It’s Probably Nothing

Coulda had a pipeline.

In Vienna on Wednesday, the OPEC+ alliance is expected to consider a cut in oil production of up to 1 million to 2 million barrels a day — an amount that could drive oil and gas prices back up after weeks on a downward trend.

The meeting of the 24 OPEC+ oil-producing countries, including Russia, comes at a time when much of the world is already battling soaring energy costs. A supply cut could also exacerbate tensions between Saudi Arabia and the U.S., where President Biden has been trying to rein in prices at the gas pump ahead of the midterm elections.

OPEC+, formed in 2016, includes the 13 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries members and 11 other non-OPEC members.

Just now…

74 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

      1. That’s not a bad idea, given how many rubbles you can get for one cent on free exchange they can serve a heating fuel in emergency. Especially when you include all the grease and vodka soaked in them.

    1. Filthy Liberals hate us. Cant wait for the unrest to start. Be advised. Blackface Brownface Groper POS Trudeau is still gonna block pipelines and progress. They are anti growth evil Marxists. His deputy clown Freeland is the empty headed face of the future. We are a pathetic Unserious former free nation that elected an entire litter of anti human scumbags to lord over us. We deserve ALL THAT IS COMING. And so do “They”. Filthy Liberals

      1. $2.36 average price per litre where I live in Southwest B.C… Absolutely criminal. Feds just sneer and laugh in Question Period.

        1. Yes, as do the provincial Commie ENDP green alliance.

          They don’t care about normies, only the welfare and union renting crowd.

          Provincial Liberals are no different, they are also climate Doom believers. Henry Rustad got kicked out of caucus for questioning the orthodoxy.

    2. *

      Saudis won’t miss an opportunity to stick a thumb in President Houseplant’s eye.


      1. President houseplant is mad at the Saudis for taking out an enemy Qatari spy instead of being mad at the Wapo for hiring a enemy Qatari spy

        1. Sorry NEO you fail Ho’s purity test. Report yourself to the nearest Jacobin re-education facility.

  1. OPEC believes, as I do, that it is important to teach fools not to be foolish by implementing Canada Bill Jones’ advice that “it is immoral to let a sucker keep his money”.

    Those who swallowed the green anti-energy propaganda are obvious, visible and extreme fools and it is vastly immoral to let them keep 5 cents.

    1. What is truly sad…
      We have all this wonderful technology that we could be using to do actual inventory surveillance along with sight surveying the best routes to harvest our resources like tree’s that we have billions of them which grows back rather quickly.
      Instead of the piss poor guesstimations of the past.
      Many areas are totally unaccessible currently as the terrain is hard to access.
      ‘Old growth’ is just for our Elites pleasure of putting their mansions in areas that they don’t want us to visit.

  2. It’s almost like 90% of the rest of the world hates western nations and only uses us for our wealth.

    I wonder if we get more “Woke” and inclusive they’ll finally start to love us?

    1. Maybe if we kill more brown people for their resources they will come to love us for our freedumbs

      1. Huh? How’s that? I’m STILL waiting for my Iraqi oil dividend. All that “blood for oil” … and I didn’t get shit.

        1. I’m still waiting for the the weapons of mass destruction, I mean after babies being ripped out of incubators by Iraq’s soldiers ( I swear it’s true, the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter said so. )
          I’m still trying to figure out where Kuwait gets all their oil.
          Such a tiny country with such massive oil deposits! Rich’s in the middle east! Go figure,!
          How many of those hijackers were from Afghanistan?
          Ever notice the nice shiny column’s of brand new pickup trucks ISIS would drive around in? Ever wonder where the money came from?
          China didn’t do it. Russia didn’t. The media was strangely silent about that.
          How’s Syria doing these days? America still guarding the oil for the peasants?
          Can I still buy a black man in Libya? Thanks Hillary, you’ve singlehandedly brought slavery back in vogue!
          I shouldn’t say singlehandedly, she did have EU and British help.
          Did you happen to catch the American military cutie lecturing the South American delegates, telling them how they needed the US to protect the resources of these countries! My goodness I thought she was going to cream her kakis!
          I hear the Serbs still remember the bombing.
          There’s an Afghanistan family still waiting for justice , or would you consider a sternly worded reprimand in the permanent record, adequate?
          I remind you that William Caley served three and a half years house arrest.
          For the uniformed
          William Caley in Mei Lai
          shot the boys and made them die
          When the girls came out to surrender
          Willy just ignored their gender
          I’ll give you three guesses who led the inquiry
          Bonus if you had a certain Colin Powell as your first guess.
          He went on to fame murdering more brown people.

