10 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

    1. Yeah,the UN is full of comedians, wasn’t it the UNHRC that named Iran as Chairman of that organization a few years back.
      Somebody with influence has gotta talk Klaus Schwab into inviting Premier Kim to the conference in Davos.

  1. I love the way the Norks took the Canadain’s rightful place when it comes to disarming your nation AND your people (with the help of OJ), and prostrating yourself before real power.
    “But at least we’re not being starved, yet…right?”
    The country, indeed the entire west, is now made up of idiots. They literally think that if you throw down your weapons, nobody will hurt you.
    Totally retarded.

  2. Disarmament is coded language for air defence for the working man. My right to bear arms extends ten thousand feet above my front yard. Your neighbors have anti helicopter mines, why don’t you?

    1. I worked for years in the helicopter mines. Must have dug up hundreds of helicopters. And what thanks do I get?

    1. s korea needs to do same as Japan and Taiwan.
      get some secret nukes and let it leak out in a deniable way.
