Voting With Their Feet

But will they vote with their heads?

A new analysis of IRS data shows the financial consequences of gaining or losing population can be either extremely rewarding or devastating to individual states. In 2020, blue states repelled the highest earners while red states attracted them, resulting in massive economic losses and gains.

Wirepoints, an Illinois-based research organization, took a look at the latest migration data released by the IRS and drew some conclusions that should leave Democrat-run states in a cold sweat, wondering how they’ll ever be able to maintain their profligacy.

In the competition for America’s best and brightest residents, the most populous blue states are becoming perennial losers. In 2020, New York, Illinois, California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey suffered net losses in their population, with high-earners taking their income — and tax base — with them…

30 Replies to “Voting With Their Feet”

    1. This is one of Kate’s best ever post …. I haven’t laughed so hard in decades,
      The link is in “Political Animal” at the top

    1. Disagree, Kate. Ontario and Quebec vote the other way when the feds go one way. We are a federal state with smart central voters who hedge their bets.

      1. 43% of eligible voters actually voted – the lowest in history. Can’t imagine why that might be? So cunning they just all stayed home? LOL.

        1. Yes our bastardized version of democracy says (if you don’t vote) you have NO say in how you are governed,
          apparently 57% of eligible voters agree and didn’t bother to vote.
          In a REAL democracy, all the different political parties that those 43% voted for, still haven’t garnered a majority, even if they all formed a single coalition… the 57% who didn’t vote would be a very loud NO to them governing,
          NOT the other way around, IOW the silent majority have spoken, our elected would be care takers with no real power, just manage the system, keep it all running/working, come up with policies The Majority can/will vote for in the next election, until then Manage.
          Alas…where’s that (Real Democracy) party who wants the Silent Majority be given back their power?

      1. What? The link goes directly to the article “New analysis details enormous economic consequences Ad earnest flee blue states for red.”

  1. Is this because of the high cost of gas? Pity the poor ballet box stuffer now has to walk to the box.

  2. I do too. Sure, it’s hard, and I get a lot of strange looks trying to hold the pen in between my toes, but I always use the provided foot sanitizer before and after.

    1. Great. Bringing their effed up politics along with them. Same thing that happened to Alberta.

      1. Alberta has always been a communist sinkhole. With cowboys. This is what happens when the government controls the oil & gas leases – or the purse strings as we call it. In Texas and Oklahoma (even Ontario) the land owner controls the oil & gas rights. But in Alberta it’s the provincial government. You have the government in charge of the economy and you wonder why it votes NDP? We want more money.

        1. The only reason that Alberta controls the oil and gas rights is that Ottawa can expropriate the oil and gas rights of private owners, but has to respect the rights of the Crown in right of Alberta. The Alberta system protects the owners. You don’t know that? Maybe don’t post your uninformed opinions, then.

      2. Same thing that happened to Alberta.

        And the Peace River Block of B. C.

        When I moved away from Fort St. John in 1977, it was economically and politically closer to Edmonton than Lotusland. One of the things I noticed when I started going back to FSJ on a regular basis was how much influence the Lower Mainland now has. A lot of the newer residents moved to FSJ from there and, yes, they brought their politics and idiotic social habits with them.

  3. As I mentioned earlier, the 5% fringe vote is impressive in light of only 43% voter turnout.

  4. hehe because anyone in their right mind will work and have all their success taken and distributed to those who did nothing to assist in their success…

    The Left does this themselves for christ sake!

  5. As Gutfeld said in relation to his turn to the hard left, “Biden’s voters are turning over in their graves.”
