19 Replies to “Memory Hole, The Trailer”

  1. Saw a t-shirt with the Democrats mascot fronting an American flag with “Donkey Pox, the disease destroying America”…

    Although America is corrupt, the Donkeys are pure evil down to the bone marrow. The elephants are better, especially if from the Trump zoo.

  2. Those Democrats could say the earth is flat and the moon is made of Swiss cheese …

    they would sound less insane than when they say that Russia gave the victory to Trump.

  3. The primary difference between then and now is that were the Bush/ Kerry election to have taken place today with the same results it would have been overturned based on innuendo. More importantly, the Department of Justice would have been leading the charge.

  4. To say SHE was obsessed with Trump’s illegitimate 2016 election victory … is the understatement of the last century. SHE even took HER refusal to accept “Democracy” on tour!

  5. The political right has its own memory hole, just not as deep.
    Unsurprisingly, the only ideology that doesn’t have a memory hole is Libertarian.

    1. That’s because libertairians are too intellectually incoherent to remember anything.

      1. That would imply a memory hole that is infinitely deep.
        The depth of the Libertarian memory hole is zero.

    2. I’ve noticed that the overwhelming majority of people claiming to be “libertarians” are really just libertines.

      1. Well, ed, you must live in a bad neighborhood, either that, or you just don’t like libertarians or their ideology.
        Some libertarians of note:
        Stossel, Friedman, Ezra Levant, Clint Eastwood, Thomas Sowell, Ron and Rand Paul, Charles Murray, Ayan Hirsi Ali, Tom Selleck, John McAfee, Joe Rogan, Ayn Rand, Tomas Jefferson, Vince Vaughn, Lau Tzu.

  6. What drives Dems and RINOs nuts is Trump legitimately won the GOP leadership and the election. Dems haven’t had a legitimately elected leader since Kerry. They fixed Obama, Hillary and Joe. Why would you ever think they wouldn’t do it for a Presidential election?

    1. The RINOs still don’t understand Trump voters. We watched the RINO’s run “moderate” after “moderate” after “moderate” UNI-Party candidate and LOSE. We took a flier on Trump … and he DELIVERED. Promises made, promises kept. I still don’t personally care much for his bedside manner … but sure got to work on curing the ills that infect the body politic. No wonder the RINOs … and the hard Left Democrats HATE his guts. He makes them all look like Joe Bidinh.

  7. All the world is a stage…

    Once you understand that they are not journalists & media professionals, but rather, actors & operatives, things will start to make sense…

  8. GOP: Now do 10 minutes of insurrectionists, sorry, Democrats encouraging the riots, sorry, peaceful protests all during the Summer of 2020.

  9. A pox on both their houses.
    As long as there is so much money and status to be made and penalties are small or nonexistent, then grifters will be attracted to politics. I have met MPs here in Canada who could barely rise to managerial level at a Seven-Eleven that have taxpayer funded millionaire level lifestyles. Trump is probably one of the few honest politicians – already rich, famous and influential so what could he be bribed with? Until we see corrupt politicians in jail with significant sentences, then we have this theatre. Might as well ask Santa for an honest political system.
