Make Borscht not War

New York Times- The War in Ukraine Is Getting Complicated, and America Isn’t Ready

Is the United States, for example, trying to help bring an end to this conflict, through a settlement that would allow for a sovereign Ukraine and some kind of relationship between the United States and Russia? Or is the United States now trying to weaken Russia permanently? Has the administration’s goal shifted to destabilizing Vladimir Putin or having him removed? Does the United States intend to hold Mr. Putin accountable as a war criminal? Or is the goal to try to avoid a wider war — and if so, how does crowing about providing U.S. intelligence to kill Russians and sink one of their ships achieve this?
Without clarity on these questions, the White House not only risks losing Americans’ interest in supporting Ukrainians — who continue to suffer the loss of lives and livelihoods — but also jeopardizes long-term peace and security on the European continent.

Moon Over Alabama- Ukraine SitRep – Russians Break Through U.S. Bolsterism

In total the social-economic situation for Ukraine is catastrophic. The military situation is even worse. Mariupol has fallen and Russian troops working there will soon be able to go elsewhere. The Propasna bulge is threatening to envelope the whole northern frontline together with the core of the Ukrainian army.

There is no more talk of the Ukrainian army ‘winning’ like in Kiev or Karkov where the Russian troops retreated in good order after finishing their task of holding Ukrainian forces in place.

The Ukrainian command has sent several territorial brigades to the front lines. These units were supposed to defend their home towns. They consist of middle age men drafted into service. They have little fighting experience and lack heavy weapons. Several of these units have published videos saying they were giving up. They are lamenting that their commanders left them when their situation became critical.

35 Replies to “Make Borscht not War”

  1. No worries – The US/EU has committed to continue the fight to the last Ukrainian.

  2. “Has the administration’s goal shifted to destabilizing Vladimir Putin or having him removed? ”

    No. [The case is degenerate, because they’ve never had a different goal]

  3. Bs abound, but this one sticks out:

    “Russian troops retreated in good order after finishing their task of holding Ukrainian forces in place.”

    The amount of copium one needs to ingest to actually think this is very high.

    Meanwhile Ukraine has mobilized 1 million troops and there’s still about a dozen flights into Rzeszow a day.

    1. Can I have some of what you have been smoking? It’s definitely got to be better than what I get!
      Your n a z I s bros are being evacuated to Siberia even as I type this. The nice parts of Ukraine now belong to Russia and a few of the others will be added. They won’t be returned…ever
      Poland may end up with the leftover pieces they want, and inherit the remaining Azov goons, the ones still alive in six months that is.
      All the pretty Ukrainian girls will find boyfriends and new lives in Poland and Germany and France and Italy and Spain and Portugal and Cyprus and they won’t be going back….ever.
      All the eligible Ukrainian bachelors will be either dead or being de- nazified in Russia so there’s no reason for them to return.
      For Ukraine, it’s over.

      1. It has barely even started. You should pay attention to how good the Ukrainian artillery is. You will be hearing about it a lot in the future. Belgorod.

      2. It is refreshing to see an honest (if delusional) orc supporter openly cheering for the genocide and ethnic cleansing that the Siberian Mongols are perpetuating.

    2. Allen:
      Where are these million troops? They’re obviously not on the eastern front where the Russians continue to take ground south of Izyum, in all directions from Popasna, and on the east and south east of Severodonetsk. Plus Russia has retaken some of the ground along the Russian border to the north east of Kharkov. And how about the surrender at Azovstal. If Ukraine has a million troops why no attempt at a breakthrough to Mariupol? And what about the ongoing surrenders in the Donbass of Ukrainian units. You could write this off as Russian propaganda but for the videos these units have made saying why they are laying down their arms. And speaking of “copium”, by what logic does an unconditional surrender become an “evacuation”, facilitated by Ukrainian military intelligence no less.

  4. I can see four scenarios for Russia:

    1. Victory.
    2. Stale mate.
    3. Defeat.
    4. Negotiated settlement.

    The first three options eviscerate Russian ground forces, leaving its military a shell of a what it once was. It will be of no credible threat to NATO for many, many years. In fact, we’re pretty much there already.

  5. It is hard to pay attention to this issue when there are far more pressing things. I cried myself to sleep over safe injection sites last night. It is not like the Russians are going to be stung by giving weapons to their enemies, or something. Not like that insult at dinner that stung Trump, leading to him running the first time. Talking about weaknesses in NATO is just trans bashing. The US Navy has a trans admiral, after all.

