8 Replies to “Year End with Premier Scott Moe, Part 2: oil prices, differentials, federal issues, pipelines and immigration”

    1. I’ve been worried about this for a while now. We become just another nation and the cost of goods shoots way up. The real inflation starts. I’m n the good side, no more need for bs wars but a big war will need to precede the loss of dollar hegemony. Manufacturing jobs will return to the west and our quality of life will really be affected and not in a good way. I’m not looking forward to it.

  1. Anyone got a short version of what he said on immigration?

    People with lives can’t watch videos.

    1. Chairman Moe said SK wants its 15,000 share of Trudeau’s 500,000 per year and he’d like more than that. SK pop at 1.2 million and tracking toward 1.4 million. Moe is wants more refugees and immigrants, as many as he can get to come.

        1. Canada’s birthrate is now 1.4. Unless we bring in MASSIVE amounts of immigrants, don’t expect to ever take a holiday again. With the retirement of the baby boomers just about over, nearly ever sector of the economy is seeing huge labour shortages. The only way to address that is to bring in more people, or accept massive contraction of the economy as jobs go unfilled. That’s the reality.

  2. Chairman Moe acknowledged the price differential but he did not offer anything to reduce it (put more oil on trains was it). Not sure what he could say but regardless it was not inspiring. Hoping for change from Trudeau is not much of a plan.
