27 Replies to “Controlled Opposition”

      1. …and Michael Avenatti!
        I was shocked when I saw that Hannity interview with Lauren Boebert. That’s when I began to realize that Hannity had turned a corner. (btw… I’m afraid that Trump has also turned the same corner)

        That photo confirms it. Hannity is an actor, and I am thoroughly disappointed and disgusted. I’ll never give Hannity any credence ever again. Let’s hope Tucker isn’t falling into that trap. He’s my last best hope for FNC to turn things around and go back to what they were good at doing, but I’m afraid that FNC is not what they used to be. They sold out a long time ago. [sigh… they’re falling like rocks in a landslide now.]

        1. Hannity was a complete ass last night. I visited Boebert’s website and voiced my support for her commitment to disruptive behavior. The mainstream Republican party is useless.

    1. The Grey haired guy is Shawn Hannity, a talking head on Fox News (Trump could do no wrong robot) mixing it up with talking head drones from the left – no context given. All of them, INHO are unwatchable. He used to share air time with Alan Colmes so is used to their company.

  1. I heard him make the argument yesterday to elect McCarthy as Speaker of the House because it wouldn’t make a difference who was in that position. Only the political party designation mattered. He totally ignores the distribution of campaign funds as a valid reason NOT to fill that position with an establishment type. He totally ignores the absolute impotence of McCarthy when it comes to putting pressure on the various politicized institutions. He totally ignores McCarthy’s willingness to allow the DOJ to ignore documentation requests by the Judiciary committee.

  2. Isn’t that kamala harris, a cuomo and don (play with yourself in public) lemon?

    Disgusting to be seen with that bunch of scum and to be smiling.

      1. I, actually, agree with Eljay on some of those names. Crenshaw has turned into a useful tool of the establishment. Pool was very supportive of Bernie which, immediately, puts his judgment in question. Shapiro is more concerned about others considering him intelligent, and very often sacrifices common sense (not to mention how his business operations are funded, and by whom). Rogan, I think is just entertainment. He strikes me as pure Libertarian. Charlie Kirk…meh, no opinion. He’s not important enough. Peterson strikes me as the main character in Idiocracy….it’s like he just woke up and can’t believe what he’s seeing. But, I think he’s naïve. He keeps talking about seeking common ground with the opposition when, in fact, there isn’t any.

        1. None of them offer solutions. All of them want money. Some of them, especially Rogan, advocate immorality.

      2. I agree with eljay on all of those names, especially Rogan.

        There are NO voices on the right in the mainstream media, and NO voices on the right in the controlled alternative media either.

        They are simply more leftists who know how to pretend to be conservative. And there are an embarrasing number of conservatives who are fooled by them because they just want to believe there’s someone on their side out there.

        The political game is rigged – your vote doesn’t matter, and it never has. Elections are just circuses to make the serfs believe themselves to be free.

  3. Hannity always came across to me as the perfect leftist caricature of a right wing loon – a little to “on the nose” to be real

    1. “the perfect leftist caricature of a right wing loon” – Agreed. He couldn’t hold his own when up against Colmes. He struck me as the last choice representative of the GOP tribe and someone you would be embarrassed to admit was on your side. Unlike Canada, the Stupid Party does have a talking head on network TV amongst the Evil Party flotsam. Unfortunately, cheerleading for the GOP does little to bend the needle. Rand Paul and perhaps a couple others are the few voices undeserving of the Stupid Party characterization.

  4. I’ve never cared for Hannity. I add another 15 seconds when recording Tucker Carlson and that’s about as much as I can stand of S.H. Phoney blowhard. Fits right in with the RINOS. Add Kevin McCarthy, Lindsay Graham and that dick with the pirate patch to the list.

  5. Disappointed to find so many here that can’t differentiate the interviewee from the interviewer. Hannity is small potatoes in the media, he had a following years ago when he ran on the coatails of Andrew and Rush but today he falls far short of the skill level that interviewers exhibit on the internet today. Chanel Rion, Jan Jekielek, Natalie Brunnel, and many others on semi-independent web sites are replacing the MSM use-to-be icons of ten or so years ago. Having said that it has to be stated that occasionally these by-gone interviewers do come up with the occassional guest that is of current relevance. Rogan’s interview with Malone was one interview that no one in the media would countenance. Beck’s interview with Whitney Webb is another. Be selective when you judge the interviewer, some have fallen into the trap of their own importance but occassionally they unearth a diamond as they crawl through the goo that they deal with in trying to remain pertinent.

  6. Didn’t recognize one of them.

    That’s what a life without MSMTV does to a guy.

  7. “Didn’t recognize one of them.

    That’s what a life without MSMTV does to a guy.”

    I got Hannity and Lemon.
