12 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Taylor Lorenz is probably the slimiest one there. Excluded from Wayback because of a family connection wtf. This is a muck raking scumbag who makes gossip columnists look respectful. Unreal.

  2. They may have actually killed themselves.
    It would suck to be not invited to the cool parties because you don’t have the jab…
    And jumping through the hoops to get saline and lying about it constantly is probably outside their skillset….

  3. And these are the people sleepwalking us into a nuclear war, thank you President Carter.

    When President Carter signed Presidential Directive 59 he essentially said nuclear war is winnable and low level nuclear conflict can be managed:


    Mutually Assured Destruction lasted in the public’s and politicians imagination for another ten years, but then the Soviet Union collapsed and no one thought about it at all. Until now.

    How did the NATO mission in Afghanistan turn out? The same liberal politicians think they can manage a nuclear war in Europe…

  4. The take away , like we’ve said for years, is these cases of arrested development are insulated from all their fantastical utopianist policies they promote. The people who pay are the unprivileged especially African American children.

  5. when the back end of Jurnolist was breached , and 90 names exposed, someone pointed out 70 of those were Jewish. Jews make up about 2% of USA population. So a statistical anomaly in over drive. Check out Rupert Murdock and you get Greene on the maternal branch of the family tree, Jews identify their Jews Heritage by their maternal branch.
    Just don’t point this out in here, because the collective guilt will cause serious Bible Thumper Butthurt!

  6. When I was in newspapers I hid my wealth from people, mostly from a keen sense of embarrassment and shame at working in such a low status/pay occupation that took itself so seriously. Most journos are poorly paid vindictive nerds, but even the rich ones still have to get even with society.

  7. These spoiled brats have never had to work or develop character.

    And here we are.
