12 Replies to “Who pays the bills?”

    1. They’re called “clouds”. The next semi-serious “hill” in that direction would be so-called Riding Mountain, which is in Manitoba. And the Alberta border is roughly a mile behind the camera. So that’s an entire province, the size of Germany, in between those two points.

      1. Thanks Brian for your reporting! We’ll take our oil and natural gas and leave Legault his maple Syrup! FREE THE WEST!

        1. But, but, but … maple syrup is natural … and the native peoples discovered it! Oil is unnatural and yucky. Right? And some white dude invader/settler/colonialist “discovered” oil in PA … yuck.

          Native peoples … and Neil Young are GREAT “stewards” of the land … they would never build those ugly white tanks blighting the Sask. prairie.

          1. I heard the story that the Athabasca natives used the highly prized black lumps of pitch that appeared on the river banks to seal their birch bark canoes. Of course that could all be fairy stories to amuse the gullible gubmint researchers.

  1. Get Alberta and SK out of the Canadian Penal Colony and go UDI which ends all Indian Treaties.
    Timevto dump Ottawa. And all the socialist garbage.

  2. Thanks Brian good to give the hard working oil industry some credit.That hill in the distance is where we string up Easterners who do nothing but bitch full time and do nothing to solve anything

  3. Those who pay the bills are always the vilified ones. That’s because the parasites want to call the shots. No parasite ever cared if its actions would lead to disaster for both it and the host.

  4. Whomever is paying the bills could maybe spend a few dollars on the road between Blaine Lake and N. Btfd.
    Jeez what a series of potholes, some big enough to swallow a snowbank! I assume it is like that all the way to P. A. from Blaine Lake, but I didn’t have the pleasure of the rest of that ‘Drive’.
