12 Replies to “Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself”

  1. did they at least find the gun this time?

    I vaguely recall another one where the person who committed suicide shot himself in the back of the head more than once, and the gun wasn’t found at the scene

  2. Dr. Campbell’s been calling out the excess deaths as best as he can without getting permanently banned for at least a year, by my memory. Some politicians have asked questions but really Gov’ts and most Media have worked hard to ignore, deny and bury the issue. They don’t want to truthfully answer the question of why? We shouldn’t expect them to be Jesuits that are good with self incrimination and flagellation. What they have done to us, along with a complicit bureaucracy, is criminal. They should be treated as such. Btw I could really do without the NDP Notley advertisements that been starting every video of his for months now. It’s ironic that under a Notley gov’t every Albertan would have been jab mandated yet advertise on his YouTube vids (who has apologized a couple of times for being wrong for supporting the jabs). The socialist tyrant was already talking about going door to door “to find out why people were hesitant”.

  3. Before Arkancide, there was Johnson-cide…when Henry Marshall was investigating one of LBJ’s many criminal operations, this particular one involving the embezzlement of government subsidies for non-existent crops, Johnson ordered his hitman Mac Wallace to kill Marshall. The hit didn’t go well and Wallace ended up shooting Marshall five times, clubbing him, asphyxiating him, leaving Marshall’s own rifle some distance from the corpse. It was ruled a suicide by a Johnson crony judge, and Wallace was set free. The judge later admitted he ruled it a suicide, only because the sheriff told him to rule the murder a suicide.

  4. I recall there is 2 dead couples in BC associated with a certain academy. Nothing to see.

        1. Really, Suppose the little muppet that was on the receiving end of Justins attentions happened to be of the oriental persuasion. Suppose, suppose. Could it be possible the reason little Justin appears so enamoured with things Sino. Just supposing.

  5. When you are dealing with criminal organizations (Mafia or governments) It’s not really a stretch to expect them to devolve to the level of ruling murders of “difficult” people as suicide. Especially when they are the instigators of those actions, usually to improve their own status/power/greed. The difference now, is that it’s much more obvious to us peasants that it’s happening, and they really don’t give a monkey’s crap that we see it and we know it. If anything, exercising this evil right in front of us, shows they no longer care, and it improves the chance that we’ll kow tow to them knowing we might be next if we don’t accept this new Arkencide reality!

    We’ve been living in a Banana republic for a long time, it’s just that we’ve only now started to notice!
