Fake News & Gov’t Misinformation

Two peas in a pod.

Stephen McIntyre- Unfortunately, in their zeal to silence supposed disinformation, Lewandowsky and his “Expert Panel” perpetrated analysis of the type that we’ve seen too often from the fellowship that countenanced Hide the Decline. Let’s start with sourcing “2800 deaths”. This figure appears in their Table 4.2, which stated that misinformation resulted in 8% fewer vaccinations, resulting in 2800 extra deaths (35% !) in period from Mar 1, 2021 to Nov 27, 2021. Compared to model.

Francisco- When you can’t find any real bodies you get your computer model to dig them up.

9 Replies to “Fake News & Gov’t Misinformation”

  1. According to the models they have saved millions from a flu that 99.7% + of us would have survived if they had done nothing..
    They are GHOULS..

    We are at the point where they would rather run a computer model of you than listen to your sworn testimony.. Reminds me of the Spanish Inquisition.. A bunch of powerful nutcases masturbating to their own politics..

    Really is nothing new under the sun..

  2. I wonder what the computer models would say about my utter refusal to rub hand sanitizing lotion all over my hands and do it whenever it was told. Sorry. I refused.

    I expect their model would predict that I have personally MURDERED 27 of my fellow citizens because of my Q-Anon inspired refusal to play along. How could I NOT care about my fellow humans?! I must be a conservative.

    1. And yet, curiously, you yourself didn’t die. Must be a statistical anomaly. Perhaps the model can explain it.

  3. “Hide the decline” wasn’t even the worst part. The threats leveled against the scientific journal publishers was the death knell for the peer review process…now we can’t believe *anything* they tell us, because ‘peer review’ is now ‘pal review’.

  4. Ahh.. Stephan Lewandowsky,now there is a blast from the past.
    What Canadian Ethics Free organism has hired him?
    The one truth in all of this,Stephan is an expert..on misinformation..
    I should have known he would end up in Canada,for he is a perfect Liberal or Demon Rat.
    USA must have had too high a standard,or too much competition.

  5. Environmentalist lawyer Steven Donziger in the movie Crude “Facts do not exist… Facts are created.”

  6. “Compared to model”, which model, how was it made, what scientifically measured facts went into it? My guess, it was a standard modern model, you put “facts” into it made by your biases and desires, the numbers you like, say, something you heard or read out of a skiing magazine, whatever “facts” most closely fit your desires, then adjust the program to produce the desire you like, without telling anyone what the program is or how it works or where the “data” came from (refusing, in fact), then call it “science” based solely on your “scientific credentials”. Put on a white lab coat and they will believe anything, and never question, because they are lazy.

    These deaths, are they from Covid, or merely from someone who died of anything but tested positive (meaning they were exposed to Covid, not that they were sick with it)? Does it also include the deaths caused by the vaccine and it’s side effects, or did you just forget that part?

    These “experts”, how do we know they are experts, how were they chosen? Who is their paymaster, and will they get paid if they produce a different number, or are they only paid if they produce the desired number? My guess, the paymaster is either directly or indirectly the companies that produce and “sell” the vaccine. I say “sell” because now they don’t need to sell, they can get the government to force people to buy the products, saves a lot on advertising costs. And pay for it with tax dollars, which are collected by force, from you.

    Newton’s Laws of Experts.
    – First Law: every expert persists in his state of rest or opinion unless acted upon by an external grant;
    – Second Law: the rate of change of opinion is directly proportional to the applied grant; and
    – Third Law: for every expert there is an equal and opposite expert.

    “Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” – Richard Feynman
