34 Replies to “Probably”

  1. Germany preparing legislation to nationalize the gas supply. What could possibly go wrong?

  2. I am willing to completely destroy ours and every other country just to fight Putin! Who the hell cares if your children starve? We have virtue signaled!

    1. yes, lots of people agreed that “dont
      attack hitler ” . dint help and Putin has
      the same plan as Hitler did..

      1. Putin’s dying of cancer … I have read that for months from our expert journalists … the same ones who can’t diagnose what’s ailing Joe Bidinh … so Putin won’t live long-enough to become “Hitler II”. Meh. So he’s taking a couple Russian-speaking Eastern Ukraine Provinces back for the utterly corrupt Ukraine government. Meh.

        Oh! And Putin’s LOSING his war anyway … I read THAT in the media everyday also …

      2. So … you WANT World War 3 then? You planning to go and fight the Russian Army too? Or are you just happy to draft young white conservative straight men to do your filthy work for you, like in WW1?

        Let me let you in on a little secret about NATO: it has never met an actual n2z1 it didn’t love, it is virulently Russophobic (it has no other purpose), it hasn’t won a real war since, well, … nothing comes to mind. None of its members have engaged a peer enemy, with layered air defence, since 1945. Its second largest, and certainly best trained and equipped ,(full of hard, racist young men with a hard on at the prospect of getting killed or crippled fighting the ‘orcs’) is slowly, systematically being dissected and eliminated, at the rate of a battalion a day, and they can’t do anything about it except try to extract the occasional set of trophy casualties for a twitter post. Said NATO army has never had any kind of battle plan, or strategy, it has no operational (let alone strategic) depth. It sits around with its thumb up its ass waiting for the next shipment of wonder weapons from the EU and US. And now it is conscripting girls, cripples, and old men. Russia has, with limited mobilisation, and limited casualties, basically removed the pride of NATO nation- and army-building from the chessboard. (How do you know casualties in the Russian army have been low? Find me the weekly videos of entire Russian companies and battalions surrendering, week in and week out).

        Russia now has the most experienced, battle-hardened cadre of professional soldiers on the planet. They have just gone toe to toe with a NATO designed and built Ukrainian army, dug in along fortified lines prepared in depth with NATO help and funding since 2014, and equipped with some of the latest NATO goodies (they were when this all started). NATO can’t meet budget, they are running low on their own supplies (having tossed a boatload over to Ukraine, to get blown up on trains and in warehouses). Amd last I heard, the whole “Enlist and get blown up to help stop the Russian hordes so we can keep our vaccine mandates and our drag queen kiddies’ story hour going for another few years, so Heather’s two mommies won’t cry” all-out recruiting drive is somehow not quite landing as they hoped it would.

        Fight the Russians? Not when we are starving, immobilised and cold we won’t. You want to hero-up and join coloniscopy on the adventure of a lifetime, sitting in a freezing slit trench enjoying a couple smokes for about an hour before a thermobaric warhead tears your lungs out of your nose-hole, go for it.

        I can think of dozens of things way more worthy of fighting for at this point, than Western corporate oligarch interests, thanks.

        This is why I recommend emigrating. Get out of the madhouse while you still can.

        1. “Russia now has the most experienced, battle-hardened cadre of professional soldiers on the planet. “
          Nonsense, their elite forces got decimated in the opening stages and during the rout around Kiev, they are now forcing conscripts to sign contracts and offering contracts as get out of prison cards to career violent criminals (a time-honored Siberian tradition). Meanwhile mothers of conscripts (fathers are typically dead from alcoholism by this age) are desperately trying to bribe anyone they can to have their litter send back barn. In a time honored Siberian tradition, money from desperate is taken and no service is rendered. Also, recruitment offices all over Pootinistan are being torched.

          “They have just gone toe to toe with a NATO designed and built Ukrainian army,”
          Nope, Ukrainian army was neither NATO designed nor built. It is an army with very much indigenous doctrine and primarily old Cold War gear. Yes, western gear has been entering their forces and is becoming more and more common and improves their effectiveness but most of Ukrainian gear is still either indigenous or old Cold War. As for doctrine, and organization, the large brigade concept with all its advantages and disadvantage is uniquely Ukrainian. And degree of informality within ranks is Israeli like. Their tactical doctrine combined own and NATO tactics to combat the Siberians.

          “ dug in along fortified lines prepared in depth with NATO help and funding since 2014”
          NATO involvement was very limited and the lines actually held very well.

