17 Replies to “Jordan Peterson: The Importance of Being Ethical”

  1. Indeed…

    And none of our other politicians or judiciary is calling him out on this illegal deception.
    Making it a normal new governance.

    Our governments not supposed to be governor to the world but our politicians certainly do it.

  2. Advance warning: Justin Trudeau is a serial liar and ain’t ethical.
    Now that you mention it ….

  3. Advance warning: Justin Trudeau is a serial liar and ain’t ethical.

    But he rescued Canada! He’s keeping us safe! Are those not worth the sacrifice of truth and ethics?

    Uh, no. One reason is that he has neither rescued this country nor has he kept us free from danger and other jeopardies.

      1. The discussion re: passive acceptance of covid restriction in the university age crowd at 37 minute mark: powerful!!!

  4. “Justin Trudeau is a serial liar and ain’t ethical.”

    Same with the people who voted for him.
    Greedy, selfish, corrupt, and filled with hatred..
    Free stuff that someone else has to pay for and hatred of those who have to pay for it.

  5. Today proves it isn’t important at all. I’m rooting for our side but a piece of me says it’s all going to be over soon.

  6. “Advance warning: Justin Trudeau is a serial liar and ain’t ethical.”

    Fortunately, that’s not what could reasonably be called a “spoiler alert.”

  7. Being ethical is always good, true, and beautiful.
    It is always, however, a challenge, given our fallen nature.
    Situations get me down.
    Jordan should read Northrop Frye. I say that in reference to what he learned about the Bible, as he shared with Rogan recently.
    Peace, and do what you can.

  8. Peterson is always fascinating to listen to, inspiring and thought-provoking. Excellent questioning by Robinson.

    Near the end he asks about China’s economic success under the decidedly non-free government. JP’s answer that being a well-off slave is not very much to crow about, while correct, leaves the puzzle that every other socialist/communist dominated state has been an economic failure too. The best explanation I have been able to come up with is that the economic success of China has been due to the degree that the government has allowed capitalism to flourish. I wonder what other SDM commenters think.

    1. CanSco, “The best explanation I have been able to come up with is that the economic success of China has been due to the degree that the government has allowed capitalism to flourish. I wonder what other SDM commenters think.”

      Due in no small part to the greed of politicians and governments in the west, abdicating their responsibility to secure the wealth health and happiness of their own citizens, because of their greed. They farmed out everything to China, to get things cheaper, thus improving their profit margins and their own wealth health and happiness at the expense of their citizens. China became prosperous because of it. Yes, China allowed capitalism to function, for the CCP, not China’s citizens, to milk the west of it’s wealth. The end result is China’s CCP now has the wealth, AND all the manufacturing capabilities, and the west has become the service industry. Our governing idiots got individually wealthy, but gave away the rest of our wealth and prosperity to China. Thus China emerges from serfdom and abject poverty, while the west descends into abject poverty and serfdom. JMHO.
