Saturday On Turtle Island

Biden’s America:  Hunter looking for new clients for the Biden crime family.  The reparations scam in California.  Reaction from the New York Post on the Twitter scandal.  What is missing from the Twitter files?  Your morning meme.

China Virus News:  What is the end game.  The health officials won’t move on.  The award for the statement of the bleeding obvious.

Today In Islam:  Coming soon to North America.  Islamists levy jizya tax on Christians and Jews.

Trudeau’s Canada:  A diversity is our strength story.  Bring back the cops.  Fuel up those tanks!  Justin’s CBC warns about the violent, extremist, Freedom Convoy coming.  Ontario, Yours To Pervert. Government funded drag show.  Today Dear Leader takes some personal time in Vancouver at taxpayer expense.  Then he burns jet fuel back to Ottawa for more personal time at taxpayer expense.  And Rex Murphy writes about Danielle Smith.

Global Warming Scam News:  Maybe its not such a great idea to buy an electric car.

18 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

  1. Switzerland.

    The Poster boy of Europe, Demonstrating sanity has left the continent.

    Their only Baseload Producing sources are nuclear and some Fossil fuel plants.. and both are under the knife.

    One wonders when Europeans will wake up if ever..

    Zero fks given

  2. Hunter Biden – two days ago CBC radio had an expose about J. Edgar Hoover and how his FBI targeted decent, hard working, middle class Americans like actress Jean Seberg. She became the target of FBI scrutiny due to her support of the Black Panther Party. They noted that the FBI also targeted Martin Luther King, anti-Vietnam War protesters, and the Nation of Islam.
    Do you think that the timing of this broadcast is a coincidence now that Hunter is under investigation?

  3. Wow, Rex is again top-notch with his text in NP 🙂
    It’s a miracle that he’s still able to publish and his column not taken down by Justine&co.

  4. Regarding the reparations to black Californians.

    Okay then … this current generation some of who whom will show themselves to have ancestors who were enslaved.
    So they get paid.
    The next generation of black Californians will ALSO be the descendants of slaves and the generation after that ….
    Should they get paid too? ….
    Just for being born and black in California? And what about succeeding generations …

    How long do we, who have NEVER owned slaves, pay those black people who were NEVER slaves?

    This could turn out to be as bad as paying off native Indians forever just because they got to N America a few thousand years before we showed up to modernize the joint.

    1. Blacks and natives can’t make it on their own so they’ll need to be babysat and breastfed for eternity. Prove me wrong

  5. Long covid is your? rights and freedoms determined in the star chamber local hospital.. Its all down to sore feet and over worked doctors.. Its always been this way.. Hospitals are a business like any other and they do not operate with extra capacity they don’t need..

    Our rights and freedoms are determined by population density and hospital budgets?.. I’m sorry, nobody gets to drive because big city streets wear out fast?.. A cherry picking we a go..

    I’m not surprised the forces who locked us down the hardest never want it to end.. Statute of limitations comes to mind.. Keep pushing the final word off until the server in the sky mysteriously crashes.. Raises and promotions all around because hero’s.. Whatever that means..

    1. John

      this says it all IMO.

      “…Barbara Ferrer threatened the return of an indoor mask mandate if rates of hospitalization attributed to Covid continue to climb…”

      And uh….just HOW are you Determining those with a runny nose or cough ACTUALLY have Covid..??
      RT PCR..?? or that BS Home test that is capable of being fooled by a drop of Tequila and in my opinion is likely tainted with the very thing they are looking for – I do not TRUST the Pharma-Medical community AT ALL. Are the still getting 3000 USD per confirmed case w/Covid ..?? 30,000 USD for Deaths with Covid.?? Still pushing Remdesivir..??

      1800’s Snake oil Salesmen were more honest than these FASCIST PIGS.

  6. As I expected, the Levy column doesn’t actually provide much evidence to bring back cops into schools. It offers up a lack of cops as a cause-all to the problems mentioned, which can be explained by factors mentioned in that very article ie lack of expulsions, before repeating the claim as an article of faith. Sun News mongoloids just really really love cops. There’s not much more going on here.

    Even if SROs have positive impact, they are ultimately cops ie hazardous. A last-ish resort.

  7. Trudeau’s Canada: Rex Murphy on Danielle Smith

    Rex missed a key point. Right after Trudeau’s remark about “raised eyebrows” in reaction to the new Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act he failed to point out that Smith is not able to pass laws on a whim on her own. The act and any future amendments must be presented to, and passed by, the legislature.

    I got an advamced tip off in this matter when a very liberal friend said with a sneer: “And she want sovereignty, don’t you know.”

    It’s clear what Trudeau will do here. He’ll try — and succeed most likely — to portray Smith as some rogue lone gunslinger trying to get in a position to make laws all by her lonesome. The irony being that Trudeau himself ruled by EDICT for most of the covid scamdemic and more or less shut down parliament.

    1. I don’t know why she doesn’t use those facts to her advantage. Force the irony out into the open, instead of meekly shying away. If Trudeau calls her on trying to make her own laws on her lonesome, mention the fact he was doing the same. Mention everything, all the scandals, all the wrong doings, everything.
      Mention the fact he is destroying the country ‘over a few parking violations and a bad cold season’ as someone here put it..
      Tell the people you are learning what to do from watching someone who is doing the wrong things and not learning from it… Mention that government is to be the will of the people, to do their bidding. Most people don’t want to be lead, they just want to be left alone.
      It would be advantageous to be able to put things to plebiscite, but that requires educated choices, not indoctrinated ones. I don’t feel most citizens currently have the wherewithal to make good choices. It’s been a long road that has gotten us to this point.
      Interesting times, indeed..

    1. All the “independents” have the same agent as the Rhino Party candidate. This is some sort of election theatre perpetrated by that party. They did it in my federal riding last election, with probably 8-10 candidates; this list represents a significant increase from that.

      1. Felis – back in the day one could purchase a certificate from the Rhinos saying one was a vice-president of the party. Got one for Dad.

  8. The Bong will want to keep his powder dry. He wont want to be the focus of a Smith victory in the coming provincial election. He want’s Smith gone. ASAP.

    The eastern media is apoplectic over Smith. Their agents posted in Alberta are staying up late, unable to sleep, consumed with rage.

    The bottom line is there is much discontent in Alberta. Smith has tapped into that. Sure she is going to make mistakes and Bill 1 isn’t perfect but the journos who are mocking it/her don’t understand Alberta.

    This is probably the last chance for Canada. If the eastern elite prevail and the ndp form government in the spring …..
