78 Replies to “Schwab 3:16”

  1. To quote a graduate student I once knew, sharp as a bowling ball…..

    1. BADR,

      They have a choice, when they utter such nonsense, when posed the question.

      Do they prefer sounding like Blofeld, or Mr Bean?

      Clearly, they prefer to look incompetent, when they are truly evil. The penalties for incompetence are negligible, vs the penalties for being evil. Sadly, when it comes to politicians, there are no penalties for either of the mindsets, incompetent, or psychopathic. Instead, they get rewarded for their post-political days.

      Two examples, Daddy McGuinty, and the reprehensible Wynn. Both are living gilded lives, despite their psychopathic reigns of error. The list is long, they have company in this outcome.

    2. Makes one miss the intelligence of the real Climate Barbie by comparison.

      1. Now that’s a scary thought. And Climate Barbie made Kim! Campbell look like a candidate for Mensa membership.

  2. “straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics.”

    1. “straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics.”

      ¿por qué no los dos?

  3. So what is the right number for fuel costs?
    Obviously being up a dollar a litre in the last year isn’t enough if they still want to impose more carbon taxes.
    What is the right number?
    Five bucks a litre?

    A generation of idiots marinated in Marxist hatred for everything decent is the root cause of all of this.

    Nice to hear from Economic Depression Barbie about how starving people will save the planet.
    Maybe she’ll get to be Minister Of Starvation when Trudeau steals the election again.

    “Let me be very clear about this one thing: I have no intention of ever answering a question about anything.”

    The slow brained losers in the Canadian media are happy, they are still getting their handouts.

    1. Stan you’re missing the point. They don’t want the masses to be mobile, have cars, even electric ones. They only push electric cars because they know there isn’t enough electricity to power them. The fact that everything will go up will just enforce government food directives and eventual rationing. You are to be a serf. There is to be no middle class.

      1. They know that individual ownership of guns and cars has to end before they can totally be in control.

        As you said, their plan is that once they phase out ICE vehicles, then they admit their ownership and use needs to be restricted because of electrical capacity. It’s probably then that the liberals will finally start talking about the environmental and human rights impact of things needed for EVs like cobalt, and the problem caused by the limited lifespan of the batteries and their disposal.

  4. Fraulein should volunteer to be the sacrifice. Have her heart cut out and be a burnt offering to the sun god.

    1. Have her heart cut out

      That implies that she actually has one.

  5. Gas. $1.98 in Manitoba. $2.10 in Ontario. Same day. Taxes out of control.

    1. If you think that’s bad, try aviation fuel. I gassed up the plane last week at $3.45/liter.

      1. I’ve got another trip to northern B. C. coming up. I shudder to think what diesel fuel costs now. Nearly 3 weeks ago, it was about $2.03/litre in Edmonton and $2.21 at the Flying J in Dawson Creek.

        Fortunately, my road trips will be coming to an end before winter sets in.

        1. Make sure you fillup in Hythe or Demmitt, avoid the BC Kleptocratic tax regime.

          1. Each trip I fill up in Edmonton and re-fuel in Grande Prairie (which is usually a bit more expensive), having used about half a tank. That’s enough for me to make a round trip to Fort St. John and fill up in GP on the way back.

            I cross into B. C. and the price for both gasoline and diesel go up significantly.

          2. Yes, it matters where one fills up. BC has always had a higher tax regime, and then, it matters within BC, which district one is in, as the Transit system taxes vary as well.
            We plan our trips to the interior to avoid Vancouver and West Valley stations. Abbotsford gas prices drop, as they are outside the Translink tax regime, difference ranges from 10-15 cents/l.

    2. Hmmm

      Was at Costco East Hills (Calgary), this aft..and Diesel has continued to come down..along with Gas prices as well.

      Diesel: 1.729 L
      Week ago 1.769 L
      And 3 weeks ago: 1.859
      Don’t recall gas prices, but they too were in the 1.7x range…

      I like the trend..!! Keep comin

      As for the UkroNazi Beotch, may she and her trainer become the planet’s latest to hang on a Meathook.

  6. I heard of this on the radio today. I didn’t believe it until the host actually played her speaking. A very “let them eat cake” moment. I think the Cossack should be rode out of town, sent to the Ukraine maybe 🙂

    1. That was FN AWESOME…

      Thanks Glacierman…

      As for the Nazi C U Next Tuesday

      Your going down bitch…

      And eventually with a rope around your neck once found guilty of treason, murder and crimes against humanity…

          1. A Woman Named Kandiss Taylor Is Running For Governor In Georgia…

            Her Campaign Is Based on ‘Demolishing The Georgia Guidestones’

            Here Is Her Campaign Video…


            We Should Always Consider Every Possibility. In That Case…

            What If This Is A Signal By The Elite…? To The Elite…

            To Signal The Next Phase… Hmm…?


    1. “….is no way to be a federal cabinet minister, madame.”

  7. Work harder! C’mon Boxer, your comrades need you to work harder! Your reward is just around the corner!

  8. There are only two choices when you hear someone like Freeland talking:
    1) she’s stupid, I.e. she is completely ignorant on the subject she’s babbling about (a solid working hypothesis when dealing with an ideologically possessed post modern neomarxist like many of Turdeau’s coterie); or,
    2) she’s evil, I.e. she knows she’s spewing utter bullshit and she doesn’t care because she knows the bought and paid for corporate media will run interference for her, and that Singh and the rest of his NDP catamites will happily chuck the “working man” under the NDP-LPC coalition bus so long as they can keep their seats until their pensions vest.
    Stupid or evil; take your pick. At some point the two become indistinguishable in their impact on the ordinary Canadians whose lives are being burned to the ground by these felons.

