11 Replies to “Timing Is Everything”

  1. What if Biden contracted Trump to be his Executive President? You know, FIRE all the military brass to start and then send in the Marines to start kicking some ass? Start with Iran. A tactical nuke in Tehran. I think Putin would sit down and talk. Maybe a “special op” to shut up Zelenksy permanently? A good start. Oh yeah, then drill baby, drill. Maybe continue that “special op” in Ottawa….

    1. You do release that the war in Ukraine is expanding.
      Trying to get another one going in Iran is crazy, use nukes ?
      The globalists are pushing Poland to take in over 100,000 anti-tank RPGs to ship over to the mercs and Uke fighters.
      Each of those are about 15 lbs in weight, have a copper rod with high Simtex plastic explosive.
      They penetrate high tensile steel up to 3 inches , imagine packing 3 of those in a backpack, crouching down in a ditch and ambushing 3 tanks or troop carriers.
      Or fielding one shoulder mounted MANPAD that American troops have been teaching them how to use.
      I can now guess Putin will consider that an act of War by outside countries.

      This is starting to get out of hand , NATO , the Americans are poking the Bear and soon he will strike back if they keep it up.
      Putin ain’t right in this either, both sides need to try to cool it down.
      It’s too bad we don’t have any level headed leaders like JFK or Khrushchev this time around.
      It’s almost like the Globalists want a large conflagration, maybe it works for their world depopulation plan.

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    1. Yup and the Atlantic said today that they didn’t want WWIII over Ukraine.

      So look for them and the NY Times to start cheering for a war against Iran, them and the Saudis. You know Saudi Arabia, the only nation with flexible oil capacity.

      Biden did that.

  2. Why, at this point, does the U.S. Army need bases in Iraq? WTF are we still doing there? They don’t want us. We aren’t getting anything for it. We suck at “nation-building.” Is Iraq somehow the loss-leader for the globalist dickwads so we just can’t abandon it? Some State Department REMF reputation on the line?

    Seriously, people. Walk away. Just walk away. We have enough problems back CONUS.

  3. Iraq, oh yea that.

    Well we’ve all moved onto bigger things now so lets please try to stay current on Ukrainian Freeeeedom making.

    Iraq and Libya were two freedom wars ago, Common Man!

  4. Diplomatic Success in Bidenland.

    Biden sent his representatives crawling to Iran, asking for oil.

    Their response speaks for itself. Nonetheless, he will no doubt tumble to their terrorism, in the hopes of raising his approval numbers by momentarily lowering the price of gas by .03 a gallon.

  5. War is wonderful,for Kleptocrats.
    When your host mob begins to resent the theft, destruction and discord caused by a Government of Thieves for the benefit of Thieves…
    When the nation is bankrupt and all trust is gone..
    Rebellion appears in the wind?
    Declare WAR.
    Cause ,then “Its an emergency”.
    Invoke the “War measures Act” and crush your opponents.
    At home.
    Destroy enormous amounts of property and people ,as this provides cover for your ever more aggressive stealing..
    War is great,if you are a thief,a fool and a bandit.

    Otherwise “War” is no different that living in a Kleptocracy.
    You have no hope of keeping any wealth you create.
    You have no rights or freedoms.
    Society crumbles,because there is no point in contributing.

    So the push for War serves some peoples interests.
    the same people who brought our countries to this point..

    For the Libtard mantra,”Better to rule in Hell than share power in Paradise.”