          1. @Greg Grandy

            Well said, and just the tip of the iceberg.

            Still wondering where 83 billion dollars in “state of the art” weapons went after Biden gave them to the Afghanistan Taliban and then blew up the busload of kids. To show he was tough of course.

            I suppose most of those weapons will end up in similar places as the billions going to Ukraine and most not reaching the front-lines as reported by boot on the ground over there.

        2. BTW, about your Iraqi oil dividend, you need to speak to Louise Arbour, care ot the Oil for Food plan.
          That was the United Nations rep at the time overseeing the theft of oil. No one has exact figures on the amount of oil stolen, but the Iraq people were supposed to be the recipients of the largesse of the west. Needless to say the biggest beneficiary of the one hundred and ten billion dollars paid to the Iraqi people for their stolen oil was the UN itself which charged about twenty one billion dollars to administer this scam.
          Not a bad racket if you got the right connections.
          Remember now, Louise Arbour, she’s got your dividend.

          1. We taxpayers of the West have been LOOTED by the leftist elites who all run Jesse Jackson- styled shake down operations to assuage various categories of white capitalist guilt. It’s that guilt which allows the looters to clean out our treasuries (and future debt) with alarming impunity. White, capitalist, liberal guilt is gonna kill us … and permanently disable our children’s children’s children

          2. GG
            WMD, was a nuclear program that Saddam and Assad were persuing. They found Saddam’s Nuke lad under ground when Bagdad fell.

        1. Irrelevant Thesis (“Ignoring the Issue”, “Ignoratio Elenchi”) – a fallacy of distraction that addresses a tangentially related (and perhaps valid) point that is not the point under discussion.

          Special Pleading (“Unjustified Exemption”) – A fallacy of distraction that argues for an exception to an accepted principle or standard without offering a justification.

          1. Ad Hominem (“Poisoning the Well”, “Pit Spitting”) – A fallacy of distraction that attacks an opponent’s character when character is irrelevant to the argument.

          2. No it isn’t, nor does it say it say a lot. You’re merely spamming irrelevant crap in yet another pathetic attempt to shout me down. You’re a typical leftist whore tying to deny forum to your betters.

          3. Ahh “my betters.” This…person seems to believe that “my betters” should run things, enjoy some sort of privileged status in a forum, and enjoy some form of supremacy.
            He accuses me of “shouting him down” merely by exposing all of the fallacies that he uses in his posts.
            The exposure of this being with the definition of the logical fallacy he uses will continue, and, unlike what the left likes to think, this isn’t “shouting someone down”, it’s merely applying logic.

            Ad Hominem (“Poisoning the Well”, “Pit Spitting”) – A fallacy of distraction that attacks an opponent’s character when character is irrelevant to the argument.

          4. ^^^^ This is what happens when microchips from a second hand love doll are repurposed. Bot starts with a traditional attempt to distort the opposite side’s argument, runs out of RAM, reverts to default code. The embargo is working.

  3. This is the result of OPEC+ saying FU to the creation of a buying cartel in Europe, which is really what that cap on Russian oil was really about. It seems Russia is the + in OPEC+.
    This keeps up, expect Saudi Arabia to join BRICS. The Western powers have been bamboozled with the WEF agenda in all its sinister forms, and the rest of the world sees it for what it really is, economic colonialism.

