Showing Up To Riot

Still true.

Matt’s response to his critics is a master class in addressing the timeless refrain that we must moderate our speech in order to win over those offended by unvarnished truths — and not a single response to his answering to their complaints is in the least bit persuasive. In fact, many of those Walsh answered quite ostentatiously walked back their earlier criticism, or tried rather transparently to defend it while simultaneously proclaiming that they stood with Walsh from the get go.

This, I submit, is a major step forward.

33 Replies to “Showing Up To Riot”

  1. Rude, so what? The left asserted they’re entitled to their version of the truth, now they assert we have to validate their delusions and falsehoods-no thanks I am fed up to my ears with liberal lack of logic and that include limo conservatives who lecture us on “Politeness” when everything we value is under attack and being destroyed. Shove your politeness up your hinney.

    1. Rose… Your proposal is acceptable.
      This Mulvaney character seems to be nothing more than a narcissistic creep living in a fantasy world. All I see is a wannabe Mr. Dressup whose Tickle Trunk is stuffed full of women’s costumes.

  2. Walsh is correct. The Left believe we are an enemy worse than any foreign dictator or tyrant and that conservatism is worse than any foreign ideology or belief. We only need to look at what they think we are worse than. To the left we are so wrong we are worse that the most evil dictator of the 20th century. Our leaders are always compared to Hitler and we are always compared to Nazis. You can’t get any worse than that. There is no compromise with the left. There can only be destruction and it’s either us or them and they have already decided.

  3. Jesus said of John the Baptist. “What did people go to see? A reed shaken in the wind? No they went to see a prophet”. A declarer of Truth.

  4. You can all imagine where I stand on the subject of Walsh being “mean” to a mentally-ill, self-delusional, proselytizer, of the Trans faith. Let me remind you this all started with “Pride” (in deviant homosexual behavior), which begat the “anti-bullying” (meaning homos get to bully YOU), and “tolerance” (except for any traditional thing YOU believe) … movements. These begat “love is love” homo “marriage” which in one fell swoop erased millennia of Christian marriage, and unleashed serial Homo-hate launched on Christian businesspeople. And if you don’t accept … then embrace … all of it … you’re a “homophobe”, err a MEAN homophobe.

    No you’re not. You’re not a homophobe for clinging to guns, God, and biological sex. Nor are you a transphobe. Nor are you mean. You’re normal. You’re human. A biological … not a sociological man/woman.

  5. Squishes. Truth is not mean. Rude is different, it’s an energy like anger.
    Matt’s getting states to implement legislation. Good enough for me.

  6. Over on Twitter- that bastion of “free speech” – you STILL cannot say that transgenderism is mental illness.

    If you do, you end up in Twitter jail. I still have a few days left in my sentence. No time off for good behaviour.

    1. I remain banned for life from The Daily Mail comment board for the “sin” of not “celebrating” a lesbian kiss between a U.S. soccer player and her wife.

  7. The problem for the churches is the interpretation of “Speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15). A misinterpretation of a passage has led to the current behavior of most churches – soft peddling the gospel and not addressing current issues. My church, for example, has three kids wrestling with transgender issues right now, and not only does the church not know that there is a problem, there has been nothing, but silence from the pulpit, even when talking about 1 Corinthians chapters 7 and 8 and the idea of sexuality being linked directly to being made in the image of God.

    It is not loving to support a lie, or to tell a lie. That is the work and province of the Adversary, the thief that comes to kill and to destroy. Christ had no problem calling the Pharisees a generation of vipers or whitewashed sepulchers full of dead men’s bones, or taking a knotted cord and whipping the money changers out of the temple. When someone came with a genuine need, and repentance, he worked wonders for them as Luke 4 and 5 point out. He came to heal those that were sick, the ones that knew they needed a physician. For them, he had all the time in the world.

    And don’t be concerned that they might not like to hear the truth. Christ was killed because the ruling class couldn’t handle the truth (that was not the only reason as He came to save the lost through self sacrifice), that was the excuse they used to justify their false outrage. And very likely, if he were here today, we, in the churches, would have some of the same problems with his teachings. True light is difficult to handle.

      1. He is a traditional Catholic. They tend to be well represented on the side of Truth (pro-life, anti-pedo-cult). Orthodox Jews make a good showing too.

  8. One of the most powerful rebuttals is to use the words of your critics unedited – better is to have them on video speaking their version of the truth. Let them make your point. Master class.

