21 Replies to “How Socialist is Canada?”

  1. Socialism is Communism in slow motion. If given enough time it’ll get there eventually. Communists know this of course so they play the long game. Incrementalism by another name.
    They also know there’s two ways to make a country submit to your will: By sword or debt. (John Adams)
    And communists will gladly use both.

    1. Socialism is the ‘semi-pros’ where leaders train to enter the ‘major league’ called Communism.

  2. Is socialism the transference of wealth from poor or middle class to the rich? This is only about power and control.

  3. Paraphrasing Ayn Rand, the difference between socialism and communism is that the former is suicide and the later is murder as presumably socialism is voted in.

    In that TN clip, the revised definition of socialism is the textbook Mussolini definition of fascism. In today’s western bankrupt welfare state, anything that isn’t explicitly socialist (state ownership) is implicitly fascist, given the levels of regulatory over-reach. Free market Capitalism only exists in the underground economy.

  4. Words matter.
    Socialism and Socialists and things like “socialized medicine” sound all warm and kind and touchy feely – “we mean well” – when reality shows its bullshit.
    And as most Canadians are full of shit it’s easy to see why they revel in bullshit.
    Frozenturdistan gets worse every year.
    When it stops getting worse it will be because the cold civil war has turned hot or because the commies, I mean socialists, have won and we have “climate” stasis like North Korea.

  5. Could only listen to her bull shit for so long. Killer Cretchen Is just as much of a communist as Turd Jr.
    The Liberals went full communist in 1963 with Lester Ballsless Pearson. He was assisted by the killer of Conservatives By Deep the Thief.
    The introduction of the liberal/NDP rag of eastern Canada is proof.

    Go WEXIT

  6. With the bought and paid for media most noses are pulled so close to the canvas they can’t see the big picture.

  7. Canadians think that the government – which they fund – should pay for every aspect of their lives.

    They don’t understand that nothing is free.

    Now, they are burdened by this.

    They have it coming.

  8. As I think Gerald Butts used to say, “from each according to their ability; to each according to their party affiliation”.

  9. It could be worse, wait a sec, there’s some strangers at my door, maybe they will have some insight here.

    1. Well like I said, not that bad, in fact apparently free travel to the arctic! What a great country.

  10. I think it would have been worth mentioning that the Liberals ran on ‘transforming the economy’ in 2015. Canadians, in their infinitisimal wisdom, responded, “great idea”, thereby essentially handing ownership of the economy over to the government, a huge step towards Socialism.