    1. Northern
      The western leftist fools are so lacking in self awareness that they think they will still be favoured sons after the rest. But there is only so much room at the top, and they will not be there. Stupid is as stupid does.

    1. The Saudis are getting even with shitsjoe Joe for licking the shit from the Iranian ass cracks.

    2. Not to worry … Antony Blinken will be announcing a NEW regime change WAR against Saudi Arabia before weeks end. Because Kashoogi or something. And isn’t it time The Saudi’s start embracing the LGBTQqEI2s+/-

    3. Latinas voted Biden 44%, Now with their NEW TRUCK’S,14 mpg, Biden is now 20% approval.
      $2 dollars a liter, Thank you OPEC !!

  4. OPEC is merely trying to prop up their commodity prices in advance of the coming Worldwide Depression(TM).

    Just like the destructive Energy Policies of our Elite, Over-Credentialed Western Thought Leaders, the geniuses in OPEC do not realize their price gouging is also making the coming depression inevitable.

    One thing I know for sure. It is going to get worse.

    1. @rd – “….the geniuses in OPEC do not realize their price gouging is also making the coming depression inevitable”

      They know. Every bit as much as China knows it’s Fentanyl producing chemical sales to Mexican drug cartels are creating a crisis across NA.

      1. Compared to what western leadership is doing to its own people, fentanyl is just a handy distraction.

          1. Ad Hominem (“Poisoning the Well”, “Pit Spitting”) – A fallacy of distraction that attacks an opponent’s character when character is irrelevant to the argument.

          2. You had best keep posting links that no-one would take the time to click on, because every thing you say is a logical fallacy, like calling me a bot is:
            Ad Hominem (“Poisoning the Well”, “Pit Spitting”) – A fallacy of distraction that attacks an opponent’s character when character is irrelevant to the argument.

  5. L – The transition from the U.S. being the (unipolar)hegemonic power into a multi-polar world
    continues apace.

    The Democrats under Obama/Biden were anti-fossil fuel and again, under the Democrat Biden regime who cut U.S. oil/nat. gas production and exports. Over decades, a high cost energy policy has led to the de-industrialization of the United States (and Canada).

    The only nations foolish enough to take orders from Stumblin’ Joe’s regime, in order to
    attempt regime change in Russia, has been the E.U., who is now facing a winter of discontent.
    High energy prices and shortages are causing a deep recession, with cold and hunger and
    de-industrialization. This at a level not seen since the early post WW2 era.

    ” A supply cut could also exacerbate tensions between Saudi Arabia and the U.S., where President Biden has been trying to rein in prices at the gas pump ahead of the midterm elections.”

    This is not just Saudi Arabia, it is OPEC plus an expanded BRICS. They’ve refused to
    go along with energy sanctions against Russia. They represent the majority of the world’s
    population. If all this leads to the American dollar no longer being the Reserve Currency.
    America will struggle no to be reduced to just a “middle income country”.

    1. Thankfully we have Brandon’s wonderful long-term relationships with many nations working on our behalf. Or so he assured us, during the basement campaign.
      I only mention that so you’ll remember who is working on your behalf, when the lights go out. Hopefully you will at least be at home, and not in an hospital receiving dialysis; because electricity from some source or other (your kidneys care not which) is essential to certain life-sustaining technologies.

  6. I think it’s important that those in Europe know exactly how much oil and natural gas is in western Canada.

    and the reason we don’t export this from Canada’s east coast, that it’s political reasons that prevent Canada’s PM and Quebec minority from exporting it to Europe, while winter bears down upon them.

    and that the temperature outside here in Calgary next January 2023 is likely going to be in the -15 to -30 range, while the temperature in my living room, even while I’m at work, and not home! will be in the +24 to +26 range, so when I get home it’ll be warm and cozy.

    and if they’d like to know why we are not permitted to send this energy across the North Atlantic, it’s not a secret at all. Simply ask the next Premier of AB. … I’m sure she’ll let them know what exactly is the problem.

