Lionel Shriver, on why she won’t be getting any more Covid jabs

This is an important interview.

First off, Lionel Shriver is a super intelligent woman. Like Jordan Peterson, and other intellectuals, she believed what the public health officials were telling all of us. So she got 3 jabs.

I’ve long said that I support everyone who decided to get the jab. This includes my 90 year old mother. From near the beginning, I came to the conclusion that Lionel Shriver is coming to now. Let’s hope more people see the light.

Here is her recent article.

54 Replies to “Lionel Shriver, on why she won’t be getting any more Covid jabs”

  1. We’re supposed to be in awe of the Emperor’s New Vaccine!
    Well, the virtuous among us are certainly in awe of it.

    It’s not a dead vaccine, it’s just resting.
    Beautiful plumage…

  2. If she is so intelligent,why has it taken her 2 and 1/2 years to see what was in your face obvious from March 2020?
    She is just beginning to doubt?
    Damn she is so smart.
    The simple facts were there to see..

    A virus of the common cold family will have a vaccine created for it in just months after decades of acknowledging that no cure for the common cold has been feasible..for a number of well known reasons..

    Number one being the speed of mutation amongst such beasties..

    The Death rates never ever reached the projected pandemic levels..
    Propaganda promoting hysteria ,fear and panic were the Go To of all Western Governments.

    I was told a medical emergency was upon us.
    2 1/2 years later I have yet to see any evidence of said pandemic..

    Could not be that the people charged with preventing panic and hysteria,panicked and ran around in a state of hysteria for over 2 years?

    They knew or should have known.
    No mercy is possible.

    1. She said, “surely they wouldn’t want to poison the whole world.”

      In fact, the whole gain of function research, funded by the U.S. and others, including participation by the People’s Liberation Army, should have been questioned from the very beginning.

    2. Bingo JR. “Beginning to question…?” It’s been fun the last two years watching people who were once held in high academic esteem prove themselves as absolute twats. And that’s the only fun, so the mercy comment is appropriate.

      1. Epoch times had a great front page article on how the government didn’t even consider science or ethics in their travel mandate. it was all about politics and making the Lieberals look good.

    3. An excellent summation John, but if I may I will add two other data points that convinced me we were being played-

      1. The effect of the “deadly” virus could be suspended for several weeks to accomodate an unneccessary federal election and a provincial election in BC.

      2. We were asked to believe that regular old boring seasonal flu dissappeared altogether, for the first time in recorded medical history.

      The panic was instigated by “chick think” as Adam Carolla so accurately describes the herd instinct that overtook all logical analysis

        1. This was a HUGE data point for me that we were being absolutely lied to by Fauci and 99% of the medical community.

          Ditto now with the Monkeypox “emergency”, incidentally.

    4. When natural immunity was discounted, all the warning bells in my head went off, and we stayed away from it, and I am but a peasant. I think the sad reality is that most journalists are just not that smart, and almost all lack the guts to go against perceived flow.


    5. John, I do understand what you’re saying. And I trust you know how very much I appreciate every single one of your comments on SDA these many years.

      But yes, Lionel Shriver is a very bright person. BUT this very-late-in the-game revelation she has come to shows how effectively the propaganda has worked on otherwise intelligent people.

    6. I smelled a rat early on, with the vociferous, ranting objections and cancel culture regarding HCQ and Ivermectin. If they didn’t work, it would have been shrugged off by TPTB. Instead,


      Thanks Mr Shakespeare.

      There was plenty of studies out later in 2020 showing the effectiveness of both of these, plus other nutraceutical therapies, which we adopted immediately.

  3. My situation exactly … although I stopped at TWO jabs. I consciously WAITED before getting boosted. And that bought time for THE SCIENCE … and … THE DATA … to reveal itself. I came to my personal conclusion … NO MORE pseudo-vaccines.

    And I must say … the FRANTIC, DRACONIAN, HYPERBOLIC government push for vaccinations and boosters … made me very, very, wary

    1. First time i got it, i was in the hospital for three days. Wifey lost taste and smell, still hasn’t got it all the way back yet.

      Just had it the second time…
      Summer sniffles. Wifey had nothing. I think that’s better than the vax.

  4. When you think about it, the only reason people rushed to get the vax, was pictures coming out of China
    of people dropping dead on the street, when in fact it appears that it was nothing but the flu…But now they appear to be working on more gain of function on more deadly viruses.. I hope it gets loose in China first.. Arent we all sick of what these people have done to us in the last thre years?..

    1. I’m SICK of what our own governments have done to us, and what they continue to do.

      Next up, JAB the innocent kids and toddlers, who are at zero risk fromCovid.