    1. Three ridings that will always be liberal even if Satan incarnate was running as the liberal and Ghandi was the conservative candidate.
      Toronto Center, St Paul’s, and University Rosedale.
      I have dream where an election results are the liberals retaining only those three seats.

      1. Let me add “Ottawa South” to that list… for that matter, just about any riding in Ottawa’s urban core, unless they vote NDP.

  9. The Spawn-Fuhrer’s highest ranking vagina criteria appointee confirming peak energy ignorance, all to the waving pompoms of his bought-off court-eunuch media. Canada in 2022. Suffering Eloi? Who cares, they have an agenda created by Lord Butts, Soros, and Davos and it is sacrosanct. Besides, Eloi are just for votes and then consumption.

    Next: Ration card apps tied to vax passports.

    1. The media just wants to avoid being eaten by the alligators, but they eventually will be eaten, their only benefit, is they won’t be first.

  10. Every time that female speaks the song “If I only had a brain” go around and around my brain. How does someone that appears so simple end up with so much authority and power?

    1. How does someone that appears so simple end up with so much authority and power?

      Having the surname of Trudeau?

  11. That’s scary: Three “let me be very clear” assurances in a short clip. Followed by a mud slide.
    Some people describe “climate change” as a cult.
    Not really, eh?
    Cultists believe in the cult’s ideology.
    None of these people believes in CAGW.

    And the phony “thank you for your question” and the patronizing compliment about its being an IMPORTANT one, followed by a trivial non answer.

    1. It reminds me of the replies I get when I email my brain-dead NDP MP trying to incite guilt for his party’s lock-step support for the Spawn-Fuhrer.

      1. I see I’m not the only one who has to suffer with an NDPr MP. The current one took over from another Dipper, and she got that job because her Conservative couldn’t keep happy dust out of his nose and his pants zipped.

        1. My editing’s gone downhill today. That last sentence should have read:

          “The current one in my riding took over from another Dipper, and she got that job because her Conservative predecessor couldn’t keep happy dust out of his nose and his pants zipped.”

  12. Notice how liberals preface their non-answers with “Thank you for the question?”

    They thank you for a question that they have no intention of answering. That’s how you know that you’re about to be served with a liberal helping of word salad.

    1. “Thank you very much for that question – it’s a VITAL question, and I’m glad somebody has finally asked it. Next question?”

  13. Currently, where I live, there are no carbon taxes to deal with. However, were I to buy 20 gallons of gas, 76 cents tax is applied to each gallon purchased ( 57.6 cents state, and 18 cents federal). The current average cost per gallon in my area is $4.85 per gallon.

    So, doing the math. 20 gallons of gas costs $97. $15.20 of that $97 is taxes.

    That’s annoying to begin with…however, if you research what those taxes revenues are used for it becomes frustrating. They are used to finance the state turnpike, and basic road upkeep throughout the state. Here’s the thing. Does anyone remember that “shovel ready jobs” bill a while back where tens and tens of billions were issued to the states for those very needs? It’s almost as if those billions and billions of dollars were never used for those trademark “shovel ready jobs.”

    And, remember, this is without any carbon taxes applied.

    1. Orson.

      That works out to in CAD:
      6.33 per gallon
      Theres 3.73 Litres per gallon
      At 1.69…your slightly lower than the best Price in Canada (Alberta,)
      ~ 1.759 L (Costco)

      Elsewhere..it ranges at normal gas station starting at 1.919 here in Calgary to well over 2.10 and higher per litre

      Prices in CAD.

      Regardless, We ALL are being severely BONED…on Purpose.

  14. One small nit to pick CHRYSTIA FREELAND is not Christian. Yes I know it is twitter and you can’t edit twitter but still as a Christian myself EWWWWWW!!!!

  15. She’s a journalist, and we all know they’re as dumb as dogshyte, plus she’s the grand-spawn of a vile nazi war criminal and blood will tell. Ergo, as said above, stupid and evil. The worst combination.

  16. She can’t even FAKE sympathy and concern anymore. She can’t hide the inner GLEE she exudes … knowing that everyone driving a vehicle and heating their home are getting financially reamed. Their plan to FORCE us out of our cars … and cure our “addiction to oil” … is going swimmingly.

  17. Someone should have asked her to elaborate. That would have stopped the show.

    1. There’s a lot of ruin in a country and this one just got started.

  18. Not one of the cowardly losers in the Canadian government funded media will question her non answer’s accuracy.
    The price of oil started up as soon as Biden was installed in the White House.

  19. Ms. Bobblehead-Thunder Thighs is sounding more like Kamala Harris every day.

  20. Freeland is just as dishonest and unethical as her boss…..but let’s be frank.

    We can’t blame the liberals for being liars and dirtbags. They are Liberals. They can’t help themselves.

    Blame the moronic Canadians who keep voting for them.

    1. Yes and forget he who counts wins…

      Are y’a blind?

      You are saying our elections are fair…

      You actually believe that?


  21. The question itself is incredibly stupid. The whole point of the carbon tax is to increase the price of gas.

  22. According to The Five the oil coming out of the strategic oil reserve is going to China.

  23. Don’t forget that they all have chauffeur driven limos to get them around. All on the taxpayer’s dime. They are so out of touch with reality.
