From Meritocracy to Mediocrity

11 Replies to “From Meritocracy to Mediocrity”

  1. I can’t remember who the quote was by but they said something like “If the men who stormed into France on D-Day could see what our country has become they wouldn’t have gone 50 yards up that beach.”

    Anyone know?

    1. And remember Jeff, if you fly the flag that the soldiers on Juno beach fought under, our PM will denigrate you and per the Blacklock’s report posted here yesterday, infer that you are the Nazi.

      1. Even the socialists fighting under the red ensign would’ve been far-right alt-righters by today’s standards.
        (I mean that as a compliment)

  2. If the West was capable of shame, it would hate itself for destroying this man.

    1. Just think of all the men that gave up their lives so politicians, bureaucrats and men in suits could steal our liberty. Is it better to have your freedom stolen bit by bit by your own countrymen or all at once. from a foreign army.

      1. I think I am starting to see where the military recruitment problems for NATO countries are coming from.

        I mean, who in their right mind signs up to travel to a far away land, to fight a modern peer army, and be crippled or die for Heather’s two mommies?

  3. In their prime, transport him and his brethren to today.
    They are the poster boys of everything the left reviles.
    From personal liberty to toxic masculinity, they would be attacked relentlessly.
    What would “leaders” like Biden and juthtin say about them?

  4. Tommy Douglass
    Pierre Trudeau
    Jack Layton
    Not Effin Dead Enough…

    …..those on the waiting list…
    Rest of the lowlife Liberal Party
    Entire lowlife NDP
    Entire Greens
    Most of the CPC
    Most of the UCP
    Notely & her commie cohorts
    Nenshi – Gondek
    Dug Ferd
    Patrick Shithead Brown
    Entire ShitStain City (Ottawa), police force
    Toronto Mounted A-Holes who trampled an old lady

    This is just Canada’s list which I Know has room for more.

  5. Tommy Douglass
    Pierre Trudeau
    Jack Layton
    Not Effin Dead Enough…

    …..those on the waiting list…
    Rest of the lowlife Liberal Party
    Entire lowlife NDP
    Entire Greens
    Most of the CPC
    Most of the UCP

    Main Stream Media
    Notely & her commie cohorts
    Nenshi – Gondek
    Dug Ferd
    Patrick Shithead Brown
    Entire ShitStain City (Ottawa), police force
    Toronto Mounted A-Holes who trampled an old lady

    I could go on….
    Add your own list…
