Y2Kyoto: State Of Anorexia Envirosa

They really don’t like you, and they’re doing something about it.

In Enemies of Progress, author Austin Williams suggests that ‘the mantra of sustainability’ starts with the assumption that humanity is ‘the biggest problem of the planet’, rather than the ‘creators of a better future’. Indeed, many climate scientists and green activists see having fewer people on the planet as a key priority. Their programme calls not only for fewer people and fewer families, but also for lower consumption among the masses. They expect us to live in ever smaller dwelling units, to have less mobility, and to endure more costly home heating and air-conditioning. These priorities are reflected in a regulatory bureaucracy that, if it does not claim justification from God, acts as the right hand of Gaia and of sanctified science.

They will never admit to failure: To aspiring central planners and their enablers in the media, empirical evidence that their policies are backfiring is merely proof of the need to double down. From this, a horde of otherwise intelligent people earnestly believes that proactively destabilizing the grid is not the cause of grid instability.

18 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: State Of Anorexia Envirosa”

  1. Rebranding communism as “green” has done wonders for the extreme left. They only had to rewrite the red book into the green book and sell each piece of their evil agenda as an opportunity to save the world.

    This especially appeals to the dumbed-down Godless youth who require purpose.

    And so purpose has been provided to them.. Self-enslavement.

    An earlier generation would have been able to see through the imbecilic anti-scientific lie of AGW, and rather than rip apart progress would instead look at who was peddling this BS.

    1. The West’s elites prescribe commie controls on their plantation slaves but they aren’t commies. They may be Malthusians however. Some days I see their point. The whole green agenda is being imposed from the top down c/w brainwashing of youth by the governments running the plantations on behalf of the owners. Read “Cloak of Green” and Canada’s lead role in spreading the deception going back to the early 70s.

  2. a horde of otherwise intelligent people earnestly believes that…

    I don’t think intelligent means what you think it means

  3. The stupidest thing about these idiots is, they truly believe that impoverishing the planet is the key to lower population and a cleaner environment- despite all evidence to the contrary. Wealthy people have far, far fewer children and can afford to think about the environment. The logical thing to do would be elevating the third world instead of third worlding the first world.

    1. Exactly.
      Can you imagine a world with 15 billion people in a first world economy. The things we would accomplish.
      The intelligence realized from being released from a mundane existence.
      Can you say replicators and transporters plus God only knows what else. Limitless energy….
      F**king commies think so small.

      1. Wealthy populations don’t reproduce at a replacement rate- the population could be declining on its own without further intervention. But you should have known that already. And I invite you to go live in an environmental utopia like Haiti or perhaps Burundi to get some perspective on the environment in the Western world. I think we could probably find a few people to chip in on one way transportation.

          1. See, bob, I lay out why impoverishing the world will have the opposite effect of what the ecos claim to want, and how if they were to look objectively at the situation they would see that policies more in line with traditionally right wing policies basically accomplishes what they say they’re after without any pain, and you come back with what sure seems like a snide and very sarcastic comment that’s way more in line with a typical lefty reply to some common sense. You see where i’m coming from here? Good afternoon.

  4. Progressivism is all about bringing back feudalism. Modern conveniences like electricity should be withheld from the masses because what’s the point of being an aristocrat if you don’t have all sorts of luxuries that only aristocrats can have? What would be next? Peons with private jets, wandering around in the (gasp!) same airport lobbies as the aristocrats? Do you understand the horror among aristocrats that they might be forced to inhale air that has been exhaled by a serf?

    1. the horror among aristocrats that they might be forced to inhale air that has been exhaled by a serf

      And that’s just the carbon dioxide…what about the methane?

  5. Tom Clancy’s novel “Rainbow Six” had a plot where by ecological extremist industrialists planned to cause a world wide pandemic of super-ebola to eliminate much of the Earth’s population in order to save the planet. It was fiction when written but nowadays one has to wonder.

    1. Pandemics don’t exist. Though vaccines do.

      If one can create the illusion of a pandemic to scare people into getting poisoned, then you can get the body count you’re after.

    2. Great book, but actually, Michael Crichton’s State of Fear is a better fit in this scenario:

      “In Paris, a physicist dies after performing a laboratory experiment for a beautiful visitor.

      In the jungles of Malaysia, a mysterious buyer purchases deadly cavitation technology, built to his specifications.

      In Vancouver, a small research submarine is leased for use in the waters off New Guinea.

      And in Tokyo, an intelligence agent tries to understand what it all means.”

  6. Gang Green.
    Tell me there is a difference.
    One is a civic toxin.
    The other an individual agony.
    The result?

    These persons who are obsessed with their 1st world fantasy problems,will,if not set straight,bring us all to an intimate understanding of 3rd world problems.
    I doubt these useful idiots will survive the experience.
    There is no cure for stupidity.
    We can only save ourselves,as the stupid are too dangerous to associate with..Banish them all.
    Coats Island Canada,the perfect Paradise for Deluded Parasites.

  7. They want fewer people. So, why don’t they do something about it, put their money where their moth is. Kill themselves. That’s what they want, right, fewer people?

    Oh, I see, they don’t want fewer people, they want fewer other people.

  8. “Teach self-denial and make its practice pleasure, and you can create for the world a destiny more sublime that ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer.” Scott
    We’ve raised a generation that is not without the religion that they found so contemptable in their parents. In our post Christian era green has become the core of a whole faith based way of thinking about the world.
