What the minister has to say about the Sask First Act, and not freezing in the dark

Here’s a deep dive interview with the minister behind the Saskatchewan First Act.

“So let’s take let’s take the power thing first of all,” Eyre said, noting the proposed Clean Electricity Standard, if adopted in its current form, would mean no fossil fueled power generation in this province by 2035.
According to SaskPower’s Where Your Power Comes From website, on any given day, coal and natural gas combined provide 65 to 84 per cent of the power in Saskatchewan. On Nov. 6, it was 77 per cent.
Eyre said, “That’s a federal policy which we hope will never see the light of day, but which is moving along. We will freeze in the dark. And we know that. Saskatoon (is) powered by the Queen Elizabeth, a natural gas-powered power station. The entire City of Saskatoon (would be) in huge trouble.”

39 Replies to “What the minister has to say about the Sask First Act, and not freezing in the dark”

  1. It’s-22C in Calgary.

    Solar is at 0% of capacity.

    Wind is at 12% of capacity.

    Time to add a $100/bbl and $10/mcf carbon tax to all oil and gas leaving Alberta and Saskatchewan. Double it after two months.

    Or just don’t renew any export permits.

  2. The provinces need to tell the federal government that some things, Supreme Court opinion or not, are NOT negotiable, like food supply and energy. If Ottawa will not abide by the rule of law, and likes to do things by order from the PMO’s office, then the provinces need to cut off their money supply, and refuse to cooperate. Let Ottawa starve and freeze in the dark for a few days and things will change in a hurry.

    1. TOTALLY AGREE….let Ottawa freeze AND NO MORE TRANSFER PAYMENTS.. let’s see how they make out with our $$$$

  3. They also want to import 500,000 new immigrants per year. I doubt you could build enough renewables every year, even at theoretic nameplate capacity, to supply incremental energy to that many people, let alone actual capacity, and the existing population.

    1. I get the feeling that the 1/2 million new invaders per year are our replacements.
      Soon to be alot of dead from the Jonestown Juice.

  4. The Candian provinces need to get together and dissolve the federal level of government. They don’t do anything for any of us.

    1. I’m from the government, and I’m here to help! Not (being federal, provincial and municipal)!

    2. I thought Government was here to help us????? what a joke, we can do way better without Govt involvement

  5. Can we just start with making it illegal for any government to set any policy or budget that goes years beyond their term in office? This 10-15-25 years out “goals” is just garbage and yell it in their faces every chance you get. I don’t give a crap about 15 years from now, I care about next year, what are you doing for that?

    1. On some things you do need long term planning like infrastructure.
      Roads , dams, bridges, power plants, refinerys , military expenditures on hardware, etc.
      Food , water and sanitation are also decades long planning .
      As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

    2. so true…we should also have a RECALL PROCESS FOR ALL POLITICIANS that do NOT do what they promise to do while CAMPAIGNING……wouldn’t that be nice

  6. As long as the starvation and freezing might lead to a potential 0.5c degree average global possible temperature reduction by 2152, then it’s worthwhile you racist bigot.

  7. It’s all so tiresome. I keep getting this sinking feeling that Toronto is going to vote libtard again and hair lisp will be with us until he dies.

  8. Dr. Martin Luther King jr:

    “One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws”

    I would think that laws that will cause an entire province of people to be economically impoverished, reduce local and world food supplies and, at the extreme, cause people to freeze in the winter cold would be considered “unjust laws” that should be disobeyed.

    Think of it another way. What the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government is forcing is for the people of Saskatchewan to sacrifice their energy and food security now to prevent approximately 1C of global warming in the next 80 years. By the way that 1 degree Celsius of warming is based on models that have repeatedly proved to be flawed in previous predictions. Meanwhile that 1 degree Celsius of global warming would most likely be beneficial to Saskatchewan’s economy.

    If there was ever a time to break federal law and ignore federal policies….that time is now.

  9. The Climatistas would tell you that the deaths of 337,000 (the population of Saskatoon) is a small, but necessary price to pay, in order to save Gaia. And they’d be deadly serious.

    1. There’s a word for government policies that result in the mass death of citizens: democide. It’s just as ugly and deliberate as genocide and should result in charges of crimes against humanity. I don’t think the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government is there quite yet but they are certainly on that trajectory.

