32 Replies to “Dan Crenshaw, Swamp Creature”

    1. That is an unfair comparison to imbeciles….

      Former “Prince” Harry is probably worse than your average imbecile

  1. Peeps were sucked in by his fancy high production value commercials on YouTube. The man in real life hasn’t lived up to those at all.

  2. The pirate patch will only take you so far. WEF members toe that razor thin line for the sake of optics…but eventually they’re called upon by their masters to go all in.
    Which he has in spades.

  3. Crenshaw also called the 20 Patriots … narcissists. Wow. For someone who can’t live without a television camera sewn to his eye patch … that’s rich. Almost as rich as Crenshaw is from all that Grumman cash

  4. Whoever coined the nickname “eyepatch McCain” was soooo bang on.
    Funny how when McCain went against the majority of his party he was called a Maverick.
    By the medias own definition we have 20 Mavericks. If I was one I would ask media hacks why they don’t use that term for me.

    There is no reason that someone else cannot be speaker, and lots of good reasons why someone else should be.
    When he’s got Pelosis endorsement, you know you have the wrong guy.

    Matt Gaetz should be Trumps running mate in 2024 since DeSantis has essentially DQd himself from that position (stupidly)

    1. He was called a Maverick because he sided with Democrats over his own party, not because he went against the majority.

    2. No.

      No to Trump in 2024.

      He makes terrible staffing decisions. His cabinet was composed mostly of backstabbing weasels.

  5. Look at who is pushing the latest “conservative darling” and you realize they all end up as swamp creatures, with very few exceptions…


    There isn’t a single conservative in politics. Just like Canada’s Michelle Rempel, Jason Kenney, the Ford brothers, etc.

    They are ALL POS’s.

  7. Woke culture is reknown for turning on those members who deviate even a little from an ever-changing but unforgiving orthodoxy.

    But they aren’t the only ones. Conservatives often rip into those who wander off the narrow path, even when they agree with the heretics on 90% of the issues. No wonder they lose so many elections.

    1. Conservatives often rip into those who wander off the narrow path, even when they agree with the heretics on 90% of the issues.

      And I couldn’t agree with you more when compared to the left the best way I can describe them is that the left are like an old Paris whore that will suck any dirty bleep.

  8. I wish I could remember who referred to Crenshaw as “McCain without the depth perception” so I could give them the appropriate kudos.

    This speaker saga is exposing the swamp creatures within the GOP even better than Trump ever managed.

  9. Yup.

    Crenshaw and Gowdy had me fooled for a while. They are very skilled actors.

    1. Yes but you like being lied to. Especially when they promise not to do something in your mouth.

  10. Politics= acting for ugly people.
    Movies =acting for pretty people.
    The Uni-Party has been providing these ‘actors’ for decades.

    Think back to the Taxed Enough Already movement in the USA and Reform in Canada.
    Did you admire the way each was subverted?

    A person of integrity will not “Wear whatever skin you want” just to get elected.

    Power is not held or wielded by Elected Persons.
    And the corruption is so obvious,that no one in their right mind would attempt to just reform it.
    When the whole barrel is a putrid mass,throwing out one or two apples changes nothing.

    And so, here we sit.
    Knowing that we are controlled by a kleptocracy.
    Knowing civil reform is impossible.
    Knowing those holding the power are unreachable by civil methods..
    Cause that is how government by thieves for the benefit of those thieves works.

    We sit and wait for it to fall apart or for “someone else” to destroy it.
    Cause we are civilized and not in immediate pain.
    When the citizenry is no longer serious,then conmen will fill the empty spaces.
    Crenshaw’s con was picture perfect, until he had to actually do something..
    All hat,no cattle.

    The founders of the Republic knew human nature.
    And that “tree” will get nourished..
    But first we wait,hoping for that miracle.
    Of our Progressive Urban Citizens recognizing real limits.

    Maybe countries past a certain population are in fact ungovernable?
    And nations should be restricted by size and numbers..
    Or ,as our Urban Comrades all seem to lose touch with reality once their gated enclaves exceed a certain mass,maybe every city shall be a Province in their own right,once their indebtedness exceeds 1/2 their income.
    Freeing the rural citizenry from their parasites.
    Imagine the chaos,a bunch of over extended parasitic minor governments,cut off from their victims.Forget “Equalization”.
    While each tries to pretend to be a nation in its own right.
    Glorious infighting and mutual self destruction.
    The name calling and abuse being directed toward these Congress Critters,may indicate the level of real fear inside the Uni-Party.

    1. I’m ready to stop paying them any attention at all since it only seems to encourage them …. and buying more ammo.

  11. I was dissapointed too. Normally, SEALS will have character and other traits for good leadership, certainly being trustworthy is paramount. But I suppose Washington corrupts absolutely. There was a famous F-4 Vietnam ace and Top Gun instructor Randy Cunningham, who became a congressman and went to prison for taking bribes. One time a real life decorated hero that put his butt on the line, dipped in Washington became a zero. That is an evil space with lots of ways to corrupt a person.

  12. Dan Crenshaw was a “class member” for 2019 WEF young global leaders. I discovered this when I was looking on the WEF sight a year or two ago when I was looking for Canadians on the list (Michelle Rempel Garner). Other names that were WEF’ers that surprised me were Maria Bartiromo and Tulsi Gabbard.
