14 Replies to “Bait And Switch”

    1. No one will march on anything. The people did not back up the truckers and that is the canadian way, no balls.

  1. Considering that identity theft was unknown before computers, the claims of privacy under a regime of digital ID are highly suspect. As a small precursor to what is coming, my bank, which I’ve had for over 25 years, has been pushing a two-step identity confirmation process to access online banking for the past several months. It requires having a Canadian cell phone. Problem is, I no longer live in Canada and don’t have one. Everything has been working well to this point and I’ve managed to avoid it thus far, but I’m not sure how it’s going to play out going forward.
    My experience with privacy legislation is that it unnecessarily complicates the normal, straightforward things ordinary people want to do but never affects those that count money by weighing it.

  2. It’s been coming for some time, slowly, but lately this “Glowbull” control has been accelerating across the globe. It’s not going to end well for most. Neil accents the important bits, food and energy, but rest assured more plans are in the works.


    1. I just tried to post an innocuous comment and was informed it was subject to moderation and would be released once it was ‘approved’. By whom and for what? This has never happened to me before. I presume the irony that my post concerned privacy under a regime of digital ID is lost on our humorless overlords.

      1. A post rising from the dead? I’ve never seen it happen. The ones filtered always seem to be totally innocuous and they seem to be gone for good. I just accept that it’s a quirk and our betters might not even know it’s happening because they would fix it and they don’t.

        1. scar
          I just tried again and got shut down again, so I don’t think it’s random. During the editing window, I put a tart comment at the end in case anyone is actually reading it. Time to get out the pitchforks, peut-etre?

  3. Screw it; I’m going to try again. Considering that identity theft was unknown prior to computers, claims of privacy safeguards under a regime of digital ID are highly suspect. My bank of longstanding is currently trying to push a two step system of verification in order to access online banking. It requires a Canadian cell phone number which I don’t have. I’ve managed to avoid this intrusion so far, but who knows how it will ultimately play out. My experience with privacy legislation is that it seriously inconveniences normal people trying to do ordinary things but doesn’t affect those who count money by weighing it at all.

    Whoever is doing this, fuck off!

  4. Zero Trust?
    I misunderstood Neil.
    I thought we already had zero trust in our parasitic overload..
    But no,Neil means our parasites will impose “guilty til proven obedient” upon us.

    Seems the parasites who infest civil society,need culled.
    Seems to have happened on a 80 year cycle.
    The idiocy and overreach of our helpers,is beyond parody.
    It really does seem,as if they believe they can live your life for you.
    And have the arrogance necessary to attempt to do so.

    Some peoples children.
    Really are so incredibly stupid,that they cannot be reasoned with,communicated to or reached in any civil way.
    So sad.
    Too Bad.

    Digital ID?
    Administered by the same idiots who brought us Dread Covid Theatre?
    To be run on computer systems powered by Wind and Solar?
    Those computers to be powered by Utility Power that is guaranteed to brown out and black out,because of idiotic regulations imposed by these same idiots?

    Yeah,thats gonna work

  5. Neil touches on another item.
    Confidentiality of personal information.
    Does any Canadian still have confidence that your medical records,held by Government,are safe from spying eyes?

    Who knows your Vac Status?
    limited access.
    Cause it’s an emergency.

    And the “Recuperation camps” were being built for the non-obedient..
    So just how did they intend to identify the nonjabbed?
    We had government morons,elected and unelected, talking about rounding up the resisters…
    How did they plan to identify us?

    Not even bothering to mention the utter incompetence and idiocy of our minions when it comes to system security,passwords and closing files.
    Sheesh over half of those “working from home” couldn’t even log on..

    Our State run “Healthcare System” is a lie and a fraud…Given how they provide the promised medical services,do you really think their promise of protecting your most private information is worth anything?

    Any ideas on how we could check this?
    Could we track ,each access of our records?
    And who did that accessing?

    Can a system that froze individual bank accounts, without court order,warrant or ever a chain of command, be trusted with any private information.

    Knowing what we know now of our helpers,State Thugs one and all,what would you be willing to trust them with?

  6. And for those who use their face or their finger print to unlock their phone probably don’t realize what they have really done.

  7. I am sure the World Economic Forum has the solution; just tatoo a QR code onto the forehead of every person, and implant an RFID chip into their right hand so that they can be tracked and positively identified when it is too dark to pick up the QR code, so that everybody will know that we aren’t a criminal.

    And if somebody refuses these identity moves then just cancel their Central Bank Digital Currency account which everybody, by law, has to have to buy or sell anything that replaced national currencies after the possession of gold coin and ingots was banned. After all who wouldn’t want their Central Bank Digital Currency account you need to get your government Universal Basic Income free money?

    You need to support these necessary measures to stop crime, says the WEF, IMF and United Nations.

  8. More and more, Neil’s words nail it. I’ve made mention of digital bank accounts a number of times on SDA, as have others. I never really mentioned digital ID much, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s all part of the same plan. Free digital money each month, that will vanish at month end if we don’t spend it, and a new monthly deposit on the first of the month. Of course we’ll also have cash/fiat currency…..until we are lulled enough into the digital prison, and then cash will be gone, and any you may have in reserve will be useless. Once they’ve achieved this digital heaven, then you won’t be able to fart without permission, and any challenge to, or derogatory comment about the government or the powers that be, and you’ll be cut off from your digital lifeline, perhaps permanently, and if someone takes pity on you and helps you, they too will be cut off and cast into the prearranged oblivion. We will be digital slaves, in a new techno feudal age. As Neil says, once that prison gate slams shut behind you or behind us, that’s it, there will be no turning back. They will have us all permanently by the short and curlies! Proceed into that dark hole at your peril my friends.
