Buying carbon tax-free coal power from the US while shutting down our own coal plants

Last summer, SaskPower said it was going to beef up its interconnect to North Dakota and the Southwest Power Pool, (which runs down to Texas). This will increase our ability to buy and sell power from 150 megawatts to 650 megawatts, or more than Boundary Dam Power Station. We’re going to be paying $52 million a year for this privileges. Well, next week there will be open houses held in Estevan, where this power line will be due south of.

Note this at the end of the story from the SaskPower website, one of the benefits:

“gaining financial benefits through selling power to the rest of North America and avoiding carbon taxes”

This is an obvious case of carbon leakage. We will shut down our coal facilities to buy carbon-tax free coal power from the US.

17 Replies to “Buying carbon tax-free coal power from the US while shutting down our own coal plants”

  1. L – Clearly, Saskatchewan citizens require a *Carbon Tea Party !!!
    To stop being a colony of Ottawa’s Petulant Tyrant’s Imperial fantasies.

    *(Boston Tea Party, (December 16, 1773), incident in which 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company were thrown from ships into Boston Harbor by American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians. The Americans were protesting both a tax on tea (taxation without representation) and the perceived monopoly of the East India Company.
    Boston Tea Party

    The Townshend Acts passed by Parliament in 1767 and imposing duties on various products imported into the British colonies had raised such a storm of colonial protest and noncompliance that they were repealed in 1770, saving the duty on tea, which was retained by Parliament to demonstrate its presumed right to raise such colonial revenue without colonial approval. …”

  2. Very sensible financially. In a world of carbon tax lunacy, the participants will make the most rational decisions they can.

    1. Trudeau will revise the carbon tax to include imported coal power and use that revenue to give a subsidy to Quebec for exported hydro power. Moe is an idiot. He has degraded his office before and he will reap what he has sown.

      1. Wrong. You import electricity, irrespective of how it’s generated. There’s no difference between an electron coming from a coal plant and one coming from a wind turbine. And there are international and national laws and treaties preventing governments from tariffing electricity imports.

  3. Ah, yes. The California Model. Shut down power plants, buy power from other states, brag about reducing your carbon footprint.

  4. When economic suicide is national policy, it is incumbent on all elected sociopaths of all subsidiary levels of government to join in. When the majority of voters support such insanity, what good elected supporter of democracy is going to say no. Of course we’ll be first in line for the cattle cars……

  5. Sounds good until Ottawa bans imported coal and oil fired electricity. I hope Moe didn’t lock into a long-term contract.

    1. In the same way, some people buy “renewable” energy under contracts, once the power is on the grid you cannot separate between power that is produced by coal and oil, versus the intermittent wind and solar….

      Thus, parliament should be forced to build their own grid that only gets power from wind and solar to show canadians how it’s done

    2. i’m moving to Montana soon
      gonna be a carbontaxfree tycoon

      live close enough to the USA, drive across for carbon tax free goods/services/gasoline/diesel?
