55 Replies to “9/11”

    1. Hannah – Re: Inside job – you mean that George, Bill and Hilary knew about the plot to destroy the world trade centers or participated? Someone told me the CIA planted explosives on all 220 floors to knock down the buildings. And no one noticed? Maybe they teleported in from the Enterprise. You’re defending jihadis. You may not think they’re your enemy but they believe that you are theirs.

      1. Yeah, one of the hijacker’s passport was found just before the first tower fell. Proof.

        Crazy how two planes downed three buildings, however.

    2. Troophers need to watch the History channel’s special on 9/11. If you can still believe your BS, it’s a wonder you still know how to breath.

  1. Islam eh….BS.

    It was the enemy within that brought 9-11 to America: The Military Industrial Complex

    It should be obvious beyond a shadow of doubt that both buildings collapsed in controlled demolitions. There is no flipping way an Aluminum object filled with what is,essentially diesel fuel, would have the ability to make Steel columns as thick as 1.5 – 2″ bend or break. Nor do I buy the “story” of 19 young guys taking an 8 week Cessna course and then supposedly able to place both Aircraft as precisely as required during this event. Not happening.



    To create the never ending war on “terror” …and the billions to be made in armament manufacture and sale to the American public….as shown by the Covid scam, a few thousand “bits” of collateral damage was of no concern.

    Eisenhower Clearly understood what it was that America had created during WWII, a vast entity that would need/want feeding. And he warned us all of the inherent danger thereof back in the early ’50’s.

    9/11 was the result: Govt of Israel & Deep State operatives along with Kissinger et all & the Bush Family all involved.

    If you have a difficult time believing GOVT Would kill its own citizens..?? Then youve been in a Coma the last 2.5 yrs.

      1. Thucy

        You can’t in all seriousness BELIEVE it was,Bin Laden who orchestrated that event..?

        Not a hope in helll my friend.

        1. Facepalm, and thousands of Jews did not show up for work on that day and fire does not melt steel, right?

    1. I remember I was taking a walk a lone on Hornby Island,in 2005 or so, and met a Muslim who asked me if I still had America in my soul as he believed America was responsible for 9/11. I laughed to myself the thinking how ridiculous he was, but after the last 2.5 years I now know the enemy is the state and most Muslims are not terrorists.

  2. The terrorists were given new directions in how to destroy as many first responders as possible by entrapment of secondary devices…
    Sad day indeed.

  3. At this point with everything that is happening I am not going to argue that it was not an inside job .It would be great to know for certain the motivations or what was hidden by the destruction. However, as to the controlled collapse theory, it shows a lack of understanding of the cocquences of heating a steel structure. Steel structure does not withstand fire well contrary to popular belief.

    1. Concerned

      A few thousand gallon of diesel wouldn’t even come close to “melting” those steel columns. That would take a constant 2400 degrees of heat a long time to do..said diesel flashed off in few minutes…and no where at the temperature @ time to do so.

      Sorry don’t buy it.

      1. There is a lot of things inside buildings tat combust. It doesn’t have to melt them for them to loose their structural integrity. Look at a burned out car. How much gas does it hold? Now imagine you piled hundreds of tons on top of it while burning. Steel structures do not stand up to heat.

      2. Beyond about 700 degrees F, structural steel rapidly looses strength. So no need heat to the much higher melting point of steel. That is why in normal construction practice in high rise structures, the steel structural members require fireproofing treatments to delay the heating of the structural steel members. Actually, heavy timber construction has superior fire resistant properties to steel and this is recognized in building codes. The timber members form a char layer on the outside under fire conditions that delays the degradation of the timbers. I the case of the World Trade Center, the high velocity impact of the airplanes and fuel would essentially blast the fire protection off of the structural steel and the steel would quickly reach temperatures that would weaken it well below its design strength. As a structural engineer, I have witnessed this effect many times in one storey industrial buildings where an interior fire has caused roof beams and joists to bend and sag under the low load of their own weight. I am not arguing against all the conspiracy theories surrounding the WTC tragedy. I am just saying that those fully fuelled jets could have theoretically brought down these office towers.

