36 Replies to “Put Down The Cookie”

  1. If the school would get back to subjects that matter, including physical fitness, there would not be such a “large” problem. No society can solve it own ills without capable, strong, fit, well trained (not brainwashed), thinking citizens. And it first has to admit that it has problems and what those problems are. There are too many lies being told to spare the victims. Reality is a harsh mistress and if you ignore it, it kills you.

  2. I was a fat kid. Got fatter every day until I stopped stuffing my face with cheetos in front of the TV and went outside for some excersise.

  3. Do everything you can, at your first opportunity, kids! Dye your hair, Chop those parts off, get a (?) sex partner, you never know when the end is coming, but don’t worry, you can always MAiD out before you can get too old to regret it!

  4. Personal experience here.
    In my case it was primarily diet related.
    Excessive consumption of refined carbs (bread, macaroni, sugar) and starches (potatoes, corn) and treats (cookies, cakes and pies) gonna make you fat from the start.
    Early aggressive treatment should be better non Canadian Food Guide diet.

    1. Me too. Never had too much trouble with the exercise part, it was diet. (Wife is a stupendous cook with no inkling of portion size).

      Finally got that under control and voila… skinny-ish man. Now just trying to add a little bit of muscle back. No mean feat at my age but I was a bull of a man earlier in life, I’d like some of that strength back (not vanity muscle).

      1. I have been building a large shop building the last couple of months since my retirement. I have lost 10 to 15 pounds from all the exercise. I thought it would be great to get back to my fighting weight around 190 pounds. Every night I check out my new physique in the mirror expecting to see all the muscle I had when I was 25. Instead, I am starting to see ribs and bones sticking out where I never even knew I had any.
        They say you lose 10 percent of your muscle every 10 years, so I shouldn’t be surprised I am down 45 percent or so. But I always thought there was still some muscle under the skin. I am pretty sure they are still there because they ache like hell every night. They just don’t look like much.
        I keep reminding myself I am not being forced to build the White Canal. Things could be worse.

  5. They could get some gender affirming ‘care’ thrown in, while they’re getting the obesity surgery, and have some healthy breasts or testicles removed – If you don’t support that you’re an obvious transphobic bigot.

  6. Some of the things we are was willing to do to others makes me question our viability as a species. Seriously.

  7. I look back at my class in the 1960s. The fat lesbian kid was even thin by today’s standards. The lesbian thing came later in life. I watched a lot of TV at night but I was always doing something. I trapped and hunted, walking miles every sunny winter day. I was no athlete but every time more than 3 kids got together there was a ball game or football game and not that sissy girl’s flag football. At school, every recess or lunch was a soccer game. Today it’s a society of slugs. Maybe more learning would be done at school if there was 1 1/2 hours of reasonably intense physical activity every day.

    1. I graduated HS in 1974 … and I could count the number of FAT kids in my entire school of 1,200 on my available fingers. It just wasn’t a thing. Everyone was super active, or simply not stuffing their faces (although the gooey cinnamon rolls SOLD OUT every brunchtime). I hung out after school on most days playing pickup basketball games in the gym or hanging out in the weight room or running bleachers and sprinting the track curves … walking the straights … sprinting the curve … walking the straight … two dozen times. And we actually SHOWERED at school without fear of queers. It taught men how to walk among naked men and not give a shit. None of my children ever showered in the EXACT same gymnasium. How sad … we’ve made kids lives smaller and smaller … more and more cushioned from ANY possible discomfort … so of course they are stuffing their faces … to comfort themselves.

      1. I recall my grade 8 class. Probably close to 40 kids. Four chunky gals and maybe one of the boys, if I recall correctly. Most of us were active all day and, of course, we had one phone … in the house. I truly believe the cell phone has caused way more damage than anyone expects. For instance, I wonder if the reported increase in autism is caused by many mothers focusing on these things all day instead of their babies.

      2. Good point Kenji.
        I finished HS in 77 and there were only a couple of obese kids in my school of approx. 900. I was a 95 pound weakling partly because of genetics but also because I was always on the go…walking or biking to school and work, roller skating up 3-4 times a week, working non-stop for 10+ hrs a shift in a restaurant on the weekends plus another 4-5 hour shift during the week. Even when I got married in 1979 at the ripe age of 20, I only weighed 125 pounds. It wasn’t until I hit my mid-late-thirties that I began accumulating the pounds due to a less active lifestyle, and more food & beer.

  8. Part of the continuing Narrative that your failures are not your responsibility.
    As has been stated here – if you are a junkie, don’t try to kick, just take free safer drugs from the gov’t.
    If you are unhappy (and what Jr High student isn’t unhappy) get a gender change.
    If your life sucks, you are obviously marginalized. Don’t try to do better.
    And if you are fat, obviously the only way out is drugs and surgery.
    Because you can’t help it.
    The psycho-babble industry in 3 words: “Not My Fault!”

    1. Good observation. Personal freedom goes hand in hand with personal responsibility for the consequences.

      1. I left one out – if you are a pedophile you are a victim of “age differentiated attraction” or whatever the latest term is.
        Not your fault. We need to embrace your victim situation, and it starts with a “caring” re-naming of your perversion.

        Ask any happily married man if he has ever had any sexual attractions that he has had to deny.
        We all have ’em. You’re not that special.
        And food – heck, if I chose to give in to my urges, I would be an alcoholic blimp.