          “, and equipped with some of the latest NATO goodies”
          Nope, very little NATO goodies initially,

          “ (they were when this all started). “
          Nope, they weren’t. Repeating the same lie (now in brackets) does not make it any less of a lie.

          “NATO can’t meet budget,”
          NATO budgets have been greatly increased and a lot of new goodies are being ordered, if anything NATO hasn’t been on a shopping spree like this since Cold War. Germany and Poland are probably the best example of this.

          “ they are running low on their own supplies (having tossed a boatload over to Ukraine, to get blown up on trains and in warehouses).”
          Those warehouses full of ammo blowing up you see on video, they’re mostly Russian. Anyway, several weapons and munitions factories in Europe are running 24/7 on three shifts to meet the demand, and the ammo and weapons are flowing into Ukraine in an ever-widening stream. Not wide enough yet, but Ukrainains are making replacements while Siberian capability is being degraded without replacement and they are digging into their strategic reserves pulling more and more dilapidated antique gear out of storage. We have all seen T-62s, now they have been observed drilling on D-20s, running with Mosins, even wearing WWII pattern helmets.

          This is just one paragraph, the rest of your bullshit is equally pathetic. Literally every time you flap your foul gums, lies come out.

          “This is why I recommend emigrating.”
          You should, sunny Pootinistan awaits.

          1. Wow, ok, finally, we are getting somewhere. Congratulations! Well done. You DO realise all you did was provide a bunch of counterfactuals. We know many things, others we need to infer. You still have too much of a tendency to hurl cheap, ad hominems and vague references to “Pootinistas”, (rf: anyone critical of NATO policy, practices or procedure, and who isn’t prepared to simply both write off the Russians as a serious threat AND in the same breath claim massive Russian breakthroughs – Hitler style – into the rest of Europe are now all but certain) but I think you have begun the long, slow process on the way to rehab.

            See, I think most of your points are regurgigated ISW neocon thinktank BS line items, which themselves are the verbatim press releases of the Ukrainian MoD, but it’s a start.

            So, if I am so wrong, would you care to make a prediction of how long till the Russians seize Odessa, retake Snakes Island, and then roll the Ukraine up to the Dnepr? I give it 6 months, tops. Care to give it your best shot?

            What I can’t stand though, is being lied to by the MSM, bureaucratic establishment, amd thinktanks, who appear to receive craptons of money to supposedly give us hardhitting, honest and factual analysis. Not cheerleading. I didn’t appreciate with the vaxx. I don’t appreciate it with Ukraine either.

            Ukraine is losing a battalion a day (actually by their MoD so, meh, maybe it’s 300-400, maybe it’s 1000. But it is significant). Russian troops are rolling up a heck of a lot of towns awfully quickly (BBC). Russia has about the same number of troops committed as before (CNN) so these massive losses are coming from where? Where is the evidence of all these losses? The mass surrenders. You don’t lose the KIA equivalent of the British Army losses at the Somme in July and not have fields and fields and fields of dead Russians, operational Russian retreats under heavy fire, with gloating Ukies taking pic after pic of the fields of fallen. Where are all the Russian PoWs? Thousands of Ukrainian. A few hundred Russian. These are Ukrainian stats.

            I know math/stats is not your thing, but it really is good at helping you understand war.

            NATO had to rebuild Ukraine’s forces after the Maidan. I wouldn’t be surprised if most NATO equipment now isn’t in some way, Russian (given Poland and the former East Germany are members).

            Britian is decreasing their army by 9,500 men, as well as raiding the health budget and the social services funding. Germany has “announced” heavy funding for the army, fine, but this equals MASSIVE budget cuts elsewhere, or massive increases in money supply.

            Again, math/stats is hard, but it does help.

            Well done on putting together a reaponse that isn’t simply insults and invective! Good for you!

          2. You offer no analysis. You instead masquerade Kremlin propaganda as your own thoughts. You insult your betters by pretending that you’re in a position on to judge them. You aren’t. You deserve no respect because you do not respect your betters. Also, you lovingly simp for a genocidal rapist horde.

            Your orcish style aside, there is no thought in your drivel. There is just empty rhetoric devoid of any concrete facts and plenty of strawman (See for example “anyone … all but certain” no purer strawman ever existed). And when you finally try being remotely specific, you mangle the most verifiable facts.

            “NATO had to rebuild Ukraine’s forces after the Maidan. I wouldn’t be surprised if most NATO equipment now isn’t in some way, Russian (given Poland and the former East Germany are members).”

