14 Replies to “Covid Mandates: No Data, No Science, Just Cruel Politics”

  1. The ONLY purpose of the mask mandates is to make you feel locked down. Once they were lifted life returned to normal and that’s what leftists and boomers (same thing) are most afraid of.

    1. I got the initial two jabs … because my government had never LIED to me about medicine and health issues before. Well … they DID say everyone was at risk of AIDS … just not to stigmatize the gays … there was that … but AIDS was a special case … right? Wrong. The government (and my own pcp) will NEVER be trusted by me EVER again. A second opinion will be sought in all future medical decisions.

      The government is NOT our friend. Quite the opposite.

      1. The truth about AIDS continues to be suppressed and Fauci has his hand in it also.

      2. Just imagine how devastated they are that money-pox is behaving like AIDS 2.0, not COVID20.

        If the current China flu continues to wain in strength and they can’t make hay out of this latest jungle disease, then our ‘betters’ may have no choice but to support the Chinese military in releasing yet another virus.

        Power and control must be maintained at all cost, and man-made diseases have proven far more effective at enabling this than supposed man-made climate change.

      3. With all due respect, Kenji, apparently you hadn’t heard of Tuskeegee. That was a warning to not trust the U.S. government in matters like health.

    1. I cannot unsee the heavily feathered hair and the extremely fitted faded blue jeans of John Roberts circa 1982.

  2. Give me a call when the populace as a whole gains any knowledge. So far the herding of the sheep has been as simple as an MSM news cast, no matter how great the lie is the sheep believe it. Guess what, the lie is killing the sheep.
