20 Replies to “Make Borscht not War”

      1. Great idea. Polish crowdfundung effort for the Warmate kamikadze drones allows for choice messages from draw selected donors to be painted on each drone. I proposed “orc maintenance kit” but “Pootin’s suppository” is good too.

    1. How are the Peace Talks coming along?
      Ohhhhh … I see … the comedian wants to STARVE the world into supporting his neverending foreign funding scheme. Because you know Colon, AlanS, et al … that thermonuclear world war against Russia is the only way they’re gonna GTFO of their reclaimed lands. Anything else is utter nonsense.

        1. They aren’t gonna repel the Russian invaders … so, should they surrender the East and move on? Or should they fight a neverending losing battle down to their last man? There is a principle called … “cut your losses” … and … “discretion is the better part of valor”

          This conflict has moved past the “political” and into the “practical”

          1. So I take it you aren’t paying attention to whats happening on the ground. Russia is taking small towns in the far east, but Ukraine is taking twice as many around Kherson. Russia is incapable of major operations.

            87% of Ukrainians do not want to give up an inch of land. This includes Crimea. Pre-emptive: yes Ukrainians are entitled to self-determination.

          2. “surrender the East and move on”

            Move on where? To gulag? Have their country wiped out for your convenience, Their future dependent on the rapist, sadist, child kidnapping mob? Siberians want to dictate the future of Europe East of Oder. If Ukraine surrenders the east, Siberians will march to the west, then to Moldova. Remember Lawrovs presentation? There is no coexistence with the syphilic whore.

      1. Ukraine has every right to defend herself.
        If the turd worlders cannot feed themselves then it is their problem.
        You could not care less about starving turd worlders, you’re just using them as pretext to demand Ukrainian surrender.

        1. Forgot to add: and the reason you want Ukrainian surrender is because that would humiliate Biden. You’re seeing everting through that prism.

          1. Forgot to add: and the reason you want the WEF puppet to win is because you are full of bigoted hatred for Russians. You’re seeing everting(sic) through that prism.

          2. No Ho, there is nothing bigoted about hatred of russian imperialism and russia in general. They deserve all the hate and then some. They are the king Midas of shit. They destroy everything around them. They cannot stand that their betters enjoy lives that they will never have. So they destroy with a fury of a low IQ bully from a broken home (I am sure you can relate).

            You know how Ukrainian drone operators now identify camouflaged russian positions? They look for nearby garbage piles. Perfect metaphor for everything russian.

          3. How is it a “bigoted hate of Russians” to argue that invading another country without obvious causus belli is wrong?
            How is it a “bigoted hate of Russians” to support the right of smaller countries to self-determination?
            How is it a “bigoted hate of Russians” to observe that deliberately targeting civilians for mass artillery when you are the aggressor is a war-crime.

            If someone was doing this to Russians for the same reasons and under the same circumstances, I would condemn that, too. Contrary to Socialist identity-politics, actions are good or evil according to principle and context, not according to which group is the aggressor and which is the victim.

      2. “reclaimed lands”

        Russians “reclaim” lands the same way Mooselimbs “reclaim” lands.

  1. A message from the Deep State, globalist jackwads and their useful idiots.

    “I’ve given you catastrophe
    And called it a success;
    If you want other outcomes then
    Step forward and confess
    That you believed a pack of lies
    With no strain, sweat, or stress.”

    “You know the meaning of my words
    Lasts only just as long
    As sound takes to decay in air
    So that you take them wrong
    If you assign significance
    To my sly siren song.”

    “A ‘propaganda catapult’
    I’ve called myself, in fact;
    A damning human document
    Which I myself redact
    At every opportunity
    With no concern for tact.”

    “If you think what I’ve done before
    Has caused me to repent
    Or dream that I, in any way,
    Might let up or relent
    Then I’ve got wars for you to buy,
    Or maybe just to rent.”

    “I’ve little time to live on earth,
    So why should I reflect
    Upon the dead and dying souls
    Whose lives I’ve robbed and wrecked?
    I care not if they hate, just that
    They know to genuflect.”

  2. War zone farming sounds like fun.. Me alone in a tractor out in the middle of a field..

  3. I had a conversation, years ago, with a US farmer who went over to Afghanistan to help fight Bush’s war on drugs. Though it had more to do with paying off his divorce than any concern over the drugs.

    His job was to kill off all the poppy fields and try to get the locals to grow food instead.

    He described what it was like trying to do all the normal farming jobs while wearing a 50 lb flak jacket, keeping an eye out for explosives and getting shot at every once and awhile.

    By the time he left his knees were seriously messed up from the extra weight, they were growing more poppies than ever and he had ptsd. But he did manage to pay off his divorce.

  4. Farming in wartime is difficult – even if your country is not actually a combat zone.
    My grandfather went through it in the 1940s
    Your sons and young employees are in the military.
    Fuel and supplies are rationed or not available at all.
    The Government sets the prices for anything that you can grow, while raising your taxes to pay for the war effort. (110% of taxable income, one year).

    But it’s better than having ALL of your produce confiscated, and being shot if you tried to hide enough away to keep your family from starving. Four Million Ukrainians starved to death the last time the Russians took charge of Ukrainian agriculture.
