26 Replies to “Those giant stinking fans failed Saskatchewan, again, on Tuesday”

  1. Crony capitalists made a lot of money selling these over-priced ship anchors. Politicians and bureaucrats made lots in kick-backs.

    It’s as bad as DTE saying it will save the bee by scalping the land of vegetation and installing solar farms.

    1. dont bring science into it.

      thermal gradients. energy density , disposal of fibreglass. carbon footprint of concrete and steel foundations . 20 year maximum life. fraying plastics blowing in the wind.

  2. Funny thing is, if you ask a “True Believer” what the solution is, they will say that all you need is more windmills. That’s the proposed solution in Germany and the UK right now. “We just need more wind and solar.”

    Uhhh, 40 times nothing is nothing and 80 times nothing is still nothing. Come to think of it, 10,000 times nothing is still nothing. Funny how that works.

    I’ve begun to suspect that math and logic are not the strong suits of the “Green Enlightened Elites”.

    1. So … you all put on three layers of clothing for a few days … and shut down your businesses for a few days … every once in a while. Think of it as an eco-holiday. Enjoy your time off. Read a book. You know … like you do at your ecar supercharger. Slow down. Take time to admire the “stillness of winter”.

      This is your better’s “solution”. Get over it. We piggish capitalist Westerners need to learn to “live with less”. Oh!? You think my hyperbolic scenario is just outlandish conservative bleating? Then you’re not listening to the “green” energy enthusiasts. They don’t have an answer for their intermittent energy sources … other than to force us all to GET OVER IT.

    2. H.R. says: “I’ve begun to suspect that math and logic are not the strong suits of the “Green Enlightened Elites”.

      Yup. Neither Math nor Logic. Nor meteorology or electricity. And they cannot hear either, as people who do know about such things yell at them.

    3. I went to an event sponsored by Professional Engineers Ontario back in 2008-2009ish. The speaker was a engineering prof specializing and an advocate of wind power. Even back then he stated that in Ontario, all the good sites for wind had already been built on. Any further development would be less efficient, less output. I find it hard to believe that the Germans have not reached that status long ago.

    4. Those same True Believers hold the same belief about gun control. When it’s pointed out to them over and over that gun control laws don’t work, their solution is?

      MORE gun control.

  3. At 2 to 4 million a piece, these bird killers do not pay for themselves. Not even close.
    Why in the hell are these still a thing?

    1. Because if you want to eliminate hydrocarbons you need to present an alternative so the sheeple will line up to be sheared and corralled into indentured servitude – while bleating platitudes of moral superiority

      1. There is a f*** of a lot more hydrocarbons used to build this s*** than ever would be “saved”.

  4. The Eloi are told and taught that the bat slicing, bird chomping eco-crucifixes are their future and they are happy about it and vote accordingly. They believe that any problems will be solved by the Morlocks they trust and vote for.

  5. “The company decided against calling it the Big Beaver Wind Facility,…”
    LOL…Now why is that you suppose?? Someone at BlueEarth said “Na”.
    Anyways…Sask Power is committed to reducing GHG emissions 50% by 2030…that’s 2030, a mere 7 years away, so expect a whole lot more of the same. I guess it’s totally possible if your plan is to buy coal fired electricity from N.Dakota to make up for shortfalls that are sure to come. Maybe that’s a question for Fred Matheson from Men’s Wear.
    Don’t forget folks…a 3% increase in your energy bill kicking in the new year. Something something federal carbon tax.

  6. When the wind dies down in Saskatchewan, one is sure to get the message here.
    But then, interest in the Saskatchewan wind is longstanding:

    “Spring is here, the winds are blowing, Four inches of topsoil, going, going.”.
    Sarah Binks “The Sweet Songstress of Saskatchewan”

    1. Called it, in the schadenfrozen post:

      16 hours ago
      “I am directly involved in the legal cleanup of this and can provide a little more detail as to what actually happened (Tyler, reach out to me you have my email if you’d like to verify my identity here).

      The city of Berlin required the hotel reduce the ambient temperature of the hotel lobby to save on energy due to sanctions. Its been abnormally cold in Berlin the past few nights dipping down to -11°C last night and -12°C the night before that. The water is heated to a constant temperature above 30°C for many of the fish species that lived in the tank.

      As the nights got colder and colder, the lower ambient temperature of the air surrounding the tank likely started causing deformations and hairline cracks in the bottom of the tank where the pressure is the greatest. Last night at -11° caused the ambient temperature to drop too low given the reduced heating in the lobby and is what it looks like caused the “sudden unintentional disassembly”/catastrophic failure of the tank. city of Berlin required the hotel reduce the ambient temperature of the hotel lobby to save on energy due to sanctions. Its been abnormally cold in Berlin the past few nights dipping down to -11°C last night and -12°C the night before that. The water is heated to a constant temperature above 30°C for many of the fish species that lived in the tank.

      As the nights got colder and colder, the lower ambient temperature of the air surrounding the tank likely started causing deformations and hairline cracks in the bottom of the tank where the pressure is the greatest. Last night at -11° caused the ambient temperature to drop too low given the reduced heating in the lobby and is what it looks like caused the “sudden unintentional disassembly”/catastrophic failure of the tank. “

    1. Whatever it is, it’s not zero. How many coal-free days do we have? How many natural gas-free days? While some go down for occasional maintenance, the entire fleet does not, at random times, for random lengths of time, go to zero. But wind does.

  7. Before I knew Maria’s name
    And heard her wail and whinin’
    I had a girl and she had me
    And the sun was always shinin’
