Rumble Goes Public

I’m super pleased to see this happen. Chris Pavlovski, a Macedonian-Canadian, is a hero of the free speech movement and his efforts are incredibly important to anyone who believes in Free Speech!

Rumble’s Wikipedia discussion page is interesting, in that it shows that the Radical Left (aka Communist) foot soldiers are hard at work to try to destroy it.

7 Replies to “Rumble Goes Public”

  1. Wikipedia’s become an empty shell of its bright promise starting out. I don’t use it anymore.

  2. Congratulations Rumble!

    Not sure who the Steve guy is, seems like a bit of a douche, but eh it takes all kinds.

      1. I thought Chris started it and Steve was the stoner in the jersey… well anywho, mea culpa, congrats to them douche or no they are doing well.