      1. Next up, JAB the innocent kids and toddlers, who are at zero risk fromCovid

        Indeed view this from GoebbelsTV, and pause at 2:13 the experimental gene therapy has an effectivenes of 50% for 6month to 2year-old infants, it is even worse for 2 year to 5 year-old children, effective for only 36%. Additionally it will require another shot in eight weeks. Lets frame that differently 6m-2y infants have a 1in 2 chance of NOT being protected, 2y-5y children have a 1 in 3 chance of NOT being protected after receiving the dangerous experimental gene therapy. Why bother and risk life altering problems?

        This surely qualifies as child abuse.

  5. A really intelligent woman would have looked at the actual data from things like Pfizer’s summary application to the FDA and made a decision on the vaccine based on that, not government propaganda. If she had two shots AND a booster she’s not a really intelligent woman. She’s a gullible fool. That doesn’t excuse the criminals who fooled her of course. They belong in jail. But she should have known better and not trusted like that.

    1. We didn’t have the information until very recently. I’ll grant you getting booooosted was silly. It was clear to me it didn’t work by that point.

      1. We knew from the official stats released in Italy that the Kung Flu was no worse than a bad flu year.

        We knew from the Diamond Princess and USS Theodore Roosevelt quarantines – the closest thing we were ever going to get to a properly controlled contagion/virulence test with human subjects – that everything they were telling us about the transmissibility and lethality of the virus was absolute horse****.

        We knew from the testimony of the Alberta Director of Public Health under oath that they were lying about case counts and knew they were lying about case counts.

        We knew from numerous trials around the world that anti-parasiticals (you know what I mean) and similar protocols were incredibly effective at reducing the impact of Kung Flu. We knew from the full court press to discredit them that there was something more than public safety going on.

        Whether anyone should have known the vaccine worked or not is irrelevant because the vaccine was never necessary.

      2. The Pfizer Summary Application from the FDA came out before the shots arrived in Canada. We did have the information. Granted there is a certain amount of expertise involved in doing things like comparing how many cases were removed for administrative reasons compared to controls. (Those two figure should be about the same if the study is a good one.) There were five times as many cases removed for administrative reasons as controls. That is a HUGE red flag. Nor was it the only one. What Pfizer called “false negative COVID” was what finished me. Get vaxxed, get COVID symptoms, get the test and it’s negative, can’t be the vax. Must be false negative COVID. Really????? Pfizer basically admitted right there the vax gives some people COVID symptoms.

        Okay maybe the general public would not know that but there is not one single scientist involved in approving this that has any excuse for NOT knowing this. Even your average doctor who has really only very minimal training in this stuff should have at least asked questions.

        Sorry NO excuses. Pfizer was quite open about their poison. And when they say they should be held responsible for their fraud because the government knew it too, they aren’t wrong.

        1. I have a dream. Someday I would like to be on a committee investigating this travesty asking people like Tam and Roussilini my questions. I would likely make Ted Cruz look like a polite mild mannered milk toast type.

      3. Not so. If you were paying attention there were renowned doctors/researchers warning against them from the beginning.

  6. Look, I get it. Seemingly intelligent people could easily fall for the early on application of the “vaccine.” Intelligence doesn’t necessarily translate to common sense or healthy skepticism. A vast majority of us on this website have had healthy doses of documentation over the years that suggest that whenever dealing with government a skepticism is warranted. They have proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted for a multitude of reasons. Additionally, a further skepticism is initiated when that same government declares that you are obligated to do as they say without any consideration for individual choice. This is further highlighted when those making those declarations didn’t follow their own edict (and still aren’t).

    Ms. Shriver seems to be very statistic oriented. And, it would make sense that she would not make a declaratory decision until a significant field existed from which to extrapolate and evaluate. Up until that point she was willing to allow others to make those decisions for her because she lacked the skepticism to do otherwise. Intelligent people can still be impressionable. Some of the smartest people I know are incredibly and disturbingly willing to allow others to make decisions for them. But, with each revelation such as the one Ms. Shriver experienced, they learn to apply skepticism to future events.

    It will be interesting to see how she acts in the next pandemic.

    1. “Just jab yerself with this mRNA goop, it’ll be fine. Trust me.”
      There are schoolchildren who wouldn’t fall for that line.

  7. Once they made them mandatory I knew I’d been had. Trudeau’s billion dollar vaxx pass funding made it clear beyond doubt what was happening.

  8. Many, many years ago I discussed vaccine injury with Kate. Her being a dog lover, fully believed in their value. In 1995, after my 4 month old nephew reacted to his dpt, (his mother found him blue and not breathing) (they changed the vax to Tdap later that year due to so many reactions) We learned how the whole vax thing was built on experts/$$, not science. Knew in Feb of 2020 it was going to be all about the vaccine. Too bad so many had to be injured in the last 2 years- before they saw what we did.