  9. A reminder that all the snippin’, stitchin’ and pretendin’ in the the world will not change XY to XX or vice versa. No amount of violence in righteous indignation will change that.

  10. When you agree to meet the left halfway, moderate your “tone” and use their preferred language — it changes the way YOU think, not the way they think.

    “In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win”. — Ayn Rand

    1. Brilliant quote. And that is the precise dichotomy we are facing … food for the soul, or poison for the soul.

    2. Consider that anything to say to a leftist is thought to be bad, racist, patriarchal, Trumpist, ect.

      Mocking is the only thing you can do.

  11. The trouble with so called “Conservative” is that they want to please the coalition of socialists/fascists, so called “Democrats” and so called “Liberals”.
    It is interesting to note that the conservatives should state the programs and stick with it.
    Conservatives should not find way to please the assorted ‘ists. In fact they should not be offering an olive branch so to say.
    They should not want or expect the “ists to join them, they should persuade those ‘ists that what they do is not working, there will not be crowds of the ‘sits that will come over, though there would be enough to prevail and make difference.
    It is hard to come out from under the dome of ‘isms.

  12. I’ll stand with the Triggernometry guys on this. I think they’ve done more for their causes than Matt has. Matt is more satisfying on a gut level, but ultimately the good you accomplish lies in convincing, not cheerleading. Matt’s approach guarantees us viscerally-satisfying second-place finishes forever.

    1. ” but ultimately the good you accomplish lies in convincing, not cheerleading.”

      You can’t ‘convince’ these people of anything, since they are completely unwilling to listen to anything that isn’t 100% in agreement with them. Their minds are firmly closed, and any argument you might make that they can’t counter simply results in them shrieking obscenities at you.

      1. My home base is Minnesota – land of liberality. I know these people.

        Maybe 10%-15% of libs are hard-core true believers. The rest have simply bought into the idea that we – the right side of the continuum – are nasty brutish evil people looking solely out for ourselves. For that reason alone, they keep voting for bad things.

        The people I’ve convinced – and there are some – have been convinced by persuasion and by meeting people of the right who aren’t nasty and brutish and evil. Once they can see you as just another basically decent human being, they become at least open to talking.

        To me, Matt just reinforces the nasty part. We’ll never win another election if we can’t convince the huge middle that it’s not a black-and-white world. That was Trump’s ultimate downfall. I’ll vote for him for as long as he runs, but my entire family won’t – not because of his positions, but because he’s “nasty.”

      2. You can’t convince the Hard left of anything,true, but you have to convince SOME of the moderate Left to vote for you as an alternative to the Far Left government of Trudeau.

        Only about 30% of Canadian voters identify as conservative,so the CPC needs to convince another 8-10% to vote for them or forever be stuck in Opposition.

        I’ve never seen a video by Matt Walsh before, must say he smacked this one outta the park.

    2. The entire British Isles are steeped in gay acceptance. The entire nation has rolled over to the LGBTQqAI2s+/- Gaysteppo. They are every bit as petrified of being called a homophobe, as they are being called racist. So, rather than think of what’s good for the culture and society … they worry about what someone might think of them. It’s time to drop the pretense and the fear. But the Brits are all too far gone.

      The difference between “the gays” and the “trans community” is comparable to the (expressed) difference between radical Islam and mainstream Islam. “The gays” say that some Queers and Trans activists are over the top … but the LGBTQqAI2s+/- are basically “peaceful and good”. But the gays will NEVER be heard to criticize DragQueer Story Hour aimed at small children. Why? Because the Trans Queers are the shock troops for the LGBTQqAI2s+/- … same as Radical Islam or ANTIFA. They are all at war against our culture. All of em.

      The entire LGBTQqAI2s+/- is succeeding in cowing our society to not only “accept” … but to “celebrate” their deviancy. They DEMAND you consider them as “the new normal”. No they aren’t. And they never will be … hence … they’re going after our children

    3. So?
      It is about truth.
      Not about first place.
      And what ’cause’ is that?
      They will carry on with the lies, we just do not have to bend over to appease them.

    4. I disagree. They only laugh at your willingness to compromise. How many elections do conservatives have to lose before we stop trying to please the enemy.

  13. That is the most powerful declaration of war I’ve ever heard.
    K U D O S to Matt Welch. I cannot find a single flaw in the content or tone of his truly brilliant rant. Never has 17 minutes passed so quickly!
    You may already know this: he has six children.
    He says it and he’s right: they are coming for his children. All our children.

