In Vancouver, the Inmates are Running the Asylum

City of Vancouver apologizes for harm caused during daily street sweeps in the Downtown Eastside:

The City of Vancouver apologized for harm caused during daily “street sweeps” of the Downtown Eastside and vowed to find an alternative way to keep the streets clear in a statement sent to CBC Wednesday.

The apology follows a motion before Vancouver city council Tuesday evening calling for changes to the way sweeps are conducted.

During these sweeps, which occur daily from Monday to Friday, city workers accompanied by police officers clear debris from sidewalks of the Downtown Eastside.

Top comment: “Perhaps the people leaving the mess should be “encouraged” to clean up after themselves, if they want to avail themselves of all the tax-free services thrown mindlessly at them on a daily basis.”

24 Replies to “In Vancouver, the Inmates are Running the Asylum”

  1. Where are all the calls from the left to sue the homeless? After all, that was a common enough proposal to deal with the Ottawa truck convoy.

    1. It is truly an occupation of city streets and it is never dealt with. Good call, Dennis.

  2. It would amaze most people how quickly this nonsense would go away,without federal funding.

    There was a time,when municipalities depended on ratepayers,as in tax paying locals,for their funding and thus served the interest of said rate payers.

    Now,money funding the most perverse and destructive behaviour flows from afar robbing national/provincial taxpayers to destroy municipalities..

    Progressives are always so generous..
    With your money.

    1. Yep. The state has made the homeless into permanent dependents, when back in they day, they enjoyed some degree of independence, albeit by begging, and beggars have been part of the urban landscape since forever. Its just as disgusting to see “conservatives” desire to brutalize them as it is to see the libtards desire to exploit them for political gain, of course, in post-national, post-modern Canada, just leaving them alone is not an option.

  3. I was happy to see that a high majority of the comments to that story on the CBC site are quite sane. But where were/are those sane people when it comes to voting for city council members who don’t live in mental la la land?

    1. “But where were/are those sane people when it comes to voting for city council members who don’t live in mental la la land?”

      True. The weirdos are lining up in Ottawa to replace Jimmy-the-squish Waaatson. The last time that City had a mayor with a smidgen of business sense was Larry O’Brian. And his gutless council members abandoned him one by one.

  4. I wonder if the San Fran junkies ever complain about the poop patrol inconveniencing them. Leftards have completely lost the plot.

    Also, I predict an emerging culture of the working poor living out of their vehicles. This is already becoming quite common in some US cities, and I have even see it in my small S. BC city. Soon, I suspect they won’t be calling for houses for the homeless, they will be calling for parking lots… once they figure a way to profit from it

  5. Leftists will kiss any and all ass as long as they hate conservatives and believe the horse-shit that spews from Ottawa and the CBC. Or simply have no idea where they are.

    Oh the po’ down-trodden ….

  6. The Lower MAOland…about the only thing that could “fix” that place is an Asteroid or the overdue Big ONE.

    I would absolutely not shed a tear if either were to happen…
    Nor if a 200 lb metallic meteorite hit Calgary City Hall either.

    Disgusting Commies everywhere ya look

    1. I would dance in the street if Kensington were flattened. Nothing but Dippers and Libtards there.

      1. It’s Calgary’s equivalent to Strathcona here in Edmonton.

  7. ‘Oh excuse me sir, can I pretty please have your consent to remove your faeces from the sidewalk. No… ummm… ok, we’ll come back later, sorry to bother you.’

  8. The -cops- have to accompany the garbage man, so he can clean up poo on the sidewalks? Are you kidding me?

    Anybody know what a cop costs the city per hour?

    Buy every garbage man an S&W .38 and send them out on their rounds. Guarantee nobody would bother them.

    And all you pinheads screaming that that is not a solution? You are the reason we have this problem. I assure you, sooner or later garbage men in Vancouver -will- arm themselves illegally and carry concealed firearms on the job. That’s what they do in every big US city, and they will be doing it here too.

    Or, you can shut up and let the authorities arrest all the street bums, take them to jail, clean them up and dry them out from whatever freaky drugs they’ve been taking. Which would be a mercy to the bums, by the way. They’re dying as it is right now, in jail there’s a faint hope they might live.

    Those are your two choices. That is how the universe really works.

    1. I would say the Dipper doing a photo-op amongst the urchins complained. It is not very likely that any homeless or street dweller said anything.

  9. Struggling pragmatic libertarian here.
    Here’s the deal “homeless” people.
    No more financial assistance unless you submit to a clean up project in specialized barracks.
    You see, it’s not coercion. You don’t have to accept the deal nor do we have to subsidize your mostly voluntary disgusting lives.

  10. I would not leave a single homeless, insane drug addict on the streets. Nothing. Clean streets and clean people. No tents, no hovels, nothing except clean streets.

  11. I live in Gastown. The free drugs, housing, food. The local soup kitchen “customers” leave all their containers, cups and food on the sidewalk. Good for the rats.
    The human shit is hard to differentiate from the junkies “pit bulls “ on the sidewalks.
    Love to see the boutique mayor Kennedy Stewart strung up from a light post.
    Socialism sucks.
    Finally, most come from eastern Canada. Business community /provincial government should rent some useless A380’s send the trash back home.

  12. My bad, Fabian John(Ottawa’s west coast) bitch would rather build them housing. More free stuff!
    Tens of thousands will follow, where’s my cheque?

  13. Give them all the free drugs they can use. Only catch is they have to move to a remote junkie camp and stay there. Let them foul it as much as they want.