            This is literarily the first time in your verbal diarrhea that you approach something verifiable. And you fall flat on your snout.
            First, no NATO did not rebuild Ukraine forces after Maidan. NATO help was primarily in training, overwhelming majority of modernization (“rebuild” already skews facts Pootinista style) effort was Ukrainian.
            Second, claiming that majority of NATO equipment is Russian, is off by an order of magnitude. Claiming this shows complete lack of knowledge of both scale and of modernization efforts undertaken by the post communist member states. And you again phrase it to have an out “I wouldn’t be surprised…” So, you’re a weasel and a c|_|nt.
            And suppose that NATO really rebuilt Ukrainian military, they didn’t, but suppose they did. So what? Rebuilt to what standard? Clearly not NATO standard, only a brain damaged idiot would claim Ukraine was NATO standard. So what would that prove? Not a goddamn thing other than you are a demagogue who builds false points based on false initial assumptions.

            And like I said, meaningful material support, especially in terms of anything non man portable for Ukraine started trickling in only after the Pootinista junta invaded. So your entire premise of Russia defeating a NATO proxy is false.

            Russia has been defeated in the initial phase, had to scale down the plans and subsequently Russia has been grinding down Ukrainian defences on a narrow segment of a front line. The rest is largely stagnant not counting russian war crimes like targeting residential building with sporadic missile and artillery (Kharkiv) fire. Yes, it is true that after the initial stage disasters where orc to human loses were about 6 to 1 (more in some sectors) the situation has somewhat improved. Depending on analysis the ratio is somewhere 1.5 to 1 or maybe 2 to 1. This is not good enough for Ukraine. Tactics have changed and of all the bad options Siberians had they picked up the least bad: They send a company size element until it is ambushed. It typically is very quickly reduced by 30% to 70% then Siberian drop increasingly inaccurate artillery fire on identified and suspected defender position. Later rinse repeat. It is a very costly and griding method but all else has failed. Neither side is particularly good at maneuver warfare. Neither side has air supremacy.

            Finally, since you inquired about my sources – they are clearly better than yours and ISW is among them although not primarily. Most of my sources are in Polish and come from Ukraine and Poland. They are typically not accessible to non English speakers. Enforcer livestream is probably the only English source I follow regularly. And that is not for analysis but news.

          3. Or since you fraudulently claim that NATO has “rebuild” Ukraine with weapons prior to Siberian invasion. Can you list those weapon systems? I count manportable stuff like Javelin, Stinger, NLAW (just before invasion), Piorun (just before invasion) and a handful of Bayraktars, a few light radars for artillery, possibly something light on top of that. Not much else. Everything else came in after the invasion. All the heavy stuff arty: M777s, HIMRAS, Krab, Cesar, Pzh 2000 (finally), dutch APC, Polish T-72s and small amounts of Grad, BMP and 2S1, Milan, Starstreak, Brimstone were transferred AFTER the invasion.

          4. Oh and since NATO “rebuild” Ukrainian armed forces, list NATO countries that run 5 battalion brigades with no divisional structure.

        2. “So … you WANT World War 3 then?”

          Cathy Newman is that you?

          ” You planning to go and fight the Russian Army too? ”

          You planning to join the Wagners and get blown up a Ukrainian arty strike maybe? Or are you planning to join the actual NAZIs of Sparta battalion?

          “Or are you just happy to draft young white conservative straight men to do your filthy work for you, like in WW1?”

          And this piece of excrement want’s a reasonable rebuttal? FOAD orc, you’re a demagogue, you’re beyond reprehensible, you employ the same cheapest rhetorical tricks while relentlessly fellating the rapist horde. https://youtu.be/FawerbbJueM?t=27

      3. “Mais mourir pour Dantzig, non !”

        Never again.

        P.S. don’t worry about BDSM (aka HiHo, aka YeahWell), he is just a delusional russophile (it is like zoophile but animals are more rabid and lower IQ) regurgitating Kremlin propaganda and ignoring reality.

        1. Are you actually able to mount an argument to rebut what I wrote, or do your debating abilities cease at the level of junior high school trash talk?

          If the former is the case, please just shut up. The grownups are talking and you are not welcome here.

          1. Colonialista is a big talker but I bet he’d faint if he were given a gun, pointed at the Donbass and told to put his money where his dumb Polack mouth is. His sort always want you and him to fight.

