11 Replies to “Once You Start Pretending, Where Do You Stop?”

  1. It’s no longer Munchausens by proxy … it’s fully personal Munchausens. Munchausens by self flagellation

    1. If you are disabled and find this repulsive you are now a Trans Exclusionary Radical Disabled! That’s right, you’re a TERD.

  2. Expanding exponentially.

    And….becoming much more stupid, plus, they’re running with scissors.

    Let them pass and trip them as they go by.

  3. Here’s an idea.

    Start identifying as a rich person….and run your debt up. When the creditors come to collect, tell them they are mistaken. You identified the $100 in your bank account, as $1,000,000.

    If they complain about it……file a human rights complaint.

    Let’s call these people what we used to call them. Con artists.

    Just a bunch of screwed up people who don’t know who they are……but are trying to find a way to get some attention and affirmation.

    Dear screwed up people……I don’t give a shit. Don’t waste my time.

  4. On the last census, I created my new gender since you could do that.

    My new gender has three penises and two vaginas. And I can impregnate myself.

    I’m just waiting for the Canadian medical system to develop so they can make my outside match the inner beauty inside my head…..
