8 Replies to “All Parents Are Fascists”

    1. Thanks for sharing this though this article is exceptionally poorly written. Absolute double-speak!

  1. I’d like them to expand on how parents are combining state and corporate power to oppress teachers… given that teachers generally are agents of the state

  2. About 20 or so years ago a diminuitive female customer who was an elementary school principal, told me that “Parents think they know something about education because they once went to school”.

    I am still shocked by the olympian arrogance of her contemptuous statement.

  3. Well, I mean, the idea that parents should be in charge of the education system is indeed unworkable and does seem to lead to fascism.

    “A Florida charter school principal has been forced to resign after a parent complained sixth graders were exposed to pornography during a lesson on Renaissance art that included Michelangelo’s “David” sculpture.”


    Florida: land of empty libraries and barren minds.

  4. Back in the day, I had two rules for our offsprings:
    1) you will like and respect all your teachers, and do your best for him or her;
    2) if you have a teacher you can neither like nor respect, rule 1 still applies.
    That being said, I was a staunch advocate for the offsprings when necessary. There was one caveat: I had to be told the whole story, both good and bad. Should I be blindsided by some unrevealed problems, the offspring involved was going to regret involving moi. However, circumstances were such that I succeeded in earning my MAB (mother a bitch) with epaulettes during the offsprings’ journeys through “public” school.
