23 Replies to “Canada Is Being Run By Idiots”

  1. “In this video we’re going to watch her make a speech…”

    Not this old cowboy.

      1. Her voice is redolent of condescension and entitlement – the aural equivalent of fingernails on the chalkboard piped through a Marshall stack turned up to “11.” She is a personage of intense and unrelenting awfulness. I’m glad Kevin listened to her speech which means I don’t have to.

        1. Freeland’s tone of condescension is only outdone by HER. Two of the most unlikeable females to ever be born with a vag. Hearing Freeland speak literally makes me nauseous. Every one of her words SCREAMS …“basket of deplorable Canadian citizens”

      2. @Eric:
        You are being very disrespectful towards our esteemed PM.
        Oh wait, my mistake, you are actually referring to Freeland, the Post Menopausal one.

  2. I put the CC on and read it because she’s about as listenable as her boss, Lispy MaGoo.

    The Finance Department should be called the Spendy McSpendy Department.
    They administer federal thievery of the Canadian sheeple subjects.
    There is no accounting just profligate money printing.
    Red is good dontcha know?

    Freeland is a statist who is so dim-witted that she thinks her behemoth federal government is a facilitator of economic prosperity. Well it could be if its budget was 90% smaller.
    Debt charges are more than 2 billion Per Month. In 4 years they’ll be over 40 billion per year.

    Its not bridges or road and airport and port improvements. Its not even defence spending.
    The Liberal Party of Canada has destroyed the wealth and the future of the nation by redistributing it to parasites.
    And frankly the waiting Cons are barely less worse.
    Government is not the answer.
    Its the problem.

    1. Buddy, “Government is not he answer, it’s the problem”.
      Great comment, and with your permission, I’m gonna use it!

  3. Sorry, I cannot bear watch her talk. Ever since Freedom Convoy times, when she was twitchy/almost drugged + she could not even hide the satisfaction that she could block people’s bank accounts. Despicable and disgusting.
    And same with PM Scumbag, cannot bear a second even: I always switch channel or just exit room. Ever since SNC Lavalin/JWR time. His whole demeanor and way of talking/cheap acting is of a liar, moron and overall/accomplished scumbag.

  4. I gave it a shot but 3 to 4 sec was enough . At the end of the day our bitching and complaining change nothing . Thanks in large part to a whore media , they are being allowed to destroy a decent country .

  5. How dare you insult idiots by comparing them to the amoral psychopaths running this country.

  6. LOL. The squeaky “Meester Speeker” Freeland impression was spot on. I quit watching right there. Ya can’t top that.

  7. When the senior bureaucrats and the politicians in power are economically illiterate, things will turn to shit. They have no clue how the economy works nor do they suffer the consequences of their policy fantasies. It’s never their fault when the inevitable happens. They blame their incompetence on those “greedy rich people” which translates to middle to upper middle-class taxpayers getting hosed.

  8. WEXIT.
    Or Waste away at our leisure,pissing and moaning about how “Other people ” destroyed our future..
    When Canada collapses under the weight of debt and freeloaders,we need to to standing inside secure,defendable borders,with our affairs separated from the eastern and our internal Fools and our property firmly held.
    Vital resources fully protected.

    For the collapse of the welfare state will leave many no career paths except looting.
    And that is the natural inclination of our Parasitic Overload and their dependant clients.

    Are you ready to claim and hold Cold Lake and Wainwright so that these bases cannot be used against the “Hoarders of Wealth”?
    For that is how history tells the tale.

    Having stolen everything ,the destroyer then round up and murder all who resist them..
    In the name of “The People”.
    Those who plan for an obvious and easily predictable breakdown of the existing system,wind up being seen as “The Rich”,to be looted by the “Needy” in the name of “Justice”.
    So that all may share more equally in the Misery of the Mindless Masses.

  9. 2/3rds of Canadians are socialists.. Its just not possible to win and actually do anything that threatens the socialism..

    1. “2/3rds of Canadians are socialists.”

      That’s because they haven’t experienced true socialism yet.

  10. How dare he/him trash Chrystia Freeland for being a journalist?
    Journalists (and academics) are the smartest people in the world!
    What is O’Leary? A doofus who is in a reality TV show…just like dRumpf was!

  11. “Canada Is Being Run By Idiots”
    Those Canadians that are interested in the affairs of men, have known that from the time the idiots were voted in by the small minority of Canadians.
    Mostly women that will vote for the idiots again.