  6. The delusion amongst previously sane people, on this thread, is astounding!

  7. Impossible.
    Have we not been constantly assured by the great military minds here,supporting the National Socialists of The Ukraine,that victory shall be theirs..
    The Russians are Evil, the Russians are fools,The Russians are inept..
    And other such wisdom.
    A few more such victories by the Ukrainian Forces will see them topple Russia or something..
    On a similar note..
    Russia told the world what their objectives were and what they objected to..
    So far their actions are pretty consistent with Putin’s Speech.
    And a cynic,such as myself,can see certain things falling out of this spat between cousins.
    The Russian Speaking civilians of the Eastern Ukraine,will welcome a peace,any kind of peace..But most especially one in which their nominal State Government is not deliberately killing them.
    The Western Ukraine,may emerge semi intact,but the Looters are working really hard to steal all they can.
    Every day this conflict goes on,the poorer the actual Ukrainian Citizens become.
    The thieves and Looters are living large and will escape to Florida to share their loot with their enablers.
    War is wonderful.
    You get to imprison and murder all your political enemies,steal “In the name of the people” and then flee into exile,.blaming all your destruction upon “The Enemy”.
    And after watching the video tour of the Azov Quarters in Mariupol,those poor little brainwashed kiddies never had a chance.
    They were so brave and determined ,while brutalizing Ukrainian Russian Speaking civilians..So helpless when against a genuine army.

    Somebody set them up to be butchered.
    Follow the money..If you can..
    “All records were destroyed in the battle”.
    Even though no battle occurs in the location holding those records..
    And of course,all the minor minions currently involved in stripping the Ukraine bare,will accidentally be killed during their evacuation.

    How many times have we seen this movie?
    It always ends the same way.
    Yet every time it begins to play,the same idiots loudly and proudly insist it will have a “different ending” this time.

    The text book definition of stupidity.

    1. Well … TBF … Dementia Joe did declare VICTORY will be measured by the number of FOX News reports of Ukraine victories … and Russian defeats. The propaganda WAR will determine winners and losers.

      And sayyyyyy … did you know that Putin doesn’t celebrate “PRIDE” month?! How can you win the propaganda war without a float in the gay parade? Until Putin strips off everything except banana hammock undies and waggles his manhood in the gay parade … he is doomed. Right?

    2. “Have we not been constantly assured by the great military minds here,… ,that victory shall be theirs..1”
      In the long run the pyric victory will be theirs. With exception if idiots like UnMe none forecasted a quick victory for Ukraine.

      “…supporting the National Socialists of The Ukraine…”
      No such thing.

      “The Russians are Evil, “
      Yes they are

      “the Russians are fools,”

      “The Russians are inept..”
      Correct again.

      “A few more such victories by the Ukrainian Forces will see them topple Russia or something..”
      Entirely a figment of your imagination. None forecasted that.

      “On a similar note..”
      So more stupid coming?

      “Russia told the world what their objectives were and what they objected to..
      So far their actions are pretty consistent with Putin’s Speech.”
      Sure they toppled the Ukrainian government and their puppet has been installed in Kiev. The war was over within a few days.

      “And a cynic,such as myself,”
      “Cynic”? you have spelled a “liar and a demagogue” wrong.

      “can see certain things falling out of this spat between cousins.”
      The only cousins russians have are called Mongols.

      “The Russian Speaking civilians of the Eastern Ukraine,will welcome a peace,any kind of peace.”
      Translation: the remnants of Siberian occupation and their collaborators will collaborate again.

      “.But most especially one in which their nominal State Government is not deliberately killing them.”
      Hasn’t been happening. That is a lie. It should have been happening. Russians need to expelled from anywhere that isn’t Russia.

      “blah blah blah looters”
      The only looters are the Siberians.

      “And after watching the video tour of the Azov Quarters in Mariupol,those poor little brainwashed kiddies never had a chance.”
      Neither had the defenders of Alamo or Thermopile or Wizna. Except that valiant defenders of Mariupol held for 85+ days and some pockets are still making Siberians good. That is an extremely strong record. Explained only by the tenacity of the defenders on one side and ineptitude of the subhuman attackers on the other side.

      “They were so brave and determined ,while brutalizing Ukrainian Russian Speaking civilians..”
      Another lie. Also, Russian fifth column in Ukraine and elsewhere deserved to be made good.

      “So helpless when against a genuine army.”
      Siberian loses say otherwise. Almost 30K permanently made good and about three times as many incapacitated (never to recover given the treatment veterans receive in the Siberian shithole)

      /… skipping nonsense too incoherent to fisk…/

      “How many times have we seen this movie?”
      Finland? Vietnam? Afghanistan? Afghanistan again?

      “It always ends the same way.”
      Yes, a pyric victory for the defender and an utter humiliation of the would be conqueror.

        1. You had no point. There was nothing to prove.
          Nothing I said, suggests that “armchair general” tittle applies. That is just a low IQ bullshit deflection. A common tactic for intellectually inferior towards their betters.
          I buy a new high end laptop every two to three years.

  8. I see a lot of the weak minded in here have fallen for the Kremlin propaganda. It is Russia killing the Russian speaking civilians in the east. They’re the ones destroying Russian speaking towns and cities. That’s because their armed forces don’t know how to do anything else.

