16 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Maybe we should just go back to moderately self medicating with alcohol to resolve depression.

  2. I dunno – if you admit you effed up and were wrong because you thought you were doing the right thing… I’ll cut you a whole bunch of slack. So kudos to him I guess.
    It’s those in the Sciences who’ll double down despite the evidence that I have trouble with.

    As for depression – I’m glad I don’t suffer from it because I know people that do and it ain’t pretty.

    1. DepresSin

      I didn’t misspelled it…

      One who is unable to forgive ones own sin…

      No faith…

      No hope…

      Can not defend oneself…

      That was my twin sister…

      1. Freeman, there is a history of depression in my family. Unfortunately, I got the “gift that keeps giving”. I don’t disagree with your points, but there are times a little medical help goes a long way.

    2. burton
      Clinical depression is a whole different animal, and if they had just considered clinical depression they would have known they were wrong. But yah, this guy admitting he was wrong is admirable!

  3. Seratonin drugs were never more than 15% better than placebo, so this is not news. Depression is often best treated with low doses of old, unprofitable drugs, but don’t try to tell that to psychiatrists as stupid as the famous Canadian one who got hooked on benzos because he didn’t know they were dangerous. Speaking of old pills, did the vax team end up beating the vitamin D team?

  4. I take nortriptyline for migraines. I get severe facial pain and pressure. It works very well even at a low dose. It’s not an SSRI, but similar.

    One thing I did notice is my mood improved, I would say I get much less angry at things. My doc says that’s impossible at this dose, but it definitely happened.

    Now is that due to the drug directly, or is it due to the 24/7 migraine being gone?

    1. I was prescribed Baclofen to deal with really bad muscle spasms after I broke a couple vertebrae a decade ago. Funny side effect from that drug, I quit drinking alcohol. I was only on it for a short time and the drug basically flipped a switch in my brain and I’ve never so much as thought of having beer or a glass of wine with dinner in all the years since. My doctor seemed somewhat sceptical of my claims but now baclofen is apparently used to help alcohol and cocaine addicts (I was neither by the way). Strange how many of these things work. Sorry if that was a little off topic.

    2. Your doc is wrong, Allan. The German language prescribing guideline from the company that developed nortriptyline in 1963 says it should only be used in low doses, and back then it was only used for depression.

  5. Remember this issue every time someone says that “The science is settled” ( or claims to be science, like the Fauxi). What we don’t understand is immense – we see through a glass darkly, not face to face, and a little humility and caution is in order.

  6. As a person who suffers with depression I am so grateful Effexor was developed. I’m on the smallest daily dose available and is a night-and-day difference between being on and off the drug.

    I wish my family doctor knew of this when I was a teenager. I’m 48 years old and was diagnosed with ADHD and depression 3 years ago, all due to my oldest daughter being diagnosed before I. All I can say is this small amount of SSNRI taken daily has greatly improved my 14 year old daughter’s life (diagnosed at 11years old), my own life and our family’s life as a consequence.