        1. What I found truly terrifying on these building collapses was the fibers being spewed airborne.
          They very much resembled the same from asbestos.
          Traveling faster than you could run and the sheer size of the debris being spread out by this cloud.

        2. On WTC, three towers fell. There were two jet strikes. Videos of Building 7 show it collapsing onto itself as if under controlled demolition. I don’t know the answers but I have questions.

          Excessive shorting and put buying of airline stocks, American and United in particular, were widely reported, but then covered up, or whitewashed.

        3. Thank you, Robert. I was going to make that point about steel strength vs temperature too. We should also keep in mind that Osama was an engineer and had worked in his family’s large construction business. Weakening a building part way up leaves a tremendous weight pressing down on the remaining columns and beams on the impacted floors. As the temperature rises and weakens the steel a tremendous pancake effect is inevitable. You have fewer columns on left on the impact floors and the remaining ones are weakened while the load from above remains in place. Not a mystery.

  4. Blackie’s Toronto Star today, has stories that domestic terrorism in Canada and the U.S. are the biggest threats. This includes the Freedom Convoy. One of the solutions is censoring the internet and cracking down on any dissent that upsets Justin.

  5. I would agree that the corrupt state is our enemy, and they are not on our side. However, I do not believe this was an inside job. My thoughts are similar to Robert Austin above. I don’t think the Jihadi’s had any idea that those building would collapse as they did, and the results were far more luck than judgement on their part. Add to that the fanatical religious Jihadi’s will happily commit suicide if they can take some infidels with them. The collapse of those towers were a defining moment in all our lives, but we are now threatened by a foe just as menacing, and far better funded, with a long thought out plan to control us and the planet. Time to face this new threat, while still having sombre thoughts and giving respectful salutes, for those that died that awful day.

    1. Agree with Gerry and Robert Austin. Today the enemy within is just as dangerous as the Jihadi’s.
      However, reading this analysis by Bawer has convinced me that the USA was not in good hands with Bush. He tried to appease his Saudi friends , that is clear.

  6. Remember 24 Canadians died that day as well. I recall as tv show that stated asbestos was used to a certain point in the towers and then afterwards banned as the legislation changed

    1. One of the Canadians who died that day, Christine Egan, was a nurse in the same faculty as mine. She spent most of her time in the far north working in some of Canada’s most remote and impoverished arctic communities. Her nephew was disabled and her brother and his wife could only take a vacation if she came to care for the boy. That was why she was in New York. He took her for breakfast in the North Tower as a treat just before he and his wife were supposed to go on vacation. After the hit he called his wife and she was so happy. “You got out!” He had to tell her he hadn’t.

  7. Folks that talk about an inside job bringing down the WTC never mention the Pentagon nor the field in Pennsylvania.

    1. I fully believe the Pentagon was a shoulder mounted missIle…no aircraft parts ever found…..and done so to destroy any evidence of the what..? 2.3 Trillion that went missing just days before..??

      It’s a distinct possibility…?
      Still fully believe it was an inside job.
      Covid just another act in the same vein…by the same globalist cabal.

      1. I am a lot less dubious of your reply and others with similar suspicions than I was before March 2020.

      2. When an airplane crashes at hundreds of miles an hour the force involved reduced everything to the tiniest bits. My father worked as an incident scene investigator for Air Canada. Normally pilots are trying everything they can to slow down and land safely. But in those rare incidents where a pane crashes at full speed into a mountain top because pilots got disoriented there is seldom very little left but the tiniest bits. So to say there was no wreckage and that’s proof it was an inside job demonstrates ignorance of the physics involved and the nature of what happens to airplanes and human bodies in such crashes.

        That doesn’t mean it wasn’t an inside job. It just means that is not proof.

  8. Some people are logic impaired or maybe just stupid. As if the US government couldn’t start a war a lot easier than destroying the twin towers.
    As if 30,000 people who worked in the buildings wouldn’t notice the preparations necessary for demolition. Maybe they were all in on it?
    Thank goodness Biden gave Afghanistan back, eh? What could go wrong?