  9. Just goes to show, these intellectuals are idiots.
    1. The smart thing to do is wait a bit and see how it works.
    2. After waiting a bit, and seeing the draconian policies and outright lies, decide not to jet jabbed, on the simple principle of “if it works, it’ll market itself, sooner or later”, instead of its proponents sounding like Nigerian Princes in need of aid.
    People who didn’t do this are idiots when it comes to real-life decisions, no matter how many big words they use, no matter how many pieces of folk wisdom they utter.

    1. Man…

      You need to give them all a break bud…


      You are talking about four of my kids and mother…

      One is real old the others young still trusting in El Capitaine .gov and their paid off sluts the media…

      They didn’t deserve this..

      I get it…

      I Really I do HiHo…

      Only God can save me…

      And you…

      1. I’m also talking about all of my siblings. I told them they were idiots, tried to warn them, citing that when coercion is used, good intentions are not the motivation, they said I was a crazy conspiracy nut, they got jabbed anyway. I fear for them now, and now that the numbers are coming out, they’re scared too, and none of them will get boosted. Naturally, we don’t talk about it anymore.
        My parents, grandparents and wife are all dead. All I have left of any close family is 3 siblings.
        If any of them die prematurely…well, you know.

        1. I am bitter…

          And my bitterness is morphing into God’s Justice…

          God’s Justice

          November 10, 2016
          by Pastor Chuck Swindoll

          Scriptures: Job 42:1–17

          I find at least two enduring truths for us as I think through these closing scenes in Job’s story. First, forgiveness is worth asking for. If there’s something that has come between you and your heavenly Father, why wait at a distance? Come. Talk openly with Him. He loves to hear the unguarded confessions of His children. He takes delight in our humble admission of wrong. Just tell Him.

          As we have seen, He will never turn you away. Forgiveness is worth the asking.

          Second, justice is worth waiting for.

          God is a God of justice. He will faithfully bring it to pass—if not now, later. If not later, in eternity.

          God will make it right. His fairness is part of His veracity. God, who patiently allowed Satan’s dastardly experiment with Job to run its course, has now brought it to completion. His servant has been rewarded. These friends have been brought to their knees.

          Best of all, Satan has been silenced and proven wrong (again!). And the Lord is still enthroned, in charge, and fully glorified.

          I have no way of knowing what your situation is right now. I don’t know what you’re wrestling with or who has wronged you. Nor do I know how severe life has been for you. But I do know this: life has not been easy. Your tests have probably been as severe as Job’s, but I’m sure they have been difficult, maybe the worst you’ve ever known in your lifetime. You may find yourself in prison.

          You’ve been wronged, and it’s never been made right, and justice is on hold.

          There’s a reason for the delay.

          Perhaps it’s to give you time to examine your own life. Is there a wrong you need to confess, an offense you’ve caused but never attempted to reconcile?

          I urge you to set aside your pride and step back into that unfinished business and take care of things now. You will be amazed how relieving it will be to draw in that anchor so you can get moving in the right direction.

          It might very well be that your willingness to forgive and move on is all that is necessary to prompt the Lord to let His justice roll down.

          So, what are you waiting for…

          1. Bullshit. No forgiveness until they admit what they did, ask for forgiveness and make restitution. I personally did nothing to block the Lord from letting His justice roll down

      2. I’m pretty pissed with some of my family too. That being said, they did not deserve to be fooled, abused and injected with poison by people they trusted to protect them, that’s true.

  10. // An official UK government report recently said that more than 2,200 Britons may have been killed by vaccine-induced injuries, //
    Of course no link was given. As in American estimates of this odour, a government service that collects self-reporting claims
    before they are analysed means that the estimate is an upper bound.
    In the UK this is called yellow-card reporting:
    “It is very important to note that a Yellow Card report does not necessarily mean the vaccine caused that reaction or event”
    Anyway this explains their work and what is probably the source of the “official UK government report recently said” can be found here:

    As for “super intelligent woman” Lionel Shriver, she seems to regularly get into sketchy situations:
    The troubled life of Lionel Shriver

  11. Politicians are like a cross between a carnival barker and a used car salesman, with an unhealthy lust for power thrown into the mix. As con men themselves, they could spot the con a mile away, and they chose to bend their powers of persuasion, even to obscenely indulge their lust for power to peddle the jab.
    There can be no forgiveness.

  12. It didn’t pass the smell test, from the get go.
    No jabs here, nor planning to.
    We are the control group.

    1. Idd

      YEP….from around April 2020, it was quite obvious to me as well, that the entire premise of some PaNDEMIC was and continues to be PURE PsyOP Theatre and utter Bullshit.

