36 Replies to “DOA”

  1. Yes and the National Socialists (Nazis) were also known for their favoured way of exiting via Gnadentod or “merciful death”
    see for example AktionT4 circa 1939, who were just harmlessly “cleaning up the gene pool”.

    You can thank the asswipes on the Supreme Court for making this all a legal fun time reality…where MAID was supposed to only be allowed in the most dire of circumstances of the death bed, etc. etc. ad infinitum

    Now it’s making the rounds on the advertising circuits, for the most simplistic idiocy like…homelessness and poverty.

    They were assH*les then, just as they are now…the solution is always the FINAL SOLUTION.
    As they draw up a needle to send you off into the hereafter…think of the MONEY the government is SAVING!

    God help you, because most certainly we aren’t getting any ‘help’ from the ‘government’!

    Matthew 4:19 And he said to them, ‘Come after me and I will make you fishers of people.’


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. That would be a shame. They do many things very well. Their marketing is usually very clever and appealing. Seems like a misjudgment here, but they also seem to have realized it.

  2. Canadian? La Maison Simons of Quebec.

    A beautiful exit? Significantly better than when Quebec scandalously left so many of their extended care seniors to suffer, languish and die in 2020.

    Oh, wait did i say scandalous?

    Silly me, they were in the way. Nothing to see here. Mémère and Pappy not worth the MAiD and pharaonic shrouds I guess.

  3. MAID is an abomination and needs to stop. Deliberate killing of people, with a clear motive, equals murder.
    Are there any federal politicians who opposes this madness?

    1. The unborn and elderly are an inconvenience according to the ruling class elites. I will do what I can to take a couple death squad members with me when they show up.

  4. The fashion industry has been ill a very long time and we all know which letter of the alphabet gang is responsible.
    I guess Simons got infected.
    No loss.

  5. “When I imagine my last days, I see bubbles, I see oceans, I hear music…”

    Gawwwwd … No you don’t. You’re DEAD!!! You neither see nor hear. You’re DEAD!! And since you reject God, Christianity, and the belief in an afterlife … there’s eternal nothingness for you. Except perhaps, eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    Make no mistake. The blue whale, and all the other “feel good” nonsensical symbology spewed by this horrific encouragement to commit suicide is intended to replace Religion and the belief in an afterlife. This is the new religion of the nihilistic left. The only “blue whale” symbolic of this act … is the one we all see washed up on the beach, with a stench of death so horrific that we have to blow up the carcass, or tow it out to sea to be eaten by scavengers.

    Suicide is the ULTIMATE act of mocking and rebuking God. You intentionally destroy His creation, by your own supreme act of selfishness. Which is not to say there is no place for medically assisted suicide for terminal patients suffering pain. There’s a difference between terminal pain and suffering … and some lonely person having a bad day. One’s called mercy. The other is called murder. Don’t let the Marxists redefine the ultimate biological reality. Calling “Trans” people by an alternate sex is child’s play compared to mass suicide. Compared to government sanctioned … and then MANDATED … suicide.

  6. A think a Director of Marketing needs to be shown the door or a hole in the ground. Nothing gets this far without senior and mid-level management sign-off. All should be dismissed, with cause.

    1. I think bankruptcy would be a good ending for this company. Clearly their leadership is composed of evil men.

      This sh1t is straight out of 1930s Germany, I mean right out of the history book word for word. Not a single blush from any of them.

  7. …..companies have a responsibility to participate….

    And that is how the free enterprise degenerates into fascism to help the political scum propaganda.

  8. Never heard of this brand – looks like Quebec-based mallrat wear – but they seem to tick all the “right” (ha ha) boxes.
    Water Conscious
    Recycled Fibres
    Organic Cotton
    Forest Conscious
    Reduction of Emissions
    Made in Canada
    Wonder how much in federal and provincial subsidies they receiving?

    1. I prefer his first ever performance of the song, Live at Massey Hall … and he doesn’t hit the wrong piano chords like he does in the middle of the BBC performance.


      And it’s a medley with his other brand new song in 1971 … Heart of Gold … as the tunes are thematically intertwined. Sorry my Canadian friends … I love Neil Young’s music. And his refusal to ever commercialize his music by selling out to the corporate whores. But the rest of his drug addled opinions fall as flat as those chords he hits in the BBC performance.

      As this world and our Western Nations spin completely out of control … I find myself ever more yearning for 1971, my freshman year in HS … when the world was fresh and full of ART and optimistic change. Now the changes are draconian and nihilistic.

      1. If I never again hear a note of music from that leftist, talentless hack, I’ll be a happy man. Truly a disgusting human being.

      2. One can make decent music and still be an a**hole, I like some of his songs as well..
        See also U2..
        As far as MAiD goes, one should be asking, what is the cause of the sudden necessity people are experiencing to want to leave this world? Just as with abortion and capital punishment, these should be for extreme cases only, but it seems the LIBERAL application of, has become some kind of twisted fashion/sensation, along with other warped ideas, drag queens, alphabet people, etc. I guess, when people don’t have to continuously work to ensure sustenance and survival, have no sense of direction or morality or agency, their idle hands make good friends with the devil..

        1. Inotherwords … as Kate is want to say … “we need a famine” …
          Indeed. Our culture has eradicated need. Eradicated human struggle. So we are spending our leisure time doing EXTREME sports. And the MOST EXTREME sport is cutting off your breasts or schmenge and pretending you’re the opposite sex. Oops! I said “opposite” … implying “two” … “binary”. I have to say “different gender” or some such anti-biological bullshit. Yeah … we’re all bored … and lonely.

  9. Simons CEO – “It’s obviously not a commercial campaign,”…
    Yeah it is you bald faced liar.

    Sex, death and pubescent girls and boys and other societal taboos are the currency of the realm for fashion and advertisers since who knows when.
    Remember 14 year old Brooke Shields legs spread and purring “Wanna know what comes between me and my Calvins ? Nothing.” causing a shit storm?
    Followed by accusations of subliminal messaging of advertisers dubbing in skulls and the word “death” in a variety of magazine and TV adverts which they all denied of course.
    Then there’s the Heroin Chic phase of the nineties, featuring gaunt, bony, unhealthy looking models posing in decrepit dystopian landscapes.
    Ballenciaga and Simons and others are upping their game and thankfully we have the internet which provides instant real time blowback, shooting down their evilness before it gets in the air.

    Just an opinion.

    1. The Grope and Fail – which without government subvention would be bankrupt – has the actual cojones to ask people to PAY to read it???

      Virtually nothing they write is anything one needs to know immediately and by the next day you can get selfsame information basically for free.

      Odd business model.

  10. Any body else find it odd that “assisted suicide” can provide the “the most beautiful exit”, yet capital punishment for murders is “cruel and unusual”?

  11. MAID is not the way to get repeat customers. What marketing genius hitched the wagon to that star?
