14 Replies to “Biden’s America”

  1. In the US police are locally administered. I’m sure Progressive Pat would see the need to defund them (they are all racist, even da Blacks (don’t use “the”)) and, when the need inevitably arises, replace them with national State Security.

  2. New Atlas has a very good new video on Youtube. Serch on youtube for New Atlas, he discusses various, mostly Ukraine, things. He links to two Rand corportion documents vry worth reading by those who believe Putin is Satan.


  3. Yeah. We get it. The progressive left is hegemonic.

    So now what?

    Victor and his ilk have made a cottage industry lamenting and documenting the revolution but never offer counters to the situation.

    I suspect that’s because it’s easier to grift by whining and also…they can’t quite bring themselves to admit what needs to be done if things are as truly wrong as he purports.

    1. I’ve been asking, whenever I hear or read someone complaining, what’s the solution?

      It’s rare to hear both the question and an attempt at an answer.

      In know i mostly don’t have answers. But then again I’m not click driven.

      1. So much of the conservative space is just recounting progressive victory and lamenting it and analyzing it.

        It’s a tiresome grift.

    2. OTOH … as they say at Alcoholics Anonymous … Step 1 is admitting you have a problem. We are all busy, distracted, people who no longer have time to mind the fences. We need reminding of just what has been happening while we were busy with our lives. Calling VDH a grifter ignores his life of historic scholarship and perspective … as well as his high tech Paul Revere ride to wake us up.

      And because we are the generation of protesting a useless, pointless, proxy War (against Communist China) in VietNam … we are intuitively tolerant of protests. But the shock troops of the Democrat Party have no legitimate cause for the destruction and murder they commit. When the National Guard opened fire at Kent State … songs were written and outrage continues to this day. When BLM and ANTIFA rioters and looters murder dozens … it is barely reported and immediately forgotten.

      And who doesn’t find it odd that Saint George Floyd … the drug addled criminal … is cause-celeb for $2B in property damage … while Tyre Nichols … a wholly innocent man is deliberately murdered by 5 black police officers … and we ACTUALLY get mostly peaceful protests. Well … I suppose … since Donald J Trump is no longer President … the Democrat shock troops were told to stand down.

      Every word of this well-written VDH article is true. Step 1. Admit and describe the problem. Step 2.? Yes … it’s time we get to Step 2 … which used to be “Stop Drinking”! Stop Drinking the leftist Kool Aid … VOTE them OUT of office. Well … the left have pretty well taken THAT option off the table.

  4. The collaboration of government and the rich bastards, the ruling class, is of course fascism.
    The government tell the rich bastards what to do and the rich bastards will oblige as proxy for dicktat (sic).
    It is a force to make the plebeian to submit to the ways the ruling class want.
    In the past there were governments of any kind that were, for lack of better word, directed by the rich bastards, since the worker had no say. The politicians had to do what the rich bastards said to do, though the politicians put certain limits on the rich bastards.
    As limited as it was, it worked better.

  5. It will come to an end eventually, the apathetic citizens of the west obviously won’t do much about it but the rest of the “un-woke” world most definitely will.

      1. Jeff, “Do what exactly?”
        When you, or we, or at least a good percentage of us, have had enough, we will choose to do what is needed.

        When those in “authority” continue to jab their very pointed finger into your chest and sometimes your eye, you take a step back to alleviate the force of that jab a little. Unfortunately this just emboldens the jabber, who steps forward to jab again, so you take another step back, and so on. Eventually you step back enough to come up against a wall, and can no longer take a step back, but that jabbing finger steps forward again creating at least discomfort, or perhaps pain with firmer jabs at you. You then have a simple choice!

        Either you fall to your knees and accept the jabber’s authority permanently, or you reach up and grab that jabbing finger, and snap it off. I know what my choice will be, and I would hazard a guess that you too, know what your choice will be, when you reach that moment! I think internally most of us do know what that choice will be…..

    1. @Jeff

      “un-woke” world – meaning the world not the west.

      “Do what exactly?” – they are already doing it through the economy by sidestepping the petro-dollar.

  6. I would argue that while VDH has well described the leftist capture of virtually all of the institutions (corporate and state), “anarchy” does not describe the result. The actual result is something more along the lines of post modern nihilism, economic fascism, and 16th century church level thought control of the era of Galileo and Bruno. We are in an amazingly coordinated cultural revolution aimed at reducing western civilization to a nullity in order to rebuild a new and improved version of Marxist-inspired technocratic dystopian serfdom. Anarchy would imply a ‘no state ‘ environment. None of what has happened could have transpired in a truly libertarian or anarcho-capitalist environment. Even equating anarchy with lawlessness doesn’t work as the current situation is such a plethora of laws that the rule of law can no longer occur while the dominant institutional left gets to decide which ones they choose to use.

    1. OTOH … the WEF has been busy nullifying States via their interlocutory edicts and actions. Turning Banking institutions into defacto State Regulatory Agencies for those who don’t toe the Global Warmist, Carbon Neutral line. I’d call that Centralized Anarchy … trampling the Constitution … one Fossil Fuel loan denial at a time. Effectively REDLINING the entire Fossil Fuel Industry