      Folks don’t just DROP dead conveniently in front of an iPhone 13 while at the same time in the background one notices NEVER before Seen nor heard of, Giant FOGGING trucks attempting to fog a city of 11 Million – Wuhan.

      What totally sealed it to me was the 2 Ships that were Quarantined:

      1: Diamond Princess Cruise Ship with (in February), 85% of the 3670 passengers were over the age of 65 – 14 Died
      2: USN CVN 71 Theodore Roosevelt AC. 5885 Crew & Officers: 1 Died

      Pandemic eh.? …yea, of Pure Propaganda, Lies, Utter Bullshit heralding the coming VAXX COERCION a campaign worthy of Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Eichman et all.

  13. 1 in 5000 getting seriously ill or worse is thousands of Canadians.. Trudeau and everybody who supported him did this.. No way it should have gone down as it did.. They didnt care..

  14. When they lied about ivermectin, apart from whether or not it works for covid, I became very suspicious. (I had the good fortune of being well acquainted with the safety of ivermectin and its efficacy in several areas) My suspicions grew and protected me and many of my friends and siblings from the jab. After the Freedom Convoy I realized that the government and its paid media are always lying. That’s why they hate God.

    1. The Government s couldn’t have safe and effective drugs like Ivermectin being administered to victims because then the Government would have to admit that the China Con Flu could be treated with existing drugs and therefore would not have reason to impose authoritarian powers and lawless mandates.

      The Governments needed to declare an “emergency” to give themselves unaccountable power.

      Bonnie Hitler said from the beginning that the only way out was through the imposition of the “vaccine”, she said that right at the beginning of this terrorist act.
      Why would she say that ?
      How would she know ?
      Why was she so obviously lying about something so serious ?
      This was a pre planned assault .

  15. Re ; HiHo , My son took it to keep his job. I pray for his health often. My personal experience was, I was watching Doctors talk about it on the inter-webs and they started of saying it caused inflammation and it just went down hill from there.

  16. How bright is this woman that it took her 3 goes before she figured it out. Most smart people should have rejected the unverified ‘vaccine’ immediately. She must be a stupid lefty.

    But better late than never, I guess.

  17. Yes Robert,my cynicism is at a peak today.
    I have always maintained that our “helpers” are in no physical danger from those of us who doubt and distrust them.
    It is those who trusted them,believed in their wisdom and now suffer pain and loss, who they must fear.

    The likes of Lionel Shriver,The Dark Horse couple and Naomi Wolf are the beginning of that sense of betrayal,innocence lost and eyes wide shut being forced open.
    However,they will always pray that their assailants were merely mistaken,hoping against all hope that evil is not real.
    That stupid is not our norm.

    Hell I almost feel some sympathy for the civil servants who will be thrown to the rampaging mobs coming soon..
    Except history indicates that once the mob runs free all bets are off.
    Revenge and retribution is our nature..
    Which means one unholy mess is coming
    Which is why so many of us so hoped that Reform could work,even while suspecting it was impossible.
    We stare into the abyss..Once we lose all we hold dear we release what we have seen..

    It did not have to come to this,is a future sentiment.
    For which those who caused it shall be made to pay,until none are left..
    It has been a lovely luxurious civilization, damned shame we destroyed it.

    1. Sage words Mr Robertson! I am also a pureblood, but many of my friends and family were gullible, and believed the enforced hype. There will never be forgiveness from me.
      That it DID NOT NEED TO COME TO THIS, will indeed be a future sentiment. Those who caused it MUST be made to pay, I sincerely hope I am still around to witness and participate in that repayment! I want my ten pounds of flesh!

  18. The vaxx doesn’t work. The evidence is overwhelming.
    The virus was never as dangerous as they said, and they knew it by the spring of 2020.
    Governments lied and coerced citizens into getting the vaxx, often with the threat of losing their jobs, their ability to take part in society, to visit those in care homes, etc.
    Governments have not backed off on the coercion, lies, and outright fraud, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of significantly bad outcomes from the vaxx and its ineffectiveness.
    Bought and paid for media has played along with government.
    It is time to clean house. Those who perpetrated this malicious fraud need to face severe consequences.

  19. “Lionel Shriver is a super intelligent woman. Like Jordan Peterson, and other intellectuals, she believed what the public health officials were telling all of us.”

    A super intelligent woman who believed what public health officials said.

  20. Shriver is like a lot of “really smart people “, they’re smart but they don’t have a bullshit meter.
    How anyone trusts any Government or Corporate/State Media is beyond comprehension.

    This one you could smell the bullshit from a mile away.
