s Telford screwing up by the numbers by not getting Justatwit to shut up when he doesn’t know where he’s going or what he’s doing. Her incompetence is shown by the fact that she’s repeating all the mistakes that Nixon and his gang made in 1972-73 in attempting and failing to deal with Watergate. It should be obvious by now that it’s Telford who is the de facto Prime Minister in all but name, sharing the duty to some degree with Garden Gnome Barbie.

      That said, this is still pretty mild given the fireworks in the British House of Commons 90 years ago when Winston was going at it with the Nazi Lady Mary Astor or the Communist Clement Attlee.

      1. It was one of the most honest exchanges in Parliament in years. The leaders are openly showing their obvious contempt for each other. It was better than the constant repetitions of Telford’s scripts and the word salad delivered by Trudeau. Parliamentarians of old were once known for barbs and witty comebacks (so were election debates). To me, that is preferable to the recycled, focus tested babble we have gotten used to from our MPs.

        If you watch Trudeau’s MPs, Pierre’s funny and sarcastic approach during question period has made the Liberal party visibly uncomfortable. He is forcing them to react to a rhetorical style that appeals to regular people.

  6. Why didn’t your PM simply explain WHY he left his job mid-semester? Then he could put the rumors to rest … or could he?

    1. Daddy’s four figure per hour law firm got involved with what ought to have been a routine severance. That should tell you something was seriously amiss.

      1. Yuppers. JT, who had worked a whole 1.5 semesters there, needed a press conference to announce his ‘career change’, with an army of high-priced (Montreal) lawyers in attendance.

  7. Andrew Coyne is melting down.
    Someone was mean to his Daddy!

    Can we have a countdown until all the the Prim And Proper Conservatives start to talk about ‘tone’?

  8. I wonder if they have something, they have to know the cult is going to come for him hard.

    (Harder than dear leadet went after a tween).

  9. What an idiotic insinuation to make. The more Poilievre does stupid nonsense like this the more I’m inclined to think he will blow his lead in a general election.

    1. Fudge off and don’t come back. Enough god damn idiot prichs on here and your at the top of the heap. Liberal scum

        1. I’m right…

          Not since I’ve been on these boards. Neither in opinion nor political position.

          1. Hardly. Your single digit IQ would have to go up by an order and a half of magnitude to be considered anywhere close to my equal.

            And, geriatric? Not even close, ya snot-nosed punk.

            BTW, had your 6th booster yet?

    1. Twenty bucks says China has video. Perhaps several videos. Wouldn’t surprise me if China was supplying the kids in some way.

  10. I think we need to hire David Johnston to investigate. He will let us know if anything untoward took place.

  11. He sure likes to surf in BC a lot. Which leads me to to believe he is interested in more than surfing. Perhaps there were unintended results from the trist ,after all, the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree.

  12. // give Andy Coyne a fainting couch. It’s all so “appalling” //

    A comment: // This would be the *appalling insinuation* that @globeandmail
    reporters asked Trudeau and staff about repeatedly on the 2019 campaign trail.
    Based on an article in something called the Buffalo Chronicle. //

    A response: // Sure wish someone would talk to David Wallace, a Conservative fixer for over 30 years, who’s now a whistleblower.
    He’d be happy to tell how this false story came about, because he was the one Conservatives hired to create it. //

    OK let’s see what David Wallace has to say:

    // Hey @PierrePoilievre Make your smart assed statement on why Trudeau left teaching outside of Parliament […] //

    // He won’t because Chipeur won’t let him, Because if does then the fact that Daddy and his clients,
    The Plymouth Brethren are trying to over throw a government they don’t like, they’ve done it before right @klondikepapers //

    I recall this scoop : THEY FOUND HER
    // British Columbia trial by jury documents Justin Trudeau concealed and had deleted.
    Justin Trudeau’s jury court case SAMIE, ALI vs Trudeau, Justin
    occured when Justin Trudeauwas a teacher in B.C. //

    Accompaningly picture shows Trudeau with some girls, with an arrow pointing towards
    BUT as someone pointed out:
    // I highly doubt the person pointed to in the image is Ali Mohammad Samie,
    who was a plaintiff in a civil motor vehicle accident case against Justin Trudeau.
    Yeah, I paid the $6. //

    1. Heh, seems like your brain is melting, dizzy. Go on, make some more excuses for a pedophile. Give us all a good laugh.

    2. Well dizzy; here is his friend and roommate.


      I am sure the freinds he keeps company with is no reflection of his actions or standards.As I can best recall, there was some controversy over Trudeau offering him a position since he became PM.However,it’s getting difficult to keep the scandals straight, there is so many. And I didn’t even need to pay six bucks.

      1. // And I didn’t even need to pay six bucks.//
        And you got your money’s worth.

  13. What is the Statute of Limitations for Rape? Could Trudeau still be charged in in just world?

    1. In Canada, there is no statute of limitations for sexual assault. There is no rape in Canada. This is now covered under sexual assault and lack of consent. This is for any sexual assault, minor or otherwise. Since minors cannot consent, any sexual contact is an assault and thus an indictable offense.

    2. At the time, sex with 14 year-olds was legal. When the Tories tried to move it (back) to 16, the legislation was held up by some Liberal Senators. Not sure if the one who had a TV show based on him was one of them. Maybe someone knows?

      1. Not if it’s between someone in a position of authority and someone under their charge, and the courts have interpreted that very broadly.

      1. Do not know that site,but your description sure fits CBC,CTV and Global.
        Begs the question..
        Who can we cite nowadays?
        And what separates the Buffalo Chronicle from our very own liars?

      2. It may well be a garbage site Kate but that photo of him in the Kilt is real. WE all know what a stickler Justin is for authenticity so he would be wearing nothing under that kilt sitting spread eagle in front of little children.

  14. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of idiot, of age women out there willing to screw Trudeau.

    He apparently must like little girls.

    But only once, I’m sure.

  15. If the West Grey rumors’ happen to be true, no NDA would prevent the RCMP from investigating. If anyone(staff) knew firsthand or secondhand and did not report to child services or the police, there would be serious consequences for them, possibly even the parents of the child.
    The parents and the diddler can’t just make a deal and keep the police from investigating. It’s not like she was 18 years old,,, there are different laws for minors having sex with adults(for now anyway) and particularly adults that have trust status with said child.
    Did I say “are see em pee”,,,, oh ya,,, move along !

    1. You can’t create a legally binding contract to commit a crime, and failure to report definitely counts. If the NDA is with an underage student, she can’t legally sign such a contract, it would have had to be her parents. I’m not sure what the law is on a guardian failing to report.

  16. As an American this is one of the things I envy about the Canadian and British parliaments. I would LOVE to see dementia Joe in a live floor debate with opposing party members of Congress. He would devolve into name calling and telling them to “step outside” in seconds if he was coherent enough to speak.
