26 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Is Mr. Goldstein that willingly ignorant?
    Yes, the ladies in his newsroom took shit and abuse. He was the only one who cared. The rest of the industry did not.

    1. I suppose Mr. Goldstein never jacked up a lout once. Saw, but did nothing.

      Males witnessing bad behavior by others, are pathetic.

  2. Sexism/racism, the Leftys call a conservative woman or a conservative black dude every name in the book and its all alright.
    Look at the way they treated Melania FFS and she’s probably been apolitical all her life.
    But Sarah Palin is their Poster Gurl for Lefty misogyny and we won’t have to wait long.

  3. First of all they are not journalists. They are now state organs and stooges and paid propagandists. All serving willingly under the Petty Tyrant Trudeau.

    1. Liberals judge others by their own behaviour.

      Newsrooms are such cesspits of sexual harassment and abuse because they are filled with liberals.

      This isn’t an observation by Lorrie, it’s a confession.

      Liberals think that all men are pigs because liberals associate with liberals. It’s all they know.
      Conservatives have a much higher opinion of men because they associate with conservatives.

    2. I have said for years, journalists are now modern pamphlet writers. Imagine incurring tens of thousands of dollars of debt to have gained that “skill”.

  4. Sheila Gunn Reid and others from Rebel news have been kicked, punched, slapped and even shot at.
    Not a whole bunch of white knighting from male members of the MSM that I could see. In fact, I dare say if you read between the lines it was actively encouraged.
    Do better Goldstein.

  5. So, uh, Lorrie, did you report all this harassment and abuse as a honest person and journalist would have done?
    Speak up, Lorrie.
    Let’s hear how stunning and brave you were while witnessing these atrocities.

    Did you give anyone a good thrashing?

    Thomas Sowell has a good story about how when at Harvard he only ever heard one malicious remark about a foreign student.
    One of the English exchange students had been called “Nasty, British, and short.”
    And he knew that the remark had been made maliciously because he was the one who made it.


  6. “I work for a conservative newspaper”. When a post starts with a lie, i tend to ignore it. Just one degree to the right of radical progressivism does not make you or your paper conservative.

  7. Did Mr. Goldstein forget Miss Christie Blatchford (God rest her hard-working soul), the ladies of Rebel News, Mrs. Palin … ?

    1. Yes! This brought back memories of Christie Blatchford’s take no prisoners writing. Only Sue Ann Levy matches up.
      Everything Leslyn writes and speaks of is exactly what Canada needs so badly. Let’s hope Pierre sees her worth and rewards her
      with a serious portfolio.

      1. leslyn is not who you think she is, check out her positions still held on varius left-wing boards

      2. I like Leslyn but I fear she may be pushed out by the racists in the House of Commons.

  8. What they call “harassment,” I call “push-back,” and they don’t like being pushed back, obviously.

    If the Sun (or the post) is a “conservative” paper, I’m a flaming liberal!

    1. By their definition anyone not actively engaged in Monkey Pox sex is a conservative.
      And by actively engaged, I mean like, right now.

  9. But apparently its ok for the Toronto Sun’s Warren Kinsella to trash the black woman running for the Conservative leadership.

  10. Dear Lorrie Goldstein,
    1) It is so wonderful that you care. But have you actually ever done anything? Taken a stand?
    2) As long you’re accepting money from Trudeau, I don’t care whether you work for Pravda as opposed to Izvestia.

  11. I looked up “conservative newspaper ” in The New Canadian Journalist’s Dictionary: a Canadian newspaper publishing business that has only a slightly inferior position to the Globe and Mail and Toronto Star in the lineup for Joostaihn’s media welfare handouts.

  12. I used to ask the broads at work in front of the guys….…” hey Brenda can I say something to you without getting hauled before a human rights tribunal?”

    The answer was yes you can yellow peril.

    “Brenda I gotta tell you…”today You. Look. Hot.”

    Soon all the guys would join in and the skirts of course loved the attention….vain little foxes that they are.