  9. We didn’t nuke Saudi Arabia on September 12th, 2001.

    What we did or failed to do afterwards was irrelevant.

    If the average American could see that decisive and immediate action against Japan was necessary in 1941 and we could not see the same against Saudi Arabia in 2001, we made it a point to lose.

    1. GWB was blathering on about how “Islam is Peace” while the ruins were still smoking.
      I’d say the west is gonna need a lot more “peace” before they wake up.

      1. The US fundamentally changed Japan after its defeat in the Second World War. That is why Japan is peaceful and prosperous.

        The Middle East and other Islamist states are a mess.

        The math here is simple.

  10. No doubt at all that 911 was an inside job. Controlled demolitions destruction of evidence, other evidence shipped to China and destroyed.

    The creation of the NSA and other secretive spy operations… the creation of the domestic surveillance State followed by the Oshitstain Regime weaponizing the whole surveillance State apparatus against their domestic opponents.

    It was a terrorist attack by inside sources and outside influence.

    There are many documentaries that show evidence that flies in the face of the Deep State narrative. One doc I can recommend is ” 9/11: Explosive evidence- experts speak out. ” Very compelling questions and observations from architects and structural engineers regarding the destruction of the Towers, evidence that was ignored and still is ignored , also video evidence of controlled explosions going off in building 7 before its collapse suggesting a controlled demolition.

    Firefighters and cops and other first responders on the ground and around the Plaza giving testimony that they heard many massive and successive explosions all around the area before collapse. Their testimonials and eye witness accounts are ignored by the “investigators.”
    These questions are still unanswered.

    Yes, IMO there are people this evil and they are in firm control of everything around us.
    9/11 was an inside job, a Deep State hit , the ultimate false flag. All carried out for the purpose of more control over the American people with an end to the concept of individual liberty and freedom from an increasingly sinister and corrupt out of control fascistic surveillance State.

    Once you spend any time looking into the facts and evidence regarding this terrorist attack ( Reichstag fire ) you know the official narrative from the Government is utter bullshit.

    1. It was caused by impacts and fires from the big jets that flew into them. I’m old enough to have watched it live, for hours.
      You troofers are basically flat-Earthers.

      1. Sorry… I don’t find your personal observations of watching TV on 9/11 or your emotional outbursts on this thread as evidence which contradicts what i wrote.

        1. But you do find your own BS compelling, and that some super-secret Mossad/GWB operation, with no leaks at all, and no physical evidence at all, happened.
          Tell ya what, go with aliens, its more believable.

          1. Once again an emotional outburst full of hysterical accusations derived from your own self conjured premise and what appears to be a theory based upon your own personal “feelings” of not being aware of any evidence that would run counter to your unshakable faith in the Government narrative surrounding the events of 9/11.

            Because you refuse to look at unanswered and compelling questions surrounding this operation doesn’t mean that there isn’t any evidence to contradict the seriously flawed and empty Government narrative that you espouse as the final word on this subject.

            I never mentioned the Mossad or GWB, that is your own projected, “conspiracy theory”.
            I did however urge people to pause on the thoughts of thousands of professionals, architects, structural engineers and others who have put forward some very compelling evidentiary questions regarding the structural collapse of WTC Building 7 .

            There really is no reason for you to go off and get so worked up and emotionally spent based on the opinions of other people.
            Your personal “faith” in the Government narrative has not been challenged.

  11. The Hindenburg was shot down by Joooooos! Oh, the humanity!
    TWA flight 800 actually has evidence of malfeasance and a cover-up, 9/11 not so much.

    1. So what about the jets. A bunch of punks with a few hours of flight training can’t fly jets. Don’t be so gullible.

  12. Idiots will believe anything other than their own lying eyes. I’m talking to you troopfers. You’re drooling insults to human intelligence.

    1. Very convincing … your insults and childish name calling have convinced me that the Government narrative regarding 9/11 must be true… thanks.
