39 Replies to “The Western World is in the Best of Hands”

  1. Are you sure it’s not a comedy club?
    Come on…ah…
    Pull my finger?

    1. “Pull my finger”……with Brandon? No, no, no…….with my knees I can’t run away fast enough.

    1. I think even they regret it now. They’ll regret it for sure over the next two elections.

    2. *
      “America is a nation that can be defined in a single word. Asfutmsifwffutsh.”

      Actually… these days it would be hard to argue that statement.


  2. I thought for sure he’d have P’d his pants on national TV by now.

    Those White House aids must have a hefty supply of industrial strength Depends.

  3. aaaaah jeez.
    my heart just sunk.
    like a scene in a movie the hero just slayed a bunch of dragons, broke his sword on the last one,
    next scene an ominous shadow showing actually there was ooooone more.
    that kind of ‘sunk’.
    except we know who the hero is and all the dragons.
    but who can guess who symbolizes that last pbbthngedehehuw

  4. They’re still trio to push the stutter bs in the replies I see. A stutter which he’s supposedly had his whole life that has never been apparent until now and sounds nothing like a stutter.

  5. The reason Americans are stuck with the OBiden administration can best be described in two words, voter fraud.

      1. Yep. You would have thought that one state, at least, would start making some serious secession noises, and that militiamen would have taken a few enemy operatives out.

        The GOP is not much better than the Dims, for that matter, beholden to the Chamber of Commerce, fighting Right to Repair laws, demanding more immigrants, passing more gun control laws…

        And then there is Canada, a million times worse.
        When the turd announced his handgun sales ban, the “conservatives” all started whining in unison about “illegal guns”, just like Lori Lightfoot in Chicago whines about “out of state guns.”

        1. And HiHo………in regards to the turd and hand gun sales in Canada…what exactly is your point????

          1. Basically, “illegal guns” is just another dog-whistle for “gun control” and Canadian conservatives are dumb enough to cut off their nose to spite their face.

          2. HiHo, most Canadians are as dumb as a bag of rocks. Is that not a sad commentary and observation about one’s fellow citizens? I read some of the most stupid shit daily and these morons don’t grasp the fact that they know nothing of value and would die without someone giving them some sort of welfare. I had my first gun at 12 years of age. Our generation was intelligent enough to understand just how dangerous a gun could be. We didn’t kill people with them. Today’s “people” what ever the hell they are, are not civilized intelligent human beings.

        2. “militiamen would have taken a few enemy operatives out.”

          Half the militiamen are on the FBI payroll. The other half like drinking beer and shooting guns,

  6. That’s what he did to ol’ Corn Pop years ago. He Asfutmsifwffutshed him.

  7. But by Gaia, I will follow him through thermonuclear holocaust to support the corrupt Nahtsee regime of YooCrane.

  8. Lee Greenwood, updated:

    “I’m proud to be an Asfutmsifwffutsh,
    Where at least I know I’m trunalimunumaprzure…”

  9. After covfefe its a bit of an anti climax really. I couldnt help noticing that one of his POC display bookends was paler then he is. Perhaps it was just the blood draining from her head as she listened and thought “its true! he is stupider than me”

  10. Obama, then Trump and now Biden. Oi Vey.

    The US has to realise, there are certain things in the Superpower business that you just don’t ever come back from, no matter how many “MAGA” hats you distribute.

    Biden was that.

    The US has jumped the shark. And almost the entire Emerging Market has realised this, more or less at the same time. Some will still have been sufficiently bullied and threatened by the State Department to go along with US policy. For now.

    But the ranks of the defectors will grow steadily.