          2. You haven’t written anything worth rebutting. Blindly regurgitating Pootinista propaganda does not qualify as writing, it is more like vomit.

          3. Colon has apparently come to the conclusion that all people who disagree with her are the same person.
            I’ve never seen her give an opinion that actually has content that isn’t just insults and innuendo against those she disagrees with. She belongs on Twitter.
            Replace her use of “orcs” with “white people” and you have your standard leftist. Replace it with “black folk”, you have your standard racist, replace it with “Jews” and you have your standard NAZI.
            She values “civilization” to the point where she gets her indoor plumbing, and no further.
            Heck, she’s gone on here about wanting to run over cyclists and bikers.
            She is among the most toxic posters I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading.

          4. When your bullshit and style is 100% interchangeable the conclusion is obvious.

          5. Again:
            I’ve never seen her give an opinion that actually has content that isn’t just insults and innuendo against those she disagrees with.

          6. Again:
            Your lack of perception and your hypocrisy are two of your defining characteristics.

          7. Again
            Insults and innuendo is all ya got, not a drop of actual content.
            Fascinating, if somewhat annoying.

          8. “When your bullshit is … interchangeable the conclusion is obvious.”

            Ahh yes, all people who disagree with you are interchangeable, not people, just pieces on a chessboard, grist for the gas chambers.

            It is people like you who have ruined western civilization beyond repair.
            Well done.

    1. How many times do I have to say this? They are NOT idiots! They know exactly what they’re doing. It’s ALL part of the plan! When everything goes into the dumpster fire, the WEFers will come in to “save the day,” but at a cost. The sheep will become so desperate by then, looking for ANY KIND of relief, no matter the personal cost, that they will gladly accept the WEF’s terms of surrender.

    2. @HiHo apologies, the comment and reply fields shift around in weird ways.

      This person is likely a severely depressed and possibly bipolar individual. Seems to me like a Karen on steroids. Possibly one of those people you see screeching at a PoC to “go back wjere you came from! You don’t belong here!” because a polite request was made of her in the McDonald’s lineup, to/not to (fill in the blank here).

      People like this exhibit classical “latching” behaviour: they grab onto some cause that just HAS to be “addressed” to his/her satisfaction. Some people join Extinction Rebellion, some join Antifa, some become Banderites.

      Then add some confirmation bias, a bit of selective memory, and a comment/blog/twitter account and “presto” … you have Colonialista. It’s quite an interesting phenomenon really. Entertaining, in a morbid, grisly train-crash sort of way.

  3. There is no shortage of energy anywhere.

    The question is who is going to have access to it.

    It’s all about energy accessibility, even if you were willing to pay an inordinate amount for it, you’ll be on the wrong side of the political spectrum, or just a useless eater.

    In my lifetime access to energy has never been denied, you might pay more or less for it depending on the market, but it’s never been denied

    And I think that’s going to be coming fast

  4. The west has been electing sociopathic do-gooders for decades whose MO is increasing central planning of all aspects of our lives as we transition to the green theocracy diversion from the reality of end-stage democracy and (welfare) state bankruptcy. Rationing and socialism / fascism go hand in hand. Given the strangle hold of the institutions enjoyed by the institutional left, rationing is inevitable.

  5. Use central planning to destroy the economy and then tell the idiots that the solution is more central planning.

    Does anyone think that it won’t work?

  6. My Utility uses “tier pricing” as a form of economic rationing. If you use energy (gas or electric) at the “wrong time” of day (2:00pm – 9:00pm) you get charged exorbitant rates!!! Punishing rates!!! And if you use more than that established as “base lifeline” amounts … you get hammered with multiple tier pricing.

    So, my energy is already rationed here in N.CA … the CAPUC and PG&E are charging the holy fkcu out of their customers … but it’s all in the name of “saving the planet” or something … so SHUT UP and pay. Or freeze/swelter. Peasants!!!!

    1. Electric baseboard heaters were the thing in the 70’s and 80’s here in BC. Supplemental heat via wood stove was very popular. Most houses built in that timeline were poorly insulated as well. My house fits the bill on all 3 counts. Now they want to phase out wood stoves and Hydro rates are going up fast. In the coldest part of winter with the temp set at 21C and only minimal heaters on our hydro bills get to the $250-$300 per month. I have replaced all the single pane aluminum windows with vinyl sealed units. R32 in the ceilings. Proper roof venting. Not much more I can do to improve things in the energy efficiency area with this house.