    2. You just explained why DOCTOR Jordan Peterson is so thoroughly HATED. He preaches the exact opposite of that psycho-babble. And now that he is so POPULARLY off the res. … he must be destroyed

  9. And if the drugs and surgery don’t work, you can always just abort ’em. They were probably doomed to just be useless eaters anyway.

  10. When are they gonna extend MAiD to pre-teen and teen kids? This would solve the problem right quickly.

    The “world is over populated” bunch want the Earth’s population halved by the end of the century, so we have to look at every method, not just snuffing old and terminally ill people. Today’s dead 14 year old will NOT reproduce half a dozen kids as they are wont to do, which will eliminate hundreds of possible descendants over a century.

    There’s always a bright side………………

  11. That is utterly appalling!

    “Inaccurate view of obesity as “a personal problem, maybe a failure of the person’s diligence” ???
    “Obesity is a biological problem and the condition is a complex, chronic disease” ???
    “Obesity is not a lifestyle problem. It is not a lifestyle disease,” ???
    “It predominately emerges from biological factors.” ???

    On what planet???

    When I grew up, obesity was almost unknown. Very few of my classmates were even overweight. Now a considerable percentage are plump or more. If it was all biological, it would have been the same when I was a kid.

    My grandson was seized by social services from his abusive mother and was put into a foster care group home for a few months. He got fat, well on his way to obesity. Then they allowed him to come live with us, and over the next few months he slimmed back down. ALL DIET RELATED!
    Exercise can play a significant part but not in his case, he got very little exercise in either home.

    How can those “health experts” solve the problem when they won’t admit the cause?

  12. There is something going on.
    Recently saw a good number of mothers shopping with their middle teens’ sons.
    All the young men were looking as though they needed help, were fat and appeared completely useless.
    Thinking that they will forever live on welfare.
    Another observation was that the mothers were not very interested in their offspring other that telling them what to do, they had to otherwise the sons would be lost.
    Thinking further along, the mothers probably wanted the boys just to get back at their fathers, not so much that they were thinking about actually raising up normal young men.
    Of course, this is not a rule, though it appears to be more common.

    Then again, there is a lot of doctors, teachers, witchdoctors and rather a large number useless graduates of psychologists, psychiatrists, social studies graduates’ that need money too. The government need to blow other people’s money on something, they can’t leave the cash in the hands of those that get up every damn morning and actually earned it by work.
    Can’t have that.

    Other than that, yeah, drop the damn cookie.

    1. Another way to describe those kind of boys-

      They look like they’d be allergic to peanuts.

  13. There is a proverb that goes something like this:
    Eat Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dinner like a Pauper
    Another variant:
    “Eat your breakfast alone, eat your lunch with your friend, give your dinner to your enemy.”

    You maybe surprised, you can eat as much as you desire for breakfast and if you follow with the rest of the story, it works.
    You just have to make it a habit.
    What you eat in the morning, will last you for most of the day and you will use it up by the evening, though you got to have at least a snack for lunch and leftovers for dinner. Hunger is not the best way to go..
    Never get fat.

    1. Soda has changed.
      It was bad enough when it was sweetened with sugar.
      That changed around the mid to late 80’s unless it was kosher.
      Today corn syrup derivatives are used, anything with ‘ ose ‘ tacked on the end like dextrose .
      Corn syrup is metabolized differently than sugar, sugar gets burned first by the body but corn syrup goes into the fat reserves.
      Diet sodas are even worse, flavored water with lime or lemon is much better with a bit of sugar as a sweetener if you must.
      And stay away from the purple ‘ drank ‘.

  14. Don’t remember much about my public school teachings but totally remember the great fun of going to school and all the games and things we did along the way. Remember just one kid who was heavy and known as Belly Robinson, always being picked on. Always bike riding in later grades and in the Boy Scouts for their camping and activities. Today its all what is on the phone, reading your messages and replying and being driven everywhere.

  15. Fear not Oh Fatties..
    Dear Leader,our benevolent Emperor Justine..The Petulant..Will solve that obesity problem ,just for you.
    Because he/it loves you.
    Thats why you cannot afford to buy food in Can Ahh Duh.
    Your beloved Party has worked for years to ensure you live in perpetual poverty.
    Unable to afford food and rent,you may now bless the Party,for preventing you from being obese..
    Of course if you cared about your own health,you might learn what works for you and what does not..Instead of drugging children..

  16. I came for the cookies. I stayed for the puberty blockers. I got up with the gene slurry. I left with the toxic meds.

  17. At 70 years I am fortunate to have never had a weight problem. Only time my weight went near #220 was from a medication I was taking. Changed meds, weight disappeared. 6ft currently 196 lbs. Optimal blood pressure, all blood work in good range. Have a high metabolism and am always busy doing physically demanding things, ie: remove cedar siding and install vinyl vertical board and batten siding. Removed very large walnut tree. No help on either job. Major interior renos as well over last 2 years. Love sweets and eat too many as well as salty foods like chips, pretzel etc. I guess I am fortunate to be this healthy.

  18. “Covid” bullsh*t made three of my grandkids fat. Most people I know with a few exceptions gained weight sitting on their arses because the government said so.
    -Don’t eat and you won’t get fat. The government is working on that program as we type.
