17 Replies to “Justin’s Just Transition”

  1. “Just Transistion”
    Is it just me or do the powers that be know all that held this country as a special place is about to fall without a fight and they are trying to grind the noses of the people that make stuff and rail against the obvious into the ground?
    I hope the West does fight this, as they have every right too.

  2. Her response was too long winded and polite. A simple “Hell, no, we won’t go” would have made the point far more eloquently.

  3. Transition to what, the left’s green policies are absolute failures and don’t produce enough energy to power a clock radio long term so what are we suppose to replace gas and coal with?

    1. I don’t get why you all find this so hard to grasp, it’s mind-numbingly simple…

      Step 1: End all resource extraction and use
      Step 2: ?????
      Step 3: Green utopia of plenty

  4. I guess everyone has caught on to the “climate Justice” ruse … so the Madison Ave. rejects working for Trudeau came up with “Just” transition. Kinda like the “New COKE” … when you actually drink the swill known as a “Just Transition” … you will spit it out. If you don’t freeze to death first.

    PS … she better come up with a better argument than 70,000 jobs … because JUSTin’s Transition Team have already suggested new jobs in solar sales boiler rooms … or learning to code.

  5. Two things I’ve noticed.

    #1: They are talking up renewable energy in Western Canada but only mention “installed capacity”, not “actual production”.

    #2: Many of the oil & gas companies in Alberta / Saskatchewan have pledged to their shareholders not to increase production. This will mean debt pay-down and greater profitability (in the short term) and a serious lack of production in the longer term. #2 is calling the bluff of #1.

  6. Just tell the useless prick that the Notwithstanding Clause Zone begins at 102°W & ends at 120°W.

  7. Kick the Feds out of every inch of Provincial Jurisdiction. Even if it means UDI and see you later..
    Get out of the CPP, the UI scam, The RCMP contracts, kick them out of every single area of Provincial Jurisdiction.
    Even quit funding the Equalization Marxism. PET screwed up big. The Funding for Equalization is not in the BNA or the Constitution. So quit funding it by issuing a Provincial Notice of Voluntary withdrawal in 30 days from the Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Agreement.
    A totally voluntary agreement between the Provinces and Ottawa.
    And get ready to roll a convoy and this time no honking, just bring wear your shit kickers.

    1. And deputize every tax payer.
      The Local Police will be us.
      Self policing,will avoid the utter failure of “Professional Policing”.
      Announce “No Welfare”..
      Watch our parasites flee to the East.
      Start negating idiotic laws,imposed by Ottawa.

  8. Maybe the message is being garbled by the illiterate twits of the Government Media..
    Are we sure they are saying “Just Transition”.
    Or is it “Justine’s Tradition”.
    Or is Justy Trudeau transitioning back to an unemployable bum?.
    Can’t trust anything the trough suckers say,we will have to interrogate Justine The Petulant’s “advisor” to find out what it is trying to say..
    All I’m hearing is “War”.
    The none tool using segment of society has declared war on the tool users..
    They really are that stupid.
