11 Replies to “James Topp is Getting Ever Closer to Ottawa”

  1. No small feat and good on you James!!!! Canada is watching you.
    This should be getting more exposure but methinks the media is ignoring it.
    Hope he picks up a sizeable crowd when he gets to Ottawa and don’t forget your clown car horns.
    “Ever” is what I think you meant Robert.

  2. Any bets that he will be arrested by the military as soon as he hits Parliament hill on some bogus charge (being a reservist)?

    1. Could turn into full blown Monkey Pox at this rate if certain share prices don’t get a bounce soon.

  3. MSM should hang their heads in shame for ignoring this story, anything that makes Dear Leader look bad is ignored and it makes me sick. The media and liberals’ pretend to be pro-military but their actions speak louder than their forked tongues.

  4. God bless this guy. The truckers restored my faith that not all Canadians are brain dead drones of the Turdhole/NDP dickholeship.

    Mr. Topp is continuing where the truckers left off. Good for you James, you have a set of big balls, not as big as Krytsia Freelands balls, but big.

    Imagine the rage of the CBC, turdhag Freeland, Basic Dick Turdhole and his beard Jugderp… the Anal Schwab Battalion must despise this brave man.

    As Topp approaches the Liberal/NDP Reichstag can the imposition of the War Measures Act be far behind.

    Lets hope the Turdhole RCMP don’t murder this brave man.

    Nothing expresses the total moral and ethical corruption of the State and Corporate Media more then when they ignore a story like this… this might make Basic Dickhole and Jugderp look bad…. bias by omission.