      In any case, the province of Saskatchewan is perfectly justified in preventing the impoverishment and health of its citizens, even if that means breaking federal laws and policies. Personally, I think the Trudeau government is bluffing and prairie provinces should call their bluff. Plus set all the pieces in motion in case we need a referendum on separation from Canada. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.

  10. Not being a Canadian, I’m curious what the intent of Canada’s federal government is here. “Secede or die?”

    There was a time when I would never have considered the possibility that they really were that stupid. Sadly, that is no longer true.

    1. They are evil and have bought into the population reduction goal that the one world government is promoting.

    2. “Secede, die, poverty or constitutional crisis” are the choices.

      Saskatchewan and its government owned electrical utility agreed to and built a coal carbon capture facility. Sask agreed to close their aged coal generation (except the coal capture unit). Saskatchewan committed themselves to build small nuclear reactors to provide clean baseload power. Saskatchewan’s saskpower agreed to build and buy a substantial amount of wind and solar. The Saskatchewan government moved to build natgas combined cycle power generation because it cuts CO2 emissions by 50% compared to coal and provides baseload power, peaking power and a transition to nuclear power.

      None of those concessions were enough for the Trudeau liberal-NDP government. Now the federal government is starting to go after farmer’s fertilizer and Saskatchewan’s potash mining by extension. The Feds are also threatening to close down/ heavily penalize natgas generation before nuclear can be built. Saskatchewan’s economy is centered on agriculture, mining and energy. Per capita we are right behind Alberta in wealth in GDP per capita. It’s obvious the goal is not CO2 reduction but an annihilation of Saskatchewan’s economy (and Alberta’s economy).

      IMO, the only choice that is logical is to increase provincial autonomy, ignore the federal government’s threats and prepare for separation, if necessary. A constitutional crisis in the making on several fronts.

      1. “None of those concessions were enough for the Trudeau liberal-NDP government.”

        I’ve said it before: Once the camel’s nose is under the tent…

        1. The federal government has made it perfectly clear that they are not acting in good faith nor with fairness. It’s time to stop trying to accommodate Trudeau and his government since their goal posts move constantly and they refuse to be reasonable.

          Now Saskatchewan needs to do what is best for Saskatchewan.

          1. Exactly.
            What are the Feds going to do, send in the joke of a military.
            Blackie sent most of their equipment/munitions to Ukraine.

          2. “Now Saskatchewan needs to do what is best for Saskatchewan.”

            Yes!!! Precisely the same for Alberta. Both provinces need to do what is best for their people. If this means we proceed as a team, so be it. If not, then good luck and give ’em hell.

            BTW, the last Take Back Alberta meeting I attended there was a gentleman there from Sask. He noted that there is at least some interest in what’s going on here. Good!

  11. The irony of the energy ignorance that shroud’s the Spawn / Jagmeet / WEF regime is that the replacement of the “evil” fossil fuel-based capacity in Saskatchewan with the wind and solar low density energy boondoggles is that on a lifecycle basis, the fossil fuel energy required to implement, maintain (the boondoggles) and condition the parasitized grid exceeds their current use on the grid and all at far greater cost. IOW, even assuming any credibility to the premise of reducing CO2, it’s a lose-lose proposition.

  12. So here’s a question. How would the west fare should Little Justin send in the military to subdue us?

  13. Please take Manitoba with you if you and Alberta decide to leave. We have access to the sea in Churchill. We also have lots of hydroelectricity. And a really good football team.

  14. The only problem is that SCC decided that climate management was a Federal power with their carbon tax ruling.

    We are only gonna get to actually produce electricity and grow crops using carbon based matter if we are prepared to stand up to the Feds in spite of the constitution as interpreted by the SCC.

    Let’s hope that not too many easterners freeze in the dark or are die from starvation due to inability to buy their imported foodstuffs because it has withered and died on the vine without being fertalized.

    1. At this point, who gives a damn what the SCC says. Canada is a banana republic and its courts are corrupt.

  15. This move by Saskatchewan should give pause to central Canada as to whether they really want to keep the Canadian confederation. I think that this legislation and its similar echo in Alberta may well be the last plea from our two provinces for a re-ordering of how this country is governed that will lead inevitably to the use of the Clarity Act and breakup if positive changes do not occur.