    1. Perhaps a UN “food for oil” program between AB/SK and Europe can be set up?
      Starving peons would vote for it in a jiffy.

  7. Oof. That should do it. Biden already calling it a “hostile act”. If the midterm elections are a referendum on a President’s performance, Dems, assuming they won’t cheat again, should brace themselves for a wipeout. Biden won’t be a lame duck…he’ll be a paraplegic.
    Founding Fathers = wicked smart.

    1. Biden’s 18 months in office has been one continuous hostile act. I’m reluctant to call someone an idiot because I’ve met so few genuine ones, but Joe really is an idiot.

      1. Oh, Look A Squirrel.
        Almost as naive as the 81 million (we are assured) who voted for his incompetent carcass.

        It is anyway about time for another war in the Middle East. The Deep State never needs an excuse, but I suppose they now have one. One false flag away…

  8. Likely altering production to meet expectation for demand…

    …regardless the President Pedophile should call Texas instead of the house of Sand.

  9. re: Dems, assuming they won’t cheat again
    The will try but will it work?
    I think so, with the level of corruption through out.

  10. OPEC is merely doing what politicians in Europe, America, and Canada demand.

    OPEC is cutting the emissions of Climate Destroying Fossil Fuels. Biden and Trudeau should be applauding OPEC, not condemning OPEC. STOP OIL!

  11. Here is what the only good thing is about the high fuel prices we have seen this past summer and continue to see. It has caused the frogs to jump out of the pot. I’m referring to the old adage of how do you boil a frog…you raise the heat slowly so the frog doesn’t notice he’s being cooked. This was Trudeau’s plan with regards to the implementation of the carbon tax. Slowly raise the price of fuels over time bit by bit until suddenly the people cannot afford them anymore. Then they will either have to switch to EV’s or do without personal transportation period. Trudeau’s real goal is to eliminate personal transportation for millions of low and middle income Canadians. This is why he won’t cancel or delay the carbon tax. These fuel prices are his goal. However, the sudden massive increases in fuel costs this summer have brought the public’s attention sharply into focus as to what economic damage happens when fuel prices are too high. It causes out of control inflation and everybody gets much poorer. The frogs have figured out they are getting boiled and they are furious about it. You won’t get them back into the pot now that they have left it. So, in that respect these high fuel prices have thrown a wrench into Trudeau’s plans.

    1. I would like to think that you’re correct and that the peasants revolt and we see the Spawn-Fuhrer and his underlings wriggling on the ends of pitchforks but I fear that the Eloi will, on the urging of the Spawn’s media, blame Big Oil, and continue self-flagellation while prostrating in front of the LPC/NDP theocracy of free stuff and planetary salvation.

      1. More of your standard divided we fall BS from the usual suspects.
        Quebec has lots of Nat. Gas, but, due to being bribed by the feds with Alberta’s money, they decided not to expoit it, and all Alberta did about it was to arrest some pastors and get rid of due process.

  12. Praying for Global Warming.
    The US is on track to shutter 86 MW of dirty coal-fueled electric generating plants by 2030; and India just announced they will build 56 MW of dirty coal-fueled electric generating plants by 2030.

    On another hopeful note, India’s power generating sector is on track to achieve Net-Zero by 2070.

    The Noble West must continue sacrificing in order to save the planet from the Horrific Climate Emergency. Enjoy ice skating in your living room this winter, SUCKER.

  13. Brandon will have stripped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve bare by the end of October.

    Hunter’s business partners in China need more oil.

    1. Was thinking the same.
      Why is Alberta and Saskatchewan still part of Justine’s Empire.?
      For conditions are perfect for splitting from this kleptocratic ruin of a country..
      And if we do this right,we can give the knife quite a few twists as we buy up whatever parts of “Confederated Canada” that we wish to keep.
      Diagolon is a perfect meme..
      Join the stampede.
