18 Replies to “Chairman Cook”

    1. On a long journey, only a very slight, almost imperceptible, adjustment on the rudder will have the ship ending up in a vastly different destination than the passengers were told they were going to. And that is what has been happening to western civilization for decades now.

      1. Slight? They’re all in on extreme. Unfortunately, conservatives are too cowardly to turn the boat and are satisfied to merely hold the wheel.

        1. The pressure on the rudder was applied over 50 years ago…..yes….slight. But the issue is that we are only now starting to see the shore we have been led to.

          1. Art

            I’d say said rudders direction was altered the Day the of Rothschilds creating Fractional reserve lending back in the late 1600’s…and have since had the greedy desire to control the planets money supply….and by proxy, the population of the entire planet.

  1. Tucker’s presentation was absolutely BRILLIANT!

    First: illustrate how Apple does the totalitarian bidding of Chairman Xi … because Tim Cook follows the laws of THAT country.
    Second: describe how Apple is punishing Twitter … possibly even cancelling Twitter entirely … because Twitter is trying to follow the #1 Law of the USA … Freedom of Speech. Apple is working feverishly AGAINST The First Amendment of The US Constitution. Against the laws of our country. It’s almost as if Silicon Valley is a foreign Principality inside the USA borders

    My add: the LGBTQq+2s is trying to erase all the US Laws, culture, and norms.

  2. I’ve never liked Cook. Anyone whose first action is to announce to the world that they’re a fudgepacker, is someone who has nothing else of substance to offer and therefore must trade on their “woke” creds.
    In fact, I’ve never liked Apple. The company has always given me the creeps ever since the ’80s when I started paying attention to tech (in high school). I’ve never owned an Apple device and I never will.

  3. Ed…

    I’m of similar mind, however, I did buy a MacBook Pro 13″ in 2011.

    I still use it today, tough as nails, zero issues with viruses or other net based junk/scams.

    It’s at the point now that I can no longer update to the latest OS, however “I know a guy” right here in Calgary who can basically wipe the entire system and then completely rebuild it with another 8-10 yrs worth of OS updates.

    Worth the money then & no For what’s it’s worth, I also own a Lenovo Thinkpad T460P….rock solid PC that one can easily upgrade and compete with many of the PC’s fir sale today…with in my opinion one of tge best keyboards ever..!!

  4. And Apple has one of the highest “profit per employee” ratios on the planet. Somewhere around $400,000 but the pressure is always on companies like Walmart to raise their employee wages when their “profit per employee” is around $6,000.

  5. Al Gore is on the Apple board of directors. That should fully explain the reason for Apple’s position.

  6. “DeSantis warns Apple about potentially pulling Twitter from App store”

    Alternate headline: DeSantis advocates for fascism.

    It is none of DeSantis’s or the USG’s business who Apple hosts on *their* app store.