    And Kate is as usual on the mark about the disaster of meeting lunatics half way. Think of how many, even here, who have adopted the lingo – homophobia, transphobia, transwoman, transman, transition, carbon footprint, etc. etc. . etc. etc. etc. every one of which is a white flag. I assiduously strive to use none of the enemy’s bogus lingo.

    The imagined high road is the road to defeat and hell.

  14. Lots of the ‘Official Conservatives’ are nothing more than losers and actors who are allowed to make mild criticism of the left but rush to attack the tone of anyone who is effectively countering the left’s insanity.
    And they attack it because it is effective.

  15. Let’s remember Psalm 2 and 11: God laughs at evil people, and hates wicked people. Those who think that “nice” or “nuance” are Christian virtues, do not know Christianity or virtue. Ned Flanders be damned.

  16. I agree with Matt Walsh. Thanks for posting Kate. I thought that was a very precise outline of the current hive mind. Sad that there are not more who speak so boldly on social media.


    Matt Walsh _ Feb 22nd 2023 _ Responds to Rudeness

    17minute video…
    Transcript (paraphrased)

    … “when it comes to gender ideology the truth is ugly. It is brutal and harsh and disgusting. By pointing that out some on the Right would rather dress the truth up to make it more palatable, in order to protect the feelings of our enemy. Some wish to fight the culture war but not make them feel bad about themselves. I’m telling you that is delusional and I’m not going to protect your feelings anymore than our enemies. We got into this position in our culture precisely by valuing politeness over truth, by refusing to speak the hard blunt truth, and thus allowing the anti-truth brigade to emotionally blackmail us into silence. They use their own mental fragility as a cudgel to beat us into submission. Too many let them get away with it, I won’t.

    … “they say we’re not going to convince the other side with “harsh rhetoric” but understand this, convincing the other side is not my primary objective. That is the core difference between you and me; I’m not looking to reach an understanding with these people, I’m not interested in compromise and dialogue with those who castrate children, who attack the very concept of truth, who erode the very foundations of civilization. My goal is to defeat and humiliate and demoralize them. I want to destroy everything they stand for. After all, they are not interested in compromise, they want nothing less than your unconditional surrender.

    … “defeating, humiliating, demoralizing the enemy is also good strategy since it rallies people to our side, emboldens our troops, lets people know it’s ok to speak up truthfully.

    … “and to criticize “preaching to the choir” or “just pandering to your own audience” is to fall into another of their traps. No. “preaching to the choir” is a good thing and we need more because if the choir is demoralized, scared, and cowering in silence then you damn well better preach to them. What kind of congregation do you have when even the choir is too afraid to sing? Our choir, the many millions of them, have been cowed into submission. They are nervous, they are timid, maybe like you. To say we need to tailor our message for a group that hates us, who will hate us no matter what we say or do is not just morally wrong it’s also terrible strategy. That’s how you die, by watering down your message to those who aren’t interested in your message you only alienate the very people who are interested.

    … “some say, “but we can’t win hearts and minds without being nice”. Where did that idea come from? From the Left, who aren’t trying to be nice. And they’re winning. By the way, the ‘tone’ of ones argument is sometimes more important as the substance, because by pointing out the oppositions’ repulsiveness is to win the days battle. Be unwavering. Their position is not even to be considered, let alone acknowledged.

    … “they do this to us but dishonestly. They claim it’s the truth which is insane, when what they’re peddling is what’s insane and we have allowed that. To enter into their dialogue is to give credence to their ideas, to legitimize their dishonesty. That’s also insane since we speak the truth while they babble in nonsense. We ‘moderate our tone’ and ‘kill them with kindness’ while they recruit legions by doing the opposite.

    … “if you sense anger in my message it’s because I am angry, at what these people have done to our country; the devastation they’ve wrought on a generation of children and adults, the bleakness and ugliness of their worldview, the moral and intellectual chaos they leave in their wake. To consider my children must inherit that culture leaves me in a boiling rage. I must do whatever is necessary, will speak whatever truth is necessary, to protect my kids from their hellish, god-forsaken madness.

    … “Anger is a legitimate response and I will continue to say whatever I am justified in saying. They are after our children. All children. Yet some still say ‘yes, but don’t be rude’ or ‘using mean words is going too far’. Words will come to mean nothing if our situation continues. We must be prepared to go much further than mere mean words.

    … “So if you’re angry, let your words reflect that anger. Our problem is not ‘being angry’ but not ‘being angry enough’.”
