7 Replies to “Coulda Had A Wall”

  1. For me, there is no topic that symbolizes more the differences between Dems and Trump supporters than The Wall.

    Conservatives have stood firm for years on their support for a wall, consistently backing their arguments with common sense and logic. These same arguments remain every bit as valid, today.

    Democrats, on the other hand, have pivoted their position on walls and illegal immigrants numerous times, often contradicting themselves as they just blurt out what they think is politically expedient at that particular time. Just a few examples, for starters…

    Kids in cages… evil then, but apparently just fine when it’s Biden doing it.

    Border walls… racist and a folly once, but apparently now, they are OK and needed again.

    Busing illegal immigrants to other states… A-OK when the left controlled it, but now that some Democrat cities are the recipients, it’s emergency time.

    I am now waiting for their big pivot on stopping fentanyl at the border, that gaslighting should be coming soon, provided of course that they allow anything resembling viable midterm elections to even happen.

  2. The lack of a Southern border has made the Cartel wealthier than anytime in its operations. They are making a bloody (literally) fortune in human trafficking to, through, and past the Southern border of the US. At the same time, their drug movements across the border have never been easier.

    Yes … this is ALL the Democrats and puppet Biden’s fault. ALL of it. Just keep telling yourself … “no human is illegal”. … “no human is illegal” … but it’s OK to dehumanize them at the hands of The Cartel

    1. “They are making a bloody (literally) fortune in human trafficking to, through”

      …which of course speaks to the lie that if drugs were legal, it would spell the end of the cartels and their violence. They’ll simply branch into other lucrative criminal activities.

  3. Sowing chaos is a precursor to gaining control. The democrats are doing the same thing north of the border.

  4. The cartels have more money than most nation states.. If you think this power hasn’t laundered this money far and wide into every NGO and political party.. You would be a fool..
