36 Replies to “Poster Girl for the Canadian Healthcare System?”

  1. This is what an irrational, psychotic fascist looks like.

    Didn’t ask her for her advice, don’t want her advice, will IGNORE her hysterical nonsense.

    She has too much company still, in this godforsaken country.

    1. Unfortunately, Dr. Evil is quite popular in these parts.

      Now you know why I need to get out of this insane asylum, but I can’t, at least, not yet. Soon, though… very soon, I’ll make my move. There’s still a few battles I need to wage first, while I’m still here.

    1. James,
      My personal experience with Covid was a bit worse than a short-lived cold. The fatigue knocked me on my ass for the better part of two weeks. However, I have definitely experienced other illnesses that were worse from a pain and discomfort perspective.

      1. Sorry to hear about your experiences. I have had bad colds, probably flu, that held on for weeks and left me exhausted for months. You cope. I received the two doses of the vaccine and my immune system is now total crap – from alopecia, to rashes, to migraines and huge flareups of arthritis in every joint. And I have no idea what will happen over the next few years. I was keen to get the vaccine because the authorities told us it was safe and the ONLY way to get back to normal. They simply just lied. They may not have known the impact of the vaccine initially, but they know NOW and still go on and on and on about getting boosters forever. No, no, never.

        1. Have you received any advice about the alopecia? I know a young man who also developed it after the shots.

  2. She’s a well known Jewish GP in one of Ottawa’s fancier neighborhoods. She has a saviour complex ten light years wide and wants 6 month old babies jabbed, masked, and locked down. To say she’s a nutcase insults most insane people. Her destructive interventions has made me reconsider my stance on antisemitism.

    1. She may be of Jewish heritage, but I doubt if she follows those beliefs religiously, because what she’s promoting is clearly not the work of God.

  3. I remember reading a review of Chris Buckley’s 1994 satirical novel “Thank You For Smoking” – I think it was in the American Spectator and I’m quoting from memory here – but I vividly recall the line “IT SUCCEEDS GREATLY IN MAKING THE UTTERLY RIDICULOUS LOOK LIKE ITSELF.” I thought this EXACT same line when watching this unregenerately-awful, obviously mentally-unbalanced woman. It’s no coincidence that she lives in Ottawa either.

    1. Absolutely, I’m she she was one of the traumatized from the honking. So many sad things come to mind. She graduated from Med school, must look at every doc with a gimlet eye. Her name is hyphenated, some poor man, woman or other is married to that, and I thought capital punishment was outlawed in Canada. Especially the cruel kind.

  4. Well … all I can say is that she has MANY, MANY disciples here in my SF Bay Area Community. I’m baffled by the fully 25% of shoppers in the stores who are masked up. It truly is their voluntary Star of David … proudly worn to signify their compliance to The State. Their compliance to Fauxci.

    1. What about driving your car solo? jogging solo? mountain biking solo? paddling a canoe solo around a fairly quiet lake? There aren’t that many mask wearers left in my neck of the woods but the ones that do really take it seriously. To each their own but I’d seek help for that.

  5. To some, to become famous, being right or wrong is irrelevant.
    The woman wants fame and interviews.
    That she has accomplished.
    Other than that, the interest in her is equal to 0.

  6. I could care less that she’s Jewish, shrewish or Zorastrian. Her religion appears to be Covid and masks are her ritual with repeated shots her sacrament. Our esteemed governor Inslee, putting the goober into gubernatorial, has declared the, “Emergency”, will end October 31st. Of this year, supposedly.
    I have every confidence that either, . some other emergency will crop up, or ii., the masked will go more insane aout wearing them.
    Speaking of masks, When I was forced to wear one, I had a nice black one with a large Star of David on it.
    Most people got the hint.

  7. Cant imagine having her as a Doctor. She seems more into Social Justice than medicine. Seriously closed mind, a mind quick to rage. I watched the Steve Paikin interview a few days ago and I’m sure she said she was chosen to sit with Trudeau at one point to ‘discuss’ Covid strategy. How fitting.

  8. She can mask up and get two booster shots.. One in each eyeball.. The only healthcare crisis I see are doctors and politicians with unrealistic goals.. You and your “healthcare system” have no right to enslave me..

  9. Mask wearing hurts nobody? Apparently she hasn’t spoken to children education specialists. Sounds like she’s a really BAD person to elect to a school board.
