16 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

    1. Worse than that … “what’s calculus”? Ohhh yeahhhh … “didn’t some old white ‘apple-falling-Guy’ invent that to hold down the black man?”

      1. Nein. It vass also that Cherman whose descendants vill be Nazis, ja.

        1. Him too. Just another … ewwww … man. Born with a protuberance to penetrate all the helpless women with their manly mathematics. Wait. Women can do math too? Wait. But now womyn don’t WANT to do math … it’s logic and reason is so … so … “manly”. We will fight to get an addadichtome … but will still refuse to do the man’s mathematics.

    2. Only qualifications required to be a journalist are ;

      Do you enjoy lying?

      Do you hate conservatives?

  1. LMAO. What a dullard!!!! Right up there with the media genius who thought ear plugs were rubber bullets.

  2. It was Big Dave’s Gas And Flower Shop.
    The one with the drive through ammo lane.

    On the corner of Walk and Don’t Walk.

    Ya can’t miss it, etc…directly above the center of the Earth.

  3. Tell Dave Bondy that if you say the word ‘gullible’ very slowly, it sounds like you’re saying ‘green beans’.

  4. Why don’t rich Democrats buy gas stations and sell gasoline at low prices.

    Democrat politicians can join in by investing their pension plans and savings accounts.

    1. That would mean they might have to deal with deplorables and we all know that deplorables have cooties.
