19 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Weird.. A English to English translator that going to be on the hook for everything she gets wrong.. This is going to end well for the vaccine mandate BBC.

  2. That is another confirmation of the old saying, “Is it true, or did your see that on the CBC (BBC almost as bad).” Any audience that would uncritically buy that shite should be institutionalized for being too infantile to be allowed in adult company and certainly incapable of an informed vote. Happy-faced fascism with perky tits.

  3. Hey!
    Spring right to it, Marriane, complete with your handmade nano brown dress. Great gig you snagged right there, full of the usual BBC gravitas.
    Nice hairdo by the way. It screams confidence.

  4. A “disinformation expert” is an expert skilled in disinformation, and should be treated as such.

  5. Notice that she said the awful truth that all mis-information leads, via conspiracies and alternate media, to the far right evil ones.

    We at SDA have been warned 🙂 the Beeb is on the job.

    What is particularly disturbing is that the BBC will, at the behest of GCHQ I am sure, insert themselves into various on-line sites and, doubtless, act as agent-provocateurs.

    1. Agreed. She came right out and stated it. She will be using a host of fake identities. What a cheap shyster. A Soho streetwalker is more honest that Marianne. Naturally she is there to enforce the Party Line regarding global warming. But let’s have a bit of light in the room. Is the Beeb really any worse than the Ceeb, or are they both just variations of Pravda? Jozef Goebbels would be so proud of his latest student.

  6. What complete blather. When I worked as a consultant early in my career, every idiot had a flowchart. Most obfuscate more than they enlighten. Utterly worthless!

  7. Dear Marianna;
    You ask whether a “Jan. 6” episode could come to the UK? And how you will personally guard against any such thing happening … uh, excuse me, but the UK is in a DESPERATE need of a Jan. 6 styled episode! Why? Well … when you can change Prime Ministers without any VOTE or referendum from the Public … you are in DESPERATE need for pitchforks and hot oil from the plebes.

    1. Hey, I’ll take Westminster dysfunction and musical Prime Ministers any day over the Imperial US Presidency, multi-year run-ups and campaigns, elections prone to 50 different state rules, and deep state leviathan that more resembles a monarchy than the real thing. In truth, they are both end stage democracies with expiry dates imminent

      1. I’m afraid you’re right, and that my grandson isn’t gonna be too happy with the new dissident Gulag system. And yes, when a U.S. President can unilaterally choose to NOT enforce Laws of the USA … such as our Birder Laws it isn’t Jury nullification … but Federal Judge and Jury nullification … by the POTUS … and the Deep Staters go long … or lose their pensions.

  8. Can she sing and do propaganda vids like that Biden (dis)appointee NIna Jankowicz?! I’m sure they’ll work well together when we finally learn that the Homeland Disinformation Bureau was never canned at all; if we actually do find that out, of course…

  9. “Disinformation experts” never existed until the truth started coming out.

    1. GYM

      No Truer words have ever been spoken.
      One needs to continually remember/refine his BS..
      ….the Truth however. is baked in & unchangeable