    1. “That’s because their armed forces don’t know how to do anything else.”

      Not true, they are world leaders in mass rape, from child to babushka, from human to livestock, orc will rape it. Such is the Mongol way.

  9. Kremlin Propaganda…?? spewed by what method of transmission to Canada..??

    I watch Patrick Lancaster…he speaks passable Russian and is actually on the ground W/Russian forces….not some troll who resides in some Canadian hovel…or any of the War Mongering via MSM.

    Think I ‘ll take his perspective on what’s going on in Mariupol and elsewhere…in the Ukraine.

    1. You do know Lancaster is a Kremlin shill right? He is one of their propaganda tools. Just like that Chilean incel idiot. There’s a pretty big gaping hole missing from Lancasters videos. Let’s see if you can figure it out.

    2. “I watch Patrick Lancaster…”

      ROTFLMAO. you may as well read Pravda. He is a Kremlin’s parrot of the most primitive and naïve kind.

  10. This is a naïve misdirection of an article.

    They got 3 things (possibly 4) from the Ukraine situation:

    1. A diversion from domestic failures on a monumental scale (inflation, gas prices, supply line screw ups)
    2. An excuse for the former eaten up by the gullible ideologues who can’t bother themselves to apply critical thinking and actual timelines.
    3. Support through crony capitalism to the defense firms, while making a statement to the Pentagon that they are relevant (as opposed to the Trump approach of wielding the economy as a weapon…in which the Pentagon lost face and influence).

    Possible 4th: I am convinced that US politicians were using grant programs to Ukraine to pad their own wealth (on both sides of the aisle)…which would explain the very unnecessary personal visits to Ukraine by political leaders. Zelenssky was having them come over to kiss the ring…or suffer the consequences of public knowledge.

    Beyond that, no one in a position of power in the US gives a rat’s ass what happens politically to Ukraine. Consequences of their actions are not important to them…only the usefulness of solidifying power.

  11. Seems obvious to me. A proxy war between the US and Russia fought with 1 part ideology and 2 parts monetary gain. With Ukraine getting reduced to rubble in the meantime. Anyone who thinks Ukraine is “winning” is paying too much attention to propaganda. Ukraine is getting crushed and Russia is taking a heavy toll. And the American military machine is deploying its warehouse of artillery so that it can restock at higher prices. We need a golden bridge – for the people of Ukraine, if for no one else.

    1. Go look at a map from the middle of March to now. Other than some small gains in the east,, Russia has been pushed back on multiple fronts.

      Why do you think Russia is lobbying European leaders so much? They know they are past the high water mark.

      1. Maybe I’m old school Allan but the way I see it the Russians have a lot of bombs and they have been dropping them on Ukraine. There must be “some” damage. Wouldn’t it be great if the underdog won? Hope brings death. I would not want to be relying on the USA for my life in a country halfway around the world. Americans tire easily. And without the influx of American weaponry there is no way Ukraine can reduce itself to rubble.

        1. And what do you propose Ukrainians do? Submit themselves to Pootin’s genocide? Have their country and their way of life wiped out? Live subjugated by the subhuman horde? Because that would more convenient for you?

          A good orc is a dead orc. Ukrainians have already made just under 30K orcs good. Three times as many have been incapacitated, thus defacto sentenced to a slow death abandoned somewhere in a ditch once discharged after getting the most rudimentary treatment.

          1. Ukraine should be pressing the USA to negotiate peace. Build the golden bridge. Adding more NATO countries to surround Russia is not a good strategy. But it’s not about Ukraine is it? That country is just the useful idiot. And they never win – in any game.

          2. Their country is being invaded by the Siberian Mongols. The objective of the Siberians is to turn Ukraine into Belarus 2.0, i.e. permanently subjugated. There is no negotiation. There is no permanent solution until the last Siberian Mongrel runs back to russia with its tail between its legs*.

            As for other coutnries joining NATO, it is not for russia to decide or do anything about it. F|_|ck russia and f|_|ck every russian. They belong in russia and russia does not get to expand or have sphere of influence. Never again.

            * Coincidently, the same needs to be done to all those who want to hold on to their russian passports and reside in the civilized world, and the more humiliated they get in the process the better.

  12. I read the news multiple times a day and I still have no idea who’s winning over there. Reminds me of the quote “remember when we thought people were stupid because they lacked access to information, well that wasn’t it”.

    1. Because nobody is winning. It is a stupid unnecessary war started by a stone cold sociopath who expected an easy win and a popularity boost from the drunken, pathologicaly aggressive, low IQ horde. Didn’t pan out. The would be victim, stood her ground and gave the subhuman rapists a bloody nose. Now Pootin can’t quit because if he does, he will end up like the last tsar that quit.
