7 Replies to “Fauci’s Follies”

  1. Maybe he contracted the Prinz Dummkopf variant. It suddenly appears as a results of one’s butt being fed into the wringer.

  2. Pity he couldn’t have some of those beauty side effects from the mad science jab. That would be justice.

  3. Fauci is a professional liar. Lying is the only thing this POS does, and he’s been doing it for decades.

    Fauci is a Jesuit, a veritable synonym of liar. Old dictionaries have words like “jesuitical” meaning deception. This Roman Catholic priesthood exists only to serve the Vatican, and will use whatever means necessary to achieve its ends.

  4. Would it be a stretch to say that Fauci’ s usefulness has terminated and that its time to remove him from the equation?

    Martyrs are always good for the sympathy angle and dead men tell no tales dontcha know?
